Media referencing the book of 1 Peter

Chapter 1


Prophecies of Christ

1 Peter 1:10-12 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Bible prophesied that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, would come to our earth. Many prophesies for...

Lessons From the Sanctuary

1 Peter 1:14-16 SSSH - The Sanctuary "The sanctuary is one of God's major devices to teach us the meaning of the gospel. ... This week's...

The Holy Spirit and Living a Holy Life

1 Peter 1:14-16 SSSH - The Holy Spirit and Spirituality "To keep the law is not legalism; it is faithfulness. The law does not save us. It never can. The la...

Holiness and Purity

1 Peter 1:15-16 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The ultimate purpose for our existence is to glorify God with our holiness. The real adventure of C...

Atonement in Symbols: Part 1

1 Peter 1:18-19 SSSH - Atonement and the Cross of Christ The atonement, as well as other aspects of how we relate to God, were demonstrated through symbols a...

Atonement: Purification Offering

1 Peter 1:18-19 SSSH - The Sanctuary "This week we will study several concepts linked to the 'purification offering' (also called 'sin of...

Jesus in the Writings of Peter

1 Peter 1:18-19 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "When you think about the life and death of Jesus and then realize that He was God, what does this t...

Seven Pillars of the Christian Church

1 Peter 1:18-20 Byron Spears How do the seven pillars of the Christian Church illustrate the plan of salvation?...

An Inheritance Incorruptible

1 Peter 1:22 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "How can we learn to be more loving? What choices must we make in order to be able to manifest the k...

The Word of God Endures

1 Peter 1:24-25 SSSH - Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Despite the advancement of time, knowledge and technology, the Bible remains just as relevant today ...

Suffering for Christ

1 Peter 1:6 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "How can we always be ready to face opposition for our faith, in whatever form that opposition comes...

The Birdcage

1 Peter 1:6 SSSH - The Refiner's Fire God plays a role in our lives, even when we face trials, but understanding how God fits into the tri...

Surviving the Great Tribulation

1 Peter 1:6-7 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Jesus said there will be a time of great trouble before He comes again. Do not worry about getting ...

The Perfecting of Our Faith

1 Peter 1:6-7 SSSH - The Book of James "We need to believe in a loving Father, rely on His wisdom, and act on the basis of His Word. We ca...

Chapter 2


A Royal Priesthood

1 Peter 2:1-3 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "A holy nation? A royal priesthood? Applied to ourselves, what should terms like this mean in regard...

Christ's Kingdom and the Law

1 Peter 2:11 SSSH - Christ and His Law "This week we'll look at the question of God's eternal kingdom and the role of the law in relation t...

Learning From The Kings, Pt. 4 (Nebuchadnezzar): Pride and Passion

1 Peter 2:11 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the last of a series on learning lessons from the kings of Israel. Power corrupts and the ki...

The Spirit and The Flesh

1 Peter 2:11 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The sermon focuses on Romans 7 and the battle between the spirit and the flesh. There are two laws a...

Winning the War With the Flesh

1 Peter 2:11 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message It is possible for us to trade eternal life for the pleasures of sin here on earth. How can we win ...

The Results of Stewardship

1 Peter 2:12 SSSH - Stewardship: Motives of the Heart "How often might we intellectually believe in God and in His love and care for us, and yet worry our...

Does God Believe in War?

1 Peter 2:13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Does God believe in war? What does the Bible say about war? The Bible predicts there will be wars an...

Social Relationships

1 Peter 2:13-23 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "Why is it important for Christians to be as good citizens as possible, even in less-than-ideal poli...

The Keys to Christian Growth, Pt. 2

1 Peter 2:2 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What are some keys to growing as a Christian? Part 2...

There's Something about Babies

1 Peter 2:2-3 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There is something about babies, even in the Bible. What does the Bible say about babies? We can lea...

God's Standards

1 Peter 2:21 Byron Spears God has a standard for each of us. He doesn't permit us to guess or else we'd each give different a...

Suffering for Christ

1 Peter 2:21 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "How can we always be ready to face opposition for our faith, in whatever form that opposition comes...

Jesus Throughout the Bible, Pt. 4

1 Peter 2:22 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The fourth in a series on types of Christ throughout the Bible. This message shows parallels between...

Christ, Our Sacrifice

1 Peter 2:24 SSSH - The Sanctuary "How do the concepts of death, sacrifice, and blood help to show us just how serious sin and its con...

Jesus in the Writings of Peter

1 Peter 2:24 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "When you think about the life and death of Jesus and then realize that He was God, what does this t...

What Is the Abomination of Desolation?

1 Peter 2:5 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What Is the Abomination of Desolation?...

What Is the Abomination of Desolation?

1 Peter 2:5 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What Is the Abomination of Desolation?...

A Nation of Kings

1 Peter 2:9 Here We Stand Why are there so many denominations? How do you know which is the right church? What does the Bible ...

A Royal Priesthood

1 Peter 2:9 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "A holy nation? A royal priesthood? Applied to ourselves, what should terms like this mean in regard...

Abiathar: The Priest

1 Peter 2:9 SSSH - Background Characters in the Old Testament Abiathar the priest had faithfully served David during his lifetime, but his unwillingness to adhere...

Abraham’s Seed

1 Peter 2:9 SSSH - The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant Our study this week focuses on the identity and role of God’s true Israel in every age, including ou...

Christian Traditions, Pt. 4

1 Peter 2:9 Bible Talk This is the fourth in a series on Christian unity and church traditions. This talk looks at the ordi...

Every Member Ministry

1 Peter 2:9 SSSH - Evangelism and Witnessing "Too often evangelism and witnessing are seen as the pastor's job alone this attitude is wrong."...

Images of Unity

1 Peter 2:9 SSSH - Oneness in Christ "The New Testament uses different metaphors to illustrate both the nature and mission of the church....

Jews and the Future - Part 3

1 Peter 2:9 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Jews were chosen by God to carry His great message to the nations. But the promises of prosperit...

Peter on the Great Controversy

1 Peter 2:9 SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption "Instead of us being concerned about being accepted by others and conforming to their opinions and t...

Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Pt. 5

1 Peter 2:9 Bible Talk This ongoing discussion on the second coming of Christ deals with the concept of the seven year trib...


1 Peter 2:9 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions In a world that seems intent on breaking down self-esteem, God offers a perspective of human value t...

The Mystery of Israel

1 Peter 2:9 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What is the role of Israel today? It is constantly in the headlines and still considered to be a hol...

The Richest Caveman - 2014

1 Peter 2:9 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Happiness does not come from fame or fortune. Pastor Doug Batchelor shares his life story and how h...

The Sin That Conquers Kings, Pt. 4

1 Peter 2:9 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We all struggle with pride. This message not only talks about the problems with pride, but also the...

What Have They Seen In Your House? - 2006

1 Peter 2:9 SSSH - Families in the Family of God A Christian's home life can be a powerful evangelistic tool....

What Have They Seen in Your House? - 2019

1 Peter 2:9 SSSH - Family Seasons "What have people seen in your house? What have heavenly angels seen? What kind of spirit permeates ...


1 Peter 2:9-10 SSSH - The Christian Life God created humanity to be social, and church provides a valuable social environment for His people ...

He Was in the House

1 Peter 2:9-10 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There are many different concepts on growing churches. One of the foundational truths about church g...

Chapter 3


Abraham, Pt. 2: My Sister, My Spouse

1 Peter 3:1 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the second of a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon focuses on Abraham's expe...

What Have They Seen in Your House? - 2019

1 Peter 3:1-2 SSSH - Family Seasons "What have people seen in your house? What have heavenly angels seen? What kind of spirit permeates ...

Unusual Biblical Cures

1 Peter 3:1-22 Bible Answers Live Estimates suggest that there are approximately 20,000 cases of snakebite in Nepal every year causing...

Destroying Your Witness

1 Peter 3:1-3 Creeping Compromise What do we think about the most? What subject is so important to us that we talk about it more than...

Social Relationships

1 Peter 3:1-7 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "Why is it important for Christians to be as good citizens as possible, even in less-than-ideal poli...

Deeper with God

1 Peter 3:15 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How can we develop a deeper relationship with God?...

Developing a Winning Attitude

1 Peter 3:15 SSSH - Making Friends for God: The Joy of Sharing in His Mission "Our attitudes often determine our ability to influence others. A harsh, critical, and unfriendly at...


1 Peter 3:15 SSSH - The Christian Life It is sometimes hard to find hope in our sinful world, but the Christian has hope now and forever in...


1 Peter 3:15 SSSH - The Christian Life The mission to preach the gospel to the whole world is at the heart of Christianity....

Modern Prophets

1 Peter 3:15 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Many people choose a church based on feeling and don't really know what their church believes. There...

Questions and Answers - Part 5

1 Peter 3:15 Joe Crews Radio Sermons This is a continued series on questions sent in by listeners....

The Unknown God

1 Peter 3:15 Stand: Unshakeable Faith In the Bible we are told to always be ready to give an answer of the things that we believe. Many p...

When God Said Remember - Part 1

1 Peter 3:15 Joe Crews Radio Sermons One of the most perplexing questions facing the religious world today is the question of the Sabbath...

Major Themes in 1 and 2 Peter

1 Peter 3:18 SSSH - Feed My Sheep This final week’s lesson will look in more detail at five of the themes Peter wrote about: the suffe...

In the Apostles' Creed, why does it say Jesus descended into hell?

1 Peter 3:19 Bible Question Archive In the Apostles' Creed, why does it say Jesus descended into hell? The Apostle's Creed is not Script...

What does it mean in 1 Peter 3 when it says Jesus preached to the spirits in prison?

1 Peter 3:19 Bible Question Archive What does it mean in 1 Peter 3 when it says Jesus preached to the spirits in prison? Does it mean Ch...

Tree of Eternal Life

1 Peter 3:20-21 Bible Answers Live In 1964, a grad student, Donald Currey was working with forestry personnel in the white mountains of...

Freedom From Addictions

1 Peter 3:3-4 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions The Bible says everyone is a slave, either to sin or to righteousness. Many substances and behaviors...

Witness, Worship and Wardrobe

1 Peter 3:3-4 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What should a Christian wear? Pastor Doug shares principles from the Bible on how to choose what is...

Abraham, Pt. 11: Mourning a Loss

1 Peter 3:6 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The eleventh in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. In this sermon we look at the death of Sara...

How to Make Wives Happy

1 Peter 3:7 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The American dream of a happy home has turned into a nightmare for many couples. Growing numbers of ...

Living for God

1 Peter 3:8-12 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "Are there some areas in which we need to be in complete unity of thought in order to function as a ...

Open Our Eyes

1 Peter 3:8-9 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor If we keep our eyes on Christ, He will keep us through temptation....

The Impact of Tithing

1 Peter 3:8-9 SSSH - Stewardship: Motives of the Heart 'The greatest blessing tithing teaches us is to trust God.'...

Chapter 4


Thinking Ahead: Bad Servant - Good Example

1 Peter 4:10 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How important is it for a believer to plan ahead and think about the future?...

When Tribulation Comes

1 Peter 4:12 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message In light of the terrorist attack on the U.S. in September of 2001 our country is experiencing tribul...

The Crucibles That Come

1 Peter 4:12-19 SSSH - The Refiner's Fire Living in a world of sin comes with inevitable trials. The Bible helps to put these trials into prop...

Trials, Pt. 1

1 Peter 4:13 Joe Crews Radio Sermons This broadcast focuses on the problem of human suffering. Why has God permitted difficulties to come...

Judgment Must Begin

1 Peter 4:17 SSSH - The Gospel - 1844 - and Judgment Several New Testament authors write of God's judgment of our works prior to the return of Jesus Chri...

Message to Laodicea - Rebuke and Remedy, Pt. 2

1 Peter 4:17 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the second of a two-part series on the message to the church of Laodicea as spoken in Revela...

No Place to Hide - Part 1

1 Peter 4:17 Joe Crews Radio Sermons One of the most sobering questions asked in the Bible is, 'What shall the end be of them that obey n...

The Great Judgment Day

1 Peter 4:17 Byron Spears One day we will have to face God in the judgement. Whether you believe in Him or not the fact remai...

The Pre-Advent Judgment

1 Peter 4:17 SSSH - The Book of Daniel God executes His judgment of humanity in full view of the universe, so fallen sinners may be vindica...

What does the Bible mean when it says judgment begins at the house of God?

1 Peter 4:17 Bible Question Archive In first Peter chapter 4 it speaks about the judgment beginning with believers. What does this mean...

Why does God judge His people?

1 Peter 4:17 Bible Question Archive Why does God judge His people? The Bible says all will stand before the seat of Christ. It makes sen...

Social Relationships

1 Peter 4:8 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "Why is it important for Christians to be as good citizens as possible, even in less-than-ideal poli...

Together for Life, Pt. 1

1 Peter 4:8 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Marriage is one of the most important covenants we can make. It is a public commitment before God. ...

Together for Life, Pt. 1

1 Peter 4:8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Marriage is one of the most important covenants we can make. It is a public commitment before God. ...

Together for Life, Pt. 2

1 Peter 4:8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Marriage is one of the most important covenants we can make. It is a public commitment before God. ...

Together for Life, Pt. 2

1 Peter 4:8 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Why do so many marriages end in divorce? Does the Bible offer any guidance on how to have a happy an...

Chapter 5


Servant Leadership

1 Peter 5:1-10 SSSH - Feed My Sheep 'Humility, rather than pride, should characterize the Christian’s relationship, not only with God bu...

Forgiving Friendly Fire

1 Peter 5:5-7 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Does God require complete forgiveness of people who have deeply hurt you? Is there ever a time when ...

Forgiving Friendly Fire

1 Peter 5:5-7 Reclaim Your Faith The devil makes sure that people will hurt us and let us down. How do we deal with that when it is s...

Times of Loss

1 Peter 5:6-7 SSSH - Family Seasons "This week, as we continue to look at family life, we will look at it in the context of the various ...

Divine Provision for Anxiety

1 Peter 5:7 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions One of the most destructive legacies of sin is the fear of an unknown future, or anxiety. The Bible ...

Destiny of Satan

1 Peter 5:8 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Is there really a devil? Where did Satan come from? The Bible talks clearly about the old serpent wh...

Open Our Eyes

1 Peter 5:8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message If we keep our eyes on Christ, He will keep us through temptation....

Open Our Eyes

1 Peter 5:8 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor If we keep our eyes on Christ, He will keep us through temptation....

Origin of Sin

1 Peter 5:8 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Is there a devil? Many people do not believe there is a devil. But what does the Bible say about the...

The Crucibles That Come

1 Peter 5:8 SSSH - The Refiner's Fire Living in a world of sin comes with inevitable trials. The Bible helps to put these trials into prop...

The Prince of Pride, Pt. 2

1 Peter 5:8 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Satan is the prince of pride and he will do whatever it takes to separate us from God, but God's lov...

Where Was God?

1 Peter 5:8-9 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor When tragedy strikes people ask, "Where is God? Is He happy that this happened? Does He care?" Ho...