Media referencing the book of Genesis

Chapter 1


Questions and Answers - Part 4

Genesis 1 Joe Crews Radio Sermons In this continued series on Bible questions sent in by listeners, the first question is: "Will you p...

Genesis History: Creation or Coincidence?

Genesis 1:1 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How did God create the heavens and the earth? Is evolution a viable view of how our world was made? ...

How Evolution Flunked Science - Part 1

Genesis 1:1 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Does the theory of evolution merit the support that would silence all opposing ideas? Spontaneous ge...

Jesus, Creator of Heaven and Earth

Genesis 1:1 SSSH - Origins "Only something greater than what it creates could have created it. Thus, only a Being greater than...

Seduction of the Innocent

Genesis 1:1 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Speculations garbed in scientific language are swallowed as truth. Theories of evolution are taken f...

The Challenge of Evolution

Genesis 1:1 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The broadcast discusses the Scopes trial and the issue of creationism and evolutionism. Science cont...

The Creation

Genesis 1:1 SSSH - Genesis (2022) Think about the vast power of God, who upholds the cosmos, and yet can be so near to each of us. Why...

The Blessings of the Prophetic Gift

Genesis 1:1-3 SSSH - The Prophetic Gift Throughout time, the gift of prophecy has been a blessing to the church in a number of ways....

Adam and Eve: The Intended Ideal

Genesis 1:1-31 SSSH - For Better or for Worse: Lessons From Old testament Couples Adam and Eve demonstrate both God's intended ideal for relationships as well as the consequences of ...

Cheating Death?

Genesis 1:1-31 Bible Answers Live Vladimir Lenin was the Russian leader of the Bolshevik revolution that brought the communist into po...

Evolution, Creation and Logic

Genesis 1:1-31 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor There are good reasons in geology, biology, archaeology, and paleontology that all support Creation....

Genesis History: A Good Beginning

Genesis 1:1-31 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message As we study Creation, we need to remember it is God's purpose to create us new. We have been damaged...

How Did We Get Here?

Genesis 1:1-31 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Where did we come from? Were we created by God, or did we evolve from random particles after a "big...

In The Beginning...

Genesis 1:1-31 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Genesis 1 and 2 give a clear and beautiful picture of how and why we came to exist....

Resisting Satan's Attacks

Genesis 1:1-31 Bible Answers Live It’s hard to imagine an average size man killing a full-grown bear with a stick, but it happened. On...

The Environment

Genesis 1:1-31 SSSH - Health & Healing The environment, as God created it, is full of healthful benefits, even after millennia of pollution...

The Provocation and Provision

Genesis 1:1-31 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption The controversy between God and Satan spilled into this world, but God's plan of salvation is to res...

The Restorer

Genesis 1:1-31 SSSH - The Holy Spirit Mankind was created in the image of God, but sullied that image with sin. The Holy Spirit works to r...

Evolution, Pt. 1

Genesis 1:11 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Since the Reformation the devil has been making inroads into God's church. Two movements in more rec...

Miraculous Rescue

Genesis 1:11 Bible Answers Live On a beautiful Sunday morning June 10th, 1990 a British Airways jet was packed with passengers flyin...

Did God create the entire solar system when He created the earth?

Genesis 1:16 Bible Question Archive Did God create the entire solar system when He created the earth? Pastor Doug shares that on the fou...

The Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

Genesis 1:2 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the first in a two-part series on the Holy Spirit. The Bible is clear that the Holy Spirit i...

Evolution and the Body - Part 1

Genesis 1:20 Joe Crews Radio Sermons In either creationism or evolutionism, both are based on faith since no one was around to watch firs...

Missing Links

Genesis 1:24 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What is the origin of life on our planet? If science is really true then how can the Bible also be t...

Confessions of Evolution

Genesis 1:24-25 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What do evolutionists know about the origin of the earth. Scientists advance theories, but that does...

God's Answer - Part 1

Genesis 1:24-25 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The theory of evolution has swept the world. Three principles of this theory that are foundational a...

How Evolution Flunked Science - Part 2

Genesis 1:25 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Evolutionary theory has failed the scientific test in many areas, including natural selection and mu...

Are God and Jesus the same person?

Genesis 1:26 Bible Question Archive Do Christians worship three Gods or one?...

Restoring Dominion

Genesis 1:26 SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community "We have been called by God to be a light and a source of healing and hope in our communities." ...

The Mystery of the Trinity

Genesis 1:26 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The Trinity is one of the deepest and most profound subjects that we can explore. This message will...

Why does God refer to Himself in the plural form in Genesis chapter 1?

Genesis 1:26 Bible Question Archive If God is one, why does He refer to Himself in the plural form? What does the Bible mean it says tha...

Why is the Trinity not mentioned in the Bible?

Genesis 1:26 Bible Question Archive Is the teaching of the Trinity Biblical? There seem to be various groups of believers that are chal...

Can You Prove That God Exists?

Genesis 1:26-27 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Is there any solid proof of God's existence?...

Can You Prove That God Exists?

Genesis 1:26-27 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Can we prove that God does exist?...

Creation and Fall

Genesis 1:26-27 SSSH - Oneness in Christ "Any attempt at understanding the nature of unity in the church must begin with God’s original plan ...

God's Answer - Part 2

Genesis 1:26-27 Joe Crews Radio Sermons In this second of a two-part series discussion the evolutionary theory, this talk will focus on God'...


Genesis 1:26-27 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions In a world that seems intent on breaking down self-esteem, God offers a perspective of human value t...

The Bible and Happiness

Genesis 1:26-27 SSSH - Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Happiness is often fleeting in our world of sin, but the Bible offers advice to find happiness that ...

What Happened?

Genesis 1:26-27 SSSH - The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant The biblical account of the Creation of humanity is one filled with hope, happiness, and perfection....

The Missionary Nature of God

Genesis 1:26-28 SSSH - Biblical Missionaries "Only by knowing where we came from are we off to a good start in knowing who we are, why we exist, ...

Nutrition in the Bible

Genesis 1:26-30 SSSH - Health & Healing Though our lives are more than just the food we eat, this food nourishes and sustains our bodies in ...

A Garment of Innocence

Genesis 1:27 SSSH - Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible Adam and Eve lost their original garments of light and purity, but God Himself supplied new garments...

Evolution, Pt. 1

Genesis 1:27 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Since the Reformation the devil has been making inroads into God's church. Two movements in more rec...

From Strays to Spiritual Leaders

Genesis 1:27 Bible Answers Live Dogs have gone to war for a thousand of years but, during the First World War, one clever K9 rose ab...

The "Restoration of All Things"

Genesis 1:27 SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community "Who are people in need of your help right now, help that you are especially equipped to give?"...

Lord of Our Labor

Genesis 1:27-28 SSSH - The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord Christ as Lord means we use our talents to be productive in our daily lives, even as we look toward ...

Crisis in Eden

Genesis 1:28 SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption "Adam and Eve started justifying their sin. What are ways that we seek to do the same? How often do ...

Stewardship and the Environment

Genesis 1:28 SSSH - Origins "...The concept of stewardship, in the context of the way in which we take care of the planet, is ti...

The Two Covenants - 2017

Genesis 1:28 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians (2017) "In what ways has your lack of faith in God’s promises caused you some pain? How can you learn from ...

Amazing Health Secrets: Eight Bible Principles for a Longer Life, Pt. 1

Genesis 1:29 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible provides answers to the healthcare crisis in America by providing simple lifestyle remedie...

Death in the Kitchen part 2

Genesis 1:29 Joe Crews Radio Sermons God provided us with an original diet that was plant-based. After the flood, when all vegetation was...

Drugs, Diet, and Death - Part 2

Genesis 1:29 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Most Americans follow their appetites when it comes to eating and drinking instead of using good rea...

How to Live Longer, Pt. 1

Genesis 1:29 Bible Talk God's original diet in the Garden of Eden was fruits, nuts, and grains and later vegetables. After N...

Refusing Babylon’s Buffet, Pt. 1

Genesis 1:29 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What does the Bible say about how to take care of our bodies so that we could have a longer, stronge...

Seven Secrets To Postpone Your Funeral

Genesis 1:29 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Millions today, maybe even you, are at risk of going to an early grave—often due to a lack of knowle...

Ten Times Wiser

Genesis 1:29 Millennium of Prophecy What does the Bible say about health? What was the original diet of mankind? Are there clean and unc...

Ten Times Wiser

Genesis 1:29 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor This sermon discusses what the Bible says about health. What was the original diet of mankind? Are t...

The USA in Bible Prophecy

Genesis 1:29 Bible Answers Live Today, the 33 square miles of Manhattan Island, in New York City, contains some of the world's most ...

What is the original diet? Do we need vegetables?

Genesis 1:29 Bible Question Archive What is the original diet? Do we need vegetables? The original diet in the Garden of Eden did not i...

What was God's original diet in the Garden of Eden?

Genesis 1:29 Bible Question Archive What was God's original diet in the Garden of Eden? Genesis speaks of a diet of fruits, grains, nuts...

You Are What You Eat

Genesis 1:29 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We are what we consume. Sometimes we become preoccupied with physical food, which is important, but...

Healing, Health and Holiness, Pt. 1

Genesis 1:29-30 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor God says we are to treat our bodies as a temple of the Holy Spirit and to not defile our bodies. Pa...

What was the light God made at the start of creation?

Genesis 1:3 Bible Question Archive What was the light God made at the start of creation? If God made the sun on the fourth day, where d...

Divine Wisdom

Genesis 1:31 SSSH - The Book of Proverbs "Wisdom is truth - the Truth as it exists in God, the source and foundation of all truth."...

Counterfeit Sabbath - Part 1

Genesis 1:5 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Sabbath (Saturday) as a day of rest and worship was changed to Sunday by the act of man, not God...

Evolution, Pt. 2

Genesis 1:5 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Evolution has attempted to created theories in sciences like geology and biology and call them facts...

Evolution, Pt. 2

Genesis 1:5 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Evolution has attempted to created theories in sciences like geology and biology and call them facts...

Forgery - Part 1

Genesis 1:5 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Many see Sunday as a sacred day of worship and believe the Bible provides authority for this change....

Amazing Wonders of Creation

Genesis 1:6-8 Free Book Library God's creation or Evolution? Which is it? Learn some interesting facts about creation that cannot be...

Living Courageously

Genesis 1:7 Bible Answers Live Back in January 1970, 30-year old David Kunst was inspired by the moon landing in the summer. He got...

The Atmosphere of Praise

Genesis 1:9-12 SSSH - Health & Healing Humans can only survive a few minutes without air. Because oxygen travels to every organ in our bodi...

Chapter 2


It Is Finished

Genesis 2:1 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God likes to finish what he starts. When Jesus said "It is Finished", before dying on the cross, He...

Adam and Eve: The Intended Ideal

Genesis 2:1-25 SSSH - For Better or for Worse: Lessons From Old testament Couples Adam and Eve demonstrate both God's intended ideal for relationships as well as the consequences of ...

How Did We Get Here?

Genesis 2:1-25 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Where did we come from? Were we created by God, or did we evolve from random particles after a "big...

In The Beginning...

Genesis 2:1-25 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Genesis 1 and 2 give a clear and beautiful picture of how and why we came to exist....

Nature as a Source of Health

Genesis 2:1-25 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions Though long marred by sin, the environment still contains many beautiful things from God. When used ...

The Early Earth

Genesis 2:1-25 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings The Creation account in Genesis 2 gives us important information about families, life, and God....

The Provocation and Provision

Genesis 2:1-25 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption The controversy between God and Satan spilled into this world, but God's plan of salvation is to res...

The Tree of Life

Genesis 2:1-25 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor God's wants us to be in good health, he has provide for us principles in His Word that will teach us...

Bricks Without Straw, Pt. 1

Genesis 2:1-3 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The Bible is a story of how God calls people out of slavery into the Promised Land, Part 1...

Christ and the Sabbath

Genesis 2:1-3 SSSH - Christ and His Law "The issue of an alternative day of worship was not introduced into Christianity unitl more than a c...

Don't Be Fooled

Genesis 2:1-3 New Revelation What does the Bible teach about God's day of worship? Many believe in ideas that are followed by the...

Genesis History: The Sabbath - Question, Objections, Arguments and Answers

Genesis 2:1-3 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This study of Genesis focuses on the creation of Sabbath and its purpose....

Questions and Answers - Part 7

Genesis 2:1-3 Joe Crews Radio Sermons In this broadcast questions are being answered that have been sent in by listeners. The first questi...

Rest and Restoration

Genesis 2:1-3 SSSH - Health & Healing Rest is such an important part of human health that God designed the daily and weekly cycles to incl...

The Lost Day of History, Pt. 1

Genesis 2:1-3 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Real love requires spending time together. That is why God created the seventh day of the week as a...

The Rest of Our Work, Pt. 1

Genesis 2:1-3 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Real love requires time. That is why after God made the world in six days, He made one more day for...

The RESToration of Life

Genesis 2:1-3 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor We should worship God every day. What is different about Sabbath? What is "Sabbath rest"?...

The Sabbath, Pt. 2

Genesis 2:1-3 Bible Talk The Bible teaches that the Sabbath is God's holy day. But how can we know which day of the week is t...

Seduction of the Innocent

Genesis 2:1-4 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Speculations garbed in scientific language are swallowed as truth. Theories of evolution are taken f...

The Environment

Genesis 2:1-7 SSSH - Health & Healing The environment, as God created it, is full of healthful benefits, even after millennia of pollution...

Satan Bound for 1000 Years

Genesis 2:10-14 Bible Answers Live The record for hiding out was made out by a young Chinese college student, by the name of Cheng Lou....

A Wonderful Work

Genesis 2:15 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Though we are not saved by works, God created work to be a blessing to mankind. Since the garden of ...

Creation Care

Genesis 2:15 SSSH - Glimpses of Our God "No question, this world is coming to an end it will not last forever. And yes, Jesus is coming soon...

A Garment of Innocence

Genesis 2:15-17 SSSH - Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible Adam and Eve lost their original garments of light and purity, but God Himself supplied new garments...

The Tree of Life

Genesis 2:15-17 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon focuses on trees in the Bible, especially the tree of life. Trees are a source of life. ...

Creation and Morality

Genesis 2:16-17 SSSH - Origins "People love to talk about 'human rights. ... How are we to determine what they are? Why should we...

Paradise Lost

Genesis 2:17 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Genesis 3 and 4 describe how the world fell into sin and the moral condition of the early Earth.,...

Happy Home - Part 1

Genesis 2:18 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What are the secrets of a happy home? The Bible talks about principles of having a better home and m...

Marriage Failures

Genesis 2:18 Joe Crews Radio Sermons We live at a time when millions of marriages are falling apart. Perhaps the saddest aspect of this i...

Marriage: A Gift from Eden

Genesis 2:18 SSSH - Origins "In both the Old and the New Testament, the marriage relation is employed to represent the tender an...

Social Support: The Tie That Binds

Genesis 2:18 SSSH - Health & Healing People were created to be social beings, and an adequate social network of love and support can prev...

When Alone

Genesis 2:18 SSSH - Family Seasons "This week we will look at the question of companionship and loneliness at the various times of life...

A Family of Families

Genesis 2:18-25 SSSH - Families in the Family of God The family has its origin in the Garden of Eden. Our spiritual family, the church, is composed of a ...

Has Holy Wedlock Become Unholy Deadlock?

Genesis 2:18-25 New Revelation The family unit is the basic building block of society. When the sacred institution of marriage is n...

Bricks Without Straw, Pt. 2

Genesis 2:2 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The Bible is a story of how God calls people out of slavery into the Promised Land, Part 2...

History's Greatest Hoax

Genesis 2:2 Prophecy Code An issue at the end of time will focus on worship. The beast of Revelation 13 seeks to force all to ...

The Creation Completed

Genesis 2:2 SSSH - Origins "This week's lesson reviews the Bible's brief description of the last three Creation days and the Sa...

History's Greatest Hoax

Genesis 2:2-3 Time is Ticking Away The longest commandment begins with the word "Remember" and the devil has been attacking that comman...


Genesis 2:2-3 SSSH - The Christian Life Sabbath is not only a sign between God and His people, but it also provides rest and physical relief...

The Rest of the Story

Genesis 2:2-3 Here We Stand What does the Bible say about the Sabbath? Why do most Christians worship on Sunday? Is this based o...

The Rest of the Story, Pt. 1

Genesis 2:2-3 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Why won't Bible Christians take a stand? So many Christian movements have come out of the dark ages ...

The Sabbath, Pt. 1

Genesis 2:2-3 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The longest commandment begins with the word “Remember” and the devil has been attacking that comman...

The Sabbath, Pt. 2

Genesis 2:2-3 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Time is the stuff that life is made of. God tells us in the Bible to show our faith in Him by honor...

Preparing for Change

Genesis 2:24 SSSH - Family Seasons "This week, let’s look at some of the changes that sooner or later, in one way or another, most of u...

Together for Life, Pt. 1

Genesis 2:24 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Marriage is one of the most important covenants we can make. It is a public commitment before God. ...

The Rhythms of Rest

Genesis 2:3 SSSH - Rest In Christ During this week, we will study God’s wonderful invitation to enter into a dynamic rest, again and a...

Genesis History (Adam and Eve): A Honeymoon in Paradise

Genesis 2:4-25 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This study on Genesis focuses on the time between the creation of the Sabbath and the entrance of si...

Are the Dead Really Dead?

Genesis 2:7 New Revelation What happens when you die? Does your spirit live beyond your body in a conscious form? Is the soul i...

Confusion in the Cemetery

Genesis 2:7 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There is confusion in the world about what happens when people die. What does the Bible say about th...

Confusion in the Cemetery, Pt. 1

Genesis 2:7 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Death is one of the most important subjects in life to understand....

Deadly Delusions

Genesis 2:7 Prophecy Code What does the Bible teach about what happens when we die? Do we go straight to heaven, hell, or some...

Deadly Delusions

Genesis 2:7 Time is Ticking Away What happens to people when they die? We do not need to be afraid of death....

Death and the Soul - Part 2

Genesis 2:7 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What is a soul according to the Bible? Does it live on eternally and separately from the body? Genes...

Death Delusions

Genesis 2:7 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What happens to people when they die? We don't need to be afraid of death. (Recorded in Australia i...

Family Night

Genesis 2:7 Byron Spears Marriage is the oldest institution that God has given to mankind. What was His purpose for it?...

God Sends Weather to Bring Victory

Genesis 2:7 Bible Answers Live In August 1814 America nearly lost their Independence from Great Britain. The British army had succe...


Genesis 2:7 SSSH - The Christian Life Life comes from God, and the Bible reveals that God wants us to have full, healthy, abundant life....

Mystery Solved

Genesis 2:7 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What happens when a person dies? This broadcast looks at what the Bible says about the subject of de...

Science and the Bible - Part 1

Genesis 2:7 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Science claims to "know", yet many scientific theories have been cast aside over the years. The Bibl...

Spirit Voices - Part 2

Genesis 2:7 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Modern spiritualism had its beginnings in 1848 with mysterious rappings in a house in New York. Was ...

The Atmosphere of Praise

Genesis 2:7 SSSH - Health & Healing Humans can only survive a few minutes without air. Because oxygen travels to every organ in our bodi...

The Royal Love Song - 2019

Genesis 2:7 SSSH - Family Seasons "How can we protect ourselves against cultural and moral forces that either make sexuality into noth...

The Value of a Soul

Genesis 2:7 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What is the value of your soul?...

Understanding Human Nature

Genesis 2:7 SSSH - Life Everlasting Is there an immaterial soul or spirit that consciously survives physical death? This week we will co...

What Happens After You Die? Pt. 2

Genesis 2:7 Bible Talk When a person dies do they go to heaven, hell, purgatory, or do they just sleep until Jesus returns?...

Empty Garden

Genesis 2:8-10 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Two important gardens are mentioned in Scripture. The first is our parents first home, the Garden of...

The Tree of Life

Genesis 2:8-9 Most Amazing Prophecies This sermon speaks about the tree of life in both Revelation and Genesis. We once had access to the ...

Chapter 3


A Garment of Innocence

Genesis 3:1-11 SSSH - Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible Adam and Eve lost their original garments of light and purity, but God Himself supplied new garments...

The Jobs: Living With Losses

Genesis 3:1-13 SSSH - For Better or for Worse: Lessons From Old testament Couples We know little about Job's relationship with his wife except how each of them reacted to the sufferi...

The Power of Choice

Genesis 3:1-13 SSSH - Health & Healing God gives us freedom of choice, but with that freedom comes the consequences of the choices we make....

Atonement Announced

Genesis 3:1-15 SSSH - Atonement and the Cross of Christ God first proclaimed the atonement through the coming Messiah in Genesis 3. He repeated this promise...

Adam and Eve: The Intended Ideal

Genesis 3:1-24 SSSH - For Better or for Worse: Lessons From Old testament Couples Adam and Eve demonstrate both God's intended ideal for relationships as well as the consequences of ...

Genesis History (Adam and Eve): The Entrance of Shame and Blame

Genesis 3:1-24 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon is on a pivotal chapter in Genesis (chapter 3) on sin and suffering. Here is the beginni...

Paradise Lost

Genesis 3:1-24 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Genesis 3 and 4 describe how the world fell into sin and the moral condition of the early Earth.,...


Genesis 3:1-24 SSSH - Families in the Family of God God's perfect plan for marriages and families was distorted by the curse of sin, but Christ offers a...

The Fall Into Sin

Genesis 3:1-24 SSSH - Atonement and the Cross of Christ Our world is full of sin and death because of a single act of rebellion that occurred a long time ag...

The Provocation and Provision

Genesis 3:1-24 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption The controversy between God and Satan spilled into this world, but God's plan of salvation is to res...

God's Free Grace

Genesis 3:1-5 Joe Crews Radio Sermons God created laws to govern mankind in relationship to Himself and others. Unlike the laws that gover...

Who Knows Best?

Genesis 3:1-5 Stand: Unshakeable Faith Why do we stand for God? What are the ways we can establish our faith and weather the storms that l...

Crucified and Risen - 2015

Genesis 3:1-6 SSSH - The Book of Luke For all else that it entails, the Cross is also the great divider of history....

I See, I Want, I Take

Genesis 3:1-6 SSSH - Stewardship: Motives of the Heart "It’s hard to imagine anything in the human character that is less reflective of the character of Ch...

The Devil’s Deadliest Deception

Genesis 3:1-7 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There will be many people in Heaven with different views on how to live but what we cannot get wrong...

Does Job Fear God for Naught?

Genesis 3:1-8 SSSH - The Book of Job "Adam and Eve, sinless beings amid a true paradise, transgressed and fell into sin because of Satan'...

A Woman, A Baby, and a Dragon

Genesis 3:14 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon begins with a brief discussion of Christmas and its roots and how Christians might celeb...

Creation and the Fall

Genesis 3:15 SSSH - Origins "Satan is a defeated foe, he is here on the earth, and he is determined to wreak as much havoc and d...

Crisis in Eden

Genesis 3:15 SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption "Adam and Eve started justifying their sin. What are ways that we seek to do the same? How often do ...

God's End-Time Church

Genesis 3:15 New Revelation What does the Bible say about God's end time church? There are so many different denominations. Is t...

Heavenly Sanctuary

Genesis 3:15 Bible Answers Live The largest building in the world by volume is the Boeing factory in Everett, Washington. This is wh...

Man Designed to be a Gardener

Genesis 3:15 Bible Answers Live There's a man from Gujarat, India called by many, "The man who made a forest." Back in 1979, 17-year...

Please explain about the woman's seed bruising the serpent's head.

Genesis 3:15 Bible Question Archive Please explain about the woman's seed bruising the serpent's head. This speaks about the war between...

Reviving a Remnant

Genesis 3:15 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible has a lot to say about God saving a remnant. This represents a small, surviving group of p...

Satan, a Defeated Enemy

Genesis 3:15 SSSH - The Book of Revelation "Revelation 12 is intended to provide God’s people with an assurance that Satan will not succeed."...

Solving the Messiah Mystery

Genesis 3:15 Most Amazing Prophecies A lot of people question whether Jesus really is the Messiah. Was He the Messiah? Many people say He...

Solving the Messiah Mystery, Pt. 1

Genesis 3:15 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Is Jesus the Messiah? Does He fulfill the hundreds of Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah?...

Ten Powerful Prenatal Prophecies

Genesis 3:15 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There are over 400 prophecies in the Old Testament that foretold the coming of Jesus. This message ...

The Fall

Genesis 3:15 SSSH - Genesis (2022) If Satan was able to deceive a sinless Eve in Eden, how much more vulnerable are we? What is our bes...

The Great Controversy: The Foundation

Genesis 3:15 SSSH - Growing In Christ "The great-controversy motif is the overarching concept that gives cohesion to Seventh-day Adentist ...

The Power of the Cross

Genesis 3:15 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What is the position, purpose and the power of the cross? Can it be applied to our lives today?...

Empty Garden

Genesis 3:15-24 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Two important gardens are mentioned in Scripture. The first is our parents first home, the Garden of...

How to Make Wives Happy

Genesis 3:16 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The American dream of a happy home has turned into a nightmare for many couples. Growing numbers of ...

Standing for Christ

Genesis 3:16 Bible Answers Live We’ve all heard fascinating stories of people who are marooned alone on lonely islands but few peopl...

The Tree of Death

Genesis 3:16 Bible Answers Live Hidden among the tropical beaches in the Gulf of Mexico in the Caribbean, you can find a harmless lo...

Lord of Our Labor

Genesis 3:17-19 SSSH - The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord Christ as Lord means we use our talents to be productive in our daily lives, even as we look toward ...

What was God's original diet in the Garden of Eden?

Genesis 3:18 Bible Question Archive What was God's original diet in the Garden of Eden? Genesis speaks of a diet of fruits, grains, nuts...

Seven Secrets To Postpone Your Funeral

Genesis 3:18-19 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Millions today, maybe even you, are at risk of going to an early grave—often due to a lack of knowle...

144,000 Sing Song of Deliverance

Genesis 3:21 Bible Answers Live With his steady bass, baritone voice, gospel singer and hymn composer, George Beverly Shea, has been...

Atonement in Symbols: Part 1

Genesis 3:21 SSSH - Atonement and the Cross of Christ The atonement, as well as other aspects of how we relate to God, were demonstrated through symbols a...

911 Calls to God

Genesis 3:22 Bible Answers Live 3 year old AJ Hayes from Kaiser Oregon has set the world record, being the youngest person to make a...

Lifetime Sentence

Genesis 3:22 Bible Answers Live In 1994 Aaron B. Anderson of Oklahoma, was found guilty of crimes ranging from sexual assault and la...

Space Age and Death

Genesis 3:22-23 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Will the great strides in science eventually conquer death? Many things have been accomplished that ...

Messengers of Light

Genesis 3:24 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Light travels at incredible speeds, but the Bible speaks of beings that travel much faster than that...

Advindication Part 6: Dealing With Death

Genesis 3:4 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the last in a series discussing unique doctrines of Seventh-day Adventists. This sermon talk...


Genesis 3:4 SSSH - The Christian Life Modern Christianity has much confusion about heaven, but the Bible offers a beautiful picture of wha...

Life After Death, Pt. 1

Genesis 3:4 Bible Talk When you die are you really dead? Are people immortal and continue to live in a different state afte...

Obeying God or Man

Genesis 3:4-5 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God gave us the 10 commandments as a covenant between Him and His people. He wrote these commandment...

Fig Leaves and Pharisees

Genesis 3:6 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message When Adam and Eve sinned, they tried to cover up their sin by sewing fig leaves and covering themsel...

Divine Provision for Anxiety

Genesis 3:6-10 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions One of the most destructive legacies of sin is the fear of an unknown future, or anxiety. The Bible ...

What Shall I Wear?

Genesis 3:7-21 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The topic of this sermon is, "What shall I wear?" The Bible has much to say about what we should wea...

Face to Face

Genesis 3:8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible says that the purpose of the plan of salvation is to bring us into the presence of God. Th...

Who Gets the Credit

Genesis 3:8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The battle between good and evil was instigated when Lucifer wanted the credit, he wanted recognitio...


Genesis 3:8-13 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions Though guilt is a common negative emotion, it can be used by God to lead sinners to repentance if ch...

The Pre-Advent Judgment - 2013

Genesis 3:8-20 SSSH - The Sanctuary "The pre-Advent judgment results in fulfilling the hopes of both God and the believers. God's desir...

God’s Mission to Us: Part 1

Genesis 3:9 SSSH - God's Mission - My Mission What are ways that you experience God’s presence in your life?...

Seeking After God

Genesis 3:9 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Does God want to be wanted? The first question in the Bible is God asking Adam, "Where are you?". T...

Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs

Genesis 3:9-10 SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption "What can be done for the people in your congregation who feel that they are alone in the world and ...


Genesis 3:9-12 SSSH - The Sanctuary "Central to the entire gospel is the concept of sacrifice. In the biblical languages, the words for...

Chapter 4


Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs

Genesis 4:1-15 SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption "What can be done for the people in your congregation who feel that they are alone in the world and ...

Out of Babylon Part 2

Genesis 4:1-15 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The greatest challenge to the church today does not come from without but within. There will be a pu...

Genesis History (Cain and Abel): The First Family Feud

Genesis 4:1-26 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message In this series on Genesis we look at the issue of the first family feud. Many people quit going to c...

Paradise Lost

Genesis 4:1-26 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Genesis 3 and 4 describe how the world fell into sin and the moral condition of the early Earth.,...

Worship in Genesis: Two Classes of Worshipers

Genesis 4:1-26 SSSH - Worship Genesis records the earliest worship styles and demonstrates how easy it is to worship ourselves ins...

His Glorious Purpose Foreshadowed in Types

Genesis 4:1-8 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption Many faithful believers lived before Jesus' ministry, but the promise of the Messiah always existed ...

Satan Bound for 1000 Years

Genesis 4:13 Bible Answers Live The record for hiding out was made out by a young Chinese college student, by the name of Cheng Lou....

666 and the Mark of the Beast

Genesis 4:15 Prophecy Code Is 666 the mark of the beast? What or who is the beast? What does the prophecy in Revelation 13 mean...

God's Health Plan

Genesis 4:15 Bible Answers Live Hulda Crooks was born in a log cabin in Saskatchewan Canada in 1896. One of 18 children Hulda gorged...

What is the mark of Cain?

Genesis 4:15 Bible Question Archive What is the mark of Cain? The Bible does not say. I don't believe God put a big check on Cain's fore...

Genesis History (Cain): Walking Separately

Genesis 4:16-24 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon on Cain in Genesis 4 speaks of him "going out" and building a city. He turned his back o...

Where did Cain's wife come from?

Genesis 4:17 Bible Question Archive Where did Cain's wife come from? Who was her family? Who were her parents? According to the Bible's ...

The Mark of Cain

Genesis 4:2 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What was the mark that God placed on Cain after he killed his brother?...

Buried Treasure

Genesis 4:23 Bible Answers Live In February 2013, a Northern California couple, while walking their dog on their country property ea...

Symbolic Acts

Genesis 4:3-7 SSSH - The Book of Jeremiah "We can rest assured that, despite the reality of human free will and free choices, and the often ca...

Cain and His Legacy

Genesis 4:7 SSSH - Genesis (2022) Why must we do all that we can in God’s power to eradicate sin from our lives?...

666 and the Mark of the Beast

Genesis 4:8-15 Time is Ticking Away The Bible is very clear that everyone gets one mark or the other - either the seal of God or the mar...

The Mark of Cain

Genesis 4:8-15 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What was the mark that God placed on Cain after he killed his brother?...

God and the Covenant

Genesis 4:8-19 SSSH - Ezra and Nehemiah 'Covenant is a legal establishment of a relationship. We broke it with God, but He is always faithfu...

Chapter 5


Genesis History (Cain): Walking Separately

Genesis 5:1-32 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon on Cain in Genesis 4 speaks of him "going out" and building a city. He turned his back o...

Walking With God in a Wicked World

Genesis 5:18-24 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How can we remain consistent Bible Christians when we are surrounded by so much worldly compromise?...

Walking With God

Genesis 5:21-24 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This New Year's sermon calls us to resolve to deepen our walk with God. Is your life entirely consec...

Chapter 6


Destruction and Renewal

Genesis 6:1-13 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings The flood in Noah's day demonstrates the capacity for unrepentant evil that exists in the hearts of ...

Who Are the Sons of God?

Genesis 6:1-2 Free Book Library Who are the sons of God in Genesis 6? Are they aliens, angels, or even ... our ancestors?! Uncover a...

Noah Found Grace

Genesis 6:1-22 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Noah’s experience and time are an example for our time. Just as Noah was saved by God’s grace, so ar...

Searching for Truth

Genesis 6:1-22 Bible Answers Live We have all heard of people that become sentimentally attached to their cars, the 1967 Austin Healy ...

What are Nephilim and do angels marry?

Genesis 6:1-3 Bible Question Archive Genesis chapter 6 speaks of the Sons of God marrying the daughters of men. Who are the Sons of God?...

Genesis History (Cain): Walking Separately

Genesis 6:1-4 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon on Cain in Genesis 4 speaks of him "going out" and building a city. He turned his back o...

Jephthah: God Calls the Outcasts

Genesis 6:1-5 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The first of a two part series on one of the early judges of Israel named Jephthah. He was an outcas...

Sons and Daughters of God

Genesis 6:1-5 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Who are the sons and daughters of God in Genesis 6? Join Pastor Doug Batchelor as he uncovers the re...

Worship in Genesis: Two Classes of Worshipers

Genesis 6:1-8 SSSH - Worship Genesis records the earliest worship styles and demonstrates how easy it is to worship ourselves ins...

All These Things - Part 4

Genesis 6:11 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Pollution in our society is rampant. Air and water pollution is making our planet more difficult to ...

God's Last Warning Message to the World

Genesis 6:11 Byron Spears God has a message for the world. Who has He commissioned to give it? The Preacher? The Bible Teach...

Point of No Return - Part 3

Genesis 6:3 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The last of a three part series on the unpardonable sin and grieving the Holy Spirit. The question c...

Who are the giants mentioned in Genesis chapter 6?

Genesis 6:4 Bible Question Archive Were the giants mentioned in Genesis chapter 6 unnatural offspring? What made them giants?...

God's Last Warning Message to the World

Genesis 6:5 Byron Spears God has a message for the world. Who has He commissioned to give it? The Preacher? The Bible Teach...

Three Worlds

Genesis 6:5 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The tragic news in our world today disturbs us as we see crime and lawlessness in almost every corne...

How could God destroy the earth by the great flood?

Genesis 6:5-7 Bible Question Archive How could God destroy the earth by the great flood? It broke God's heart when He saw how far mankind...

Retributive Punishment

Genesis 6:5-8 SSSH - The Book of Job "As humans we should always strive for the right balance between law and grace in our theology and i...

Noah and Today

Genesis 6:5-9 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Jesus is coming soon. Most people are more concerned about being conformed to the world than in prep...

All Future Generations

Genesis 6:8 SSSH - The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant In what ways is God’s grace revealed in the covenant with Noah before the Flood? What does the coven...

Missing Links

Genesis 6:8 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What is the origin of life on our planet? If science is really true then how can the Bible also be t...


Genesis 6:9 Mighty Men of God Honesty. Does anyone bother with it anymore? Could an honest man also be considered a mighty man?...

Walking in Integrity

Genesis 6:9 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Walking with God doesn't just mean that you occasionally think about God and you come to church once...

Walking With God

Genesis 6:9 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This New Year's sermon calls us to resolve to deepen our walk with God. Is your life entirely consec...

Genesis History (Noah): An Ark of Salvation

Genesis 6:9-22 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This study focuses on Noah and the ark of salvation in Genesis 6 and 7. We can know Noah and the flo...

Chapter 7


Questions and Answers - Part 3

Genesis 7 Joe Crews Radio Sermons This broadcast continues on a series on Bible questions sent in by listeners. The first question is,...

Destruction and Renewal

Genesis 7:1-24 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings The flood in Noah's day demonstrates the capacity for unrepentant evil that exists in the hearts of ...

Genesis History (Noah): An Ark of Salvation

Genesis 7:1-24 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This study focuses on Noah and the ark of salvation in Genesis 6 and 7. We can know Noah and the flo...

Noah Found Grace

Genesis 7:1-24 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Noah’s experience and time are an example for our time. Just as Noah was saved by God’s grace, so ar...

How Evolution Flunked Science - Part 2

Genesis 7:11-12 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Evolutionary theory has failed the scientific test in many areas, including natural selection and mu...

Noah and Today

Genesis 7:18-22 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Jesus is coming soon. Most people are more concerned about being conformed to the world than in prep...

Death in the Kitchen part 2

Genesis 7:2 Joe Crews Radio Sermons God provided us with an original diet that was plant-based. After the flood, when all vegetation was...

How many of each animal did Noah take on the ark?

Genesis 7:2 Bible Question Archive How many of each animal did Noah take on the ark? It talks about two categories of animals, clean an...

How to Live Longer, Pt. 1

Genesis 7:2 Bible Talk God's original diet in the Garden of Eden was fruits, nuts, and grains and later vegetables. After N...

Advindication Part 4: Healing the Health Message

Genesis 7:2-8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the fourth in a series on dealing with some common misunderstandings about the Seventh-day A...

A Homebase and Hiding Place

Genesis 7:23 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Many stories in the Scriptures speak of the desire of people wanting to go back home. This earth is ...

Chapter 8


Being Still Before God

Genesis 8:12 Bible Answers Live ave you ever longed for a quiet place away from the roar of traffic, blaring music and loud lawnmowe...

The Rhythms of Life

Genesis 8:22 SSSH - Family Seasons "This week let’s look at the seasons and rhythms of our lives, especially as they impact us and our ...

Chapter 9


The Covenant

Genesis 9:1-17 SSSH - The Book of Jeremiah "The salvation God provides is a gift, unmerited and undeserved, and the human response to that gift...

The Earth After the Flood

Genesis 9:1-29 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Not long after the flood, humanity had already fallen into sinful ways again....

The Priority of the Promise - 2017

Genesis 9:11-17 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians (2017) "What does it mean to you to know that you can trust God’s promises? Or perhaps the question should ...

Christ, the Law and the Covenants

Genesis 9:12-17 SSSH - Christ and His Law "God's eternal decision to save humanity has been revealed to us through the ages by the covenants."...

Destruction and Renewal

Genesis 9:16 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings The flood in Noah's day demonstrates the capacity for unrepentant evil that exists in the hearts of ...


Genesis 9:20-27 SSSH - Health & Healing The Bible strongly endorses temperance, which mean the total avoidance of harmful things and the use...

Jesus in All the Bible, Isaac

Genesis 9:26 From Cover to Cover From Cover to Cover - Jesus In All the Bible, Pt. 2: Isaac - This series, From Cover to Cover - Jes...

Building Designed by God

Genesis 9:3 Bible Answers Live Frank Lloyd Wright was probably the most famous and productive American architect. He produced well ...

Does the Bible say that its ok to eat meat?

Genesis 9:3 Bible Question Archive There are some who teach that we should not eat certain kinds of meat but doesn't the Bible say in t...

Matter of Life and Death

Genesis 9:6 Ten Commandments The sixth commandment is "Do not murder". Do not take another person's life in a pre-meditated, mal...

Chapter 10


Does the Bible mention Native American origins?

Genesis 10:25 Bible Question Archive Does the Bible have anything to say about Native Americans? Genesis 11 tells us the whole earth was ...

Baptized Paganism

Genesis 10:8-10 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Are pagan practices creeping into Christian churches today? This study looks at the story of Nimrod ...

The Final Kingdom

Genesis 10:8-10 Most Amazing Prophecies The Bible speaks of great kingdoms of this world that will come and go. There is only one kingdom th...

Chapter 11


The Earth After the Flood

Genesis 11:1-32 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Not long after the flood, humanity had already fallen into sinful ways again....

Does the Bible mention Native American origins?

Genesis 11:1-9 Bible Question Archive Does the Bible have anything to say about Native Americans? Genesis 11 tells us the whole earth was ...

Iraq and Babylon in Prophecy

Genesis 11:1-9 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Many Bible prophecies about the Middle East, including Babylon, sound like they are literally being ...

Out of Babylon Part 1

Genesis 11:1-9 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Babylon is not only a real kingdom that existed in ancient times, but it is symbolic of a power that...

Paganism in the Church - Part 2

Genesis 11:1-9 Joe Crews Radio Sermons A second in a series on paganism creeping into the church, this broadcast traces the roots of false ...

Abraham, Going with God

Genesis 11:27 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message All of us are being invited to take risks when we go for God, but we don't have to be afraid because...

Abraham, Pt. 1: Going by Faith

Genesis 11:27-32 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the first in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. He is a prime example of giving up all...

Are God and Jesus the same person?

Genesis 11:7 Bible Question Archive Do Christians worship three Gods or one?...

How a Nation Crumbles

Genesis 11:7-9 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible is a picture of two kingdoms that are in conflict....

All Nations and Babel

Genesis 11:9 SSSH - Genesis (2022) What example do we have from history, or even the present, of the trouble that can come from those w...

Chapter 12


Abraham, Going by Faith

Genesis 12:1 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Sometimes God calls us to go out and take a step of faith. The Bible tells us that God called Abrah...

The Chosen People, Pt. 1

Genesis 12:1 Bible Talk Many people who are interested in Bible prophecy believe that all eyes should be on modern Israel an...

The Man Abram

Genesis 12:1-20 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Abram lived a life of faith as an example for all of us....

Abraham: The First Missionary

Genesis 12:1-3 SSSH - Biblical Missionaries "Though hardly perfect, Abraham was a man of God, and time and again in the Bible, even in the New T...

Blessed by Association

Genesis 12:1-3 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor You receive a blessing, or a curse, depending on how you associate with others....

Islam, Christianity and Prophecy, Pt. 1 - Sibling Rivalry

Genesis 12:1-3 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The first part in a three-part series dealing with the subject of Christianity, Islam, and Prophecy ...

Islam, Christianity and Prophecy, Pt. 1 - Sibling Rivalry

Genesis 12:1-3 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The first part in a three-part series dealing with the subject of Christianity, Islam, and Prophecy ...

Jews and the Future - Part 1

Genesis 12:1-3 Joe Crews Radio Sermons For the first time in the history of the world there is within the hands of man the capability to de...

What a Blessing!

Genesis 12:1-3 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We have so much to be thankful for. Sometimes we miss out on blessings right in front of us, unclaim...

The Two Covenants - 2011

Genesis 12:1-5 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians A careful look at Paul's argument about the covenant promise of Isaac and its fulfillment in Christ ...

Abraham, Pt. 1: Going by Faith

Genesis 12:1-9 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the first in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. He is a prime example of giving up all...

Is Jesus the One?

Genesis 12:13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Who is Jesus? Even John the Baptist from prison wondered about Christ. The devil has been seeking to...

Temper, Temper

Genesis 12:13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message It is good for us as Christians to review the foundations of our faith. This sermon looks at Jesus C...

Abraham, Pt. 2: My Sister, My Spouse

Genesis 12:9-20 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the second of a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon focuses on Abraham's expe...

Chapter 13


Abraham, Pt. 3: Riches and Strife

Genesis 13:1-18 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The third in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon focuses on Abraham's wealth and th...

The Man Abram

Genesis 13:1-18 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Abram lived a life of faith as an example for all of us....

Biblical Myths - Part 3

Genesis 13:14-16 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Israel question centers around the belief that the promises to Abraham receiving a land primaril...

Chapter 14


The Man Abram

Genesis 14:1-16 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Abram lived a life of faith as an example for all of us....

Abraham, Pt. 4: Rescue and Reward

Genesis 14:1-24 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The fourth in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. His experiences are a miniature story of what...

Selling Salvation

Genesis 14:1-24 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Each of us is a minister of the gospel and as such we need to make a very distinct separation betwee...

Moving Mountains

Genesis 14:18 Bible Answers Live June 1, 2016, the world's longest and deepest tunnel called the Gotthard Base Tunnel opened in Swit...

Windows of Heaven

Genesis 14:18 Millennium of Prophecy This sermon speaks about the stewardship of everything we have, recognizing God owns all. It speaks ...

Christ, Our Priest

Genesis 14:18-20 SSSH - The Sanctuary "This week we will study the work of Jesus during His daily ministry and see some of the practical r...

Jesus in All the Bible, Isaac

Genesis 14:18-20 From Cover to Cover From Cover to Cover - Jesus In All the Bible, Pt. 2: Isaac - This series, From Cover to Cover - Jes...

Who was Melchisedec?

Genesis 14:18-20 Bible Question Archive Who was Melchisedec? Where did he come from? Where did he go? We don't know much about him, but what...

Worldwide Embezzlement Scandal

Genesis 14:20 New Revelation What does the Bible say about money? In the judgment God will look at not only who we are but we do ...

Chapter 15


Abraham, Pt. 4: Rescue and Reward

Genesis 15:1 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The fourth in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. His experiences are a miniature story of what...

Abraham, Pt. 5: Righteous by Faith

Genesis 15:1-21 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the fifth in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon reminds us that just as Ab...

The Covenant With Abraham

Genesis 15:2 SSSH - Genesis (2022) How can we learn to keep focused on Christ and His righteousness as our only hope of salvation? What...

Creation and Fall

Genesis 15:5-6 SSSH - Oneness in Christ "Any attempt at understanding the nature of unity in the church must begin with God’s original plan ...

Old Testament Faith - 2011

Genesis 15:6 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians Paul clearly outlines the consistency of the gospel message and uses Abraham's example to illustrate...

Old Testament Faith - 2017

Genesis 15:6 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians (2017) "From start to finish in the Christian life, the basis of our salvation is faith in Christ alone. T...

The Faith of Abraham

Genesis 15:6 SSSH - Salvation by Faith Alone: The Book of Romans "As justified sinners, we have been made the recipients of grace and undeserved favor from God, agai...

The Sermon on the Mount

Genesis 15:6 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "How different would your life be, right now, were you to love your enemies?" (Chantal and Gerald Kl...

Chapter 16


Abraham, Pt. 6: The Surrogate Son

Genesis 16:1-16 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the sixth in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon focuses on Hagar and Ishma...

Faith and Frailty

Genesis 16:1-16 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Abram and Sarai become Abraham and Sarah as their personal and spiritual lives progress up to the de...

Arabs, Israelites and Inspiration

Genesis 16:11-12 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Bible record of ancient cities and people's has been proven, by archaeology, to have existed. On...

Chapter 17


How Perfect Should a Christian Be?

Genesis 17:1 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor When we think about perfection and Christianity there are a lot of misconceptions. While some Script...

Abraham, Pt. 7: A New Name

Genesis 17:1-27 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The seventh in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. When God cleanses us from sin, we are by fai...

Faith and Frailty

Genesis 17:1-27 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Abram and Sarai become Abraham and Sarah as their personal and spiritual lives progress up to the de...

Abraham and Sarah: Faith Tested and Tried

Genesis 17:15-17 SSSH - For Better or for Worse: Lessons From Old testament Couples Though Abraham is often cited as an example of faith, his relationship with Sarah was strained at ti...

An Everlasting Covenant

Genesis 17:7 SSSH - The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant God called Abraham into a special relationship with Him, one that would reveal the plan of salvation...

The Everlasting Covenant

Genesis 17:7 SSSH - Present Truth in Deuteronomy God out of His saving grace and love offers you a salvation that you do not deserve and cannot possi...

God’s Seal or the Beast’s Mark?

Genesis 17:9-11 SSSH - Preparation for the End Time "Why is the Sabbath so important, and what special significance does it have for Christians?"...

Chapter 18


A Sacred Supper

Genesis 18:1-33 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible begins and ends with food. It is a very important part of life. Sharing a meal is pleasan...

Abraham, Pt. 8: Entertain and Intercede

Genesis 18:1-33 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is part 8 of a sermon series on Abraham and deals with Genesis 18 and 19. The topic is on hospi...

Faith and Frailty

Genesis 18:1-33 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Abram and Sarai become Abraham and Sarah as their personal and spiritual lives progress up to the de...

The Heart of the Cross

Genesis 18:1-33 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption The cross demonstrates that one man's righteousness brought life to the entire fallen human race....

The Truth about Lying

Genesis 18:10-15 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the first in a two-part series on honesty. Sin first entered our world through a lie. One of...

Season of Parenting

Genesis 18:11 SSSH - Family Seasons "This week we will spend time exploring the season of parenting with its challenges, fears, satisfac...

Chapter 19


Why did Lot give his daughters to the crowd?

Genesis 19:1-11 Bible Question Archive Why did Lot give his daughters to the crowd? It was a middle eastern custom that when you have guest...

Lot's Lingering

Genesis 19:1-29 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Society tends to encourage a victim mindset by hesitating to call sin by its right name. But iniquit...

Abraham, Pt. 8: Entertain and Intercede

Genesis 19:1-38 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is part 8 of a sermon series on Abraham and deals with Genesis 18 and 19. The topic is on hospi...

Cities of Ash

Genesis 19:12-26 Millennium of Prophecy What does the Bible teach about hell? Is there really a hell? Where is it located and who is in char...

Business as Usual

Genesis 19:25 Joe Crews Radio Sermons People hesitate to their peril to follow God's warning of a destruction to come upon this earth just...

Cities of Ash, Pt. 1

Genesis 19:26 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Why would God burn people forever and ever for the sins of a brief lifetime? Is that what the Bible ...

The Lake of Fire

Genesis 19:28 Time is Ticking Away Why would God burn His creatures alive for ever and ever? Does hell have a purpose other than never-...

Chapter 20


Abraham, Pt. 9: Right Relationships

Genesis 20:1-18 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The ninth in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. Here we look at Abraham's relationship with Ab...

The Triumph of Faith

Genesis 20:1-18 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Abraham is called to the ultimate test of faith: the sacrifice of his son Isaac....

Chapter 21


Abraham, Pt. 9: Right Relationships

Genesis 21:1-34 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The ninth in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. Here we look at Abraham's relationship with Ab...

The Triumph of Faith

Genesis 21:1-34 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Abraham is called to the ultimate test of faith: the sacrifice of his son Isaac....

The Two Covenants - 2011

Genesis 21:8-12 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians A careful look at Paul's argument about the covenant promise of Isaac and its fulfillment in Christ ...

Chapter 22


Abraham, Pt. 10: The Ultimate Test

Genesis 22:1-19 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the tenth in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon focuses on the ultimate te...

His Glorious Purpose Foreshadowed in Types

Genesis 22:1-19 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption Many faithful believers lived before Jesus' ministry, but the promise of the Messiah always existed ...

Abraham and Sarah: Faith Tested and Tried

Genesis 22:1-24 SSSH - For Better or for Worse: Lessons From Old testament Couples Though Abraham is often cited as an example of faith, his relationship with Sarah was strained at ti...

Extreme Heat

Genesis 22:1-24 SSSH - The Refiner's Fire Experiencing extreme pain or difficulty can cause people to reject God or form untrue opinions of Hi...

The Triumph of Faith

Genesis 22:1-24 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Abraham is called to the ultimate test of faith: the sacrifice of his son Isaac....


Genesis 22:2 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Scripture share that there are many stories in the Bible that speak about mountains. The most fa...

Shepherds, Sheep and Lambs

Genesis 22:6-19 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message To understand the Bible, we need to understand the care of sheep because the Bible is full of storie...


Genesis 22:8 SSSH - The Christian Life Once we understand the destructive power of sin, the miracle of the grace God provided at the cross ...

Chapter 23


Abraham, Pt. 11: Mourning a Loss

Genesis 23:1-20 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The eleventh in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. In this sermon we look at the death of Sara...

Chapter 24


The Promise

Genesis 24:1 SSSH - Genesis (2022) Why is it so comforting to know that while not all things are God’s will, He is still in charge?...

Abraham, Pt. 12: Finding the Right Bride

Genesis 24:1-67 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The last in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon focuses on the search for a bride f...

Isaac and Rebekah: Rearing Rivals

Genesis 24:1-67 SSSH - For Better or for Worse: Lessons From Old testament Couples Jacob and Esau had a rivalry that remained well beyond either man's life, but their parents were not...

Chapter 25


Abraham, Pt. 12: Finding the Right Bride

Genesis 25:1-11 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The last in a 12 part series on the life of Abraham. This sermon focuses on the search for a bride f...

Islam, Christianity and Prophecy, Pt. 2 - From Mecca to Rome

Genesis 25:18 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The second part of a three-part series dealing with the subject of Christianity, Islam, and Prophecy...

Islam, Christianity and Prophecy, Pt. 2 - From Mecca to Rome

Genesis 25:18 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Where does Islam fit in Bible Prophecy?...

Isaac and Rebekah: Rearing Rivals

Genesis 25:19-34 SSSH - For Better or for Worse: Lessons From Old testament Couples Jacob and Esau had a rivalry that remained well beyond either man's life, but their parents were not...

Chapter 26


The Price of Duplicity

Genesis 26:1-35 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Jacob lies to his father to steal his brother's birthright and faces enormous consequences. Despite ...

Blessed by Association

Genesis 26:24 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor You receive a blessing, or a curse, depending on how you associate with others....

Isaac: Birthright and Bad Bargains

Genesis 26:34-35 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon looks at the story of Isaac who intended to bless his eldest son Esau, but is tricked an...

Advindication Part 1: Is Obedience Legalism?

Genesis 26:5 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the beginning of a sermon series titled "Advindication" which is a play on words between "Ad...

Did Israelites have moral standards before the Ten Commandments?

Genesis 26:5 Bible Question Archive Did the Israelites have moral standards before the Ten Commandments were given from Mt. Sinai? The l...

Chapter 27


Isaac: Birthright and Bad Bargains

Genesis 27:1-40 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon looks at the story of Isaac who intended to bless his eldest son Esau, but is tricked an...

The Price of Duplicity

Genesis 27:1-46 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Jacob lies to his father to steal his brother's birthright and faces enormous consequences. Despite ...

The Truth about Lying

Genesis 27:1-46 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the first in a two-part series on honesty. Sin first entered our world through a lie. One of...

Jacob the Supplanter

Genesis 27:36 SSSH - Genesis (2022) How can we learn to trust God when we don’t see “justice” being done, when we see people who do evil...

Chapter 28


The Price of Duplicity

Genesis 28:1-22 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Jacob lies to his father to steal his brother's birthright and faces enormous consequences. Despite ...

The Rock That Will Not Roll

Genesis 28:10-22 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Rocks are spoken of throughout all the Bible. Jesus is symbolized as a rock that will not move. A ro...

Never Alone

Genesis 28:11-15 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor We are never alone....

Islam, Christianity and Prophecy, Pt. 1 - Sibling Rivalry

Genesis 28:14 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The first part in a three-part series dealing with the subject of Christianity, Islam, and Prophecy ...

Islam, Christianity and Prophecy, Pt. 1 - Sibling Rivalry

Genesis 28:14 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The first part in a three-part series dealing with the subject of Christianity, Islam, and Prophecy ...

Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs

Genesis 28:15 SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption "What can be done for the people in your congregation who feel that they are alone in the world and ...

Worship in Genesis: Two Classes of Worshipers

Genesis 28:16-17 SSSH - Worship Genesis records the earliest worship styles and demonstrates how easy it is to worship ourselves ins...

Isaac and Rebekah: Rearing Rivals

Genesis 28:3 SSSH - For Better or for Worse: Lessons From Old testament Couples Jacob and Esau had a rivalry that remained well beyond either man's life, but their parents were not...

Chapter 29


Jacob Becomes Israel

Genesis 29:1-35 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Jacob labors for 14 years to marry Rachel, then returns to Canaan to face his estranged brother. Alo...

Jacob and Rachel: Labor of Love

Genesis 29:15-30 SSSH - For Better or for Worse: Lessons From Old testament Couples Jacob was willing to work for fourteen years to earn Rachel's hand in marriage because of his unwave...

More Praise in Your Days

Genesis 29:35 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon speaks of praise in the Scriptures. Praise is spoken throughout the Bible. Praise encour...

Chapter 30


Jacob and Rachel: Labor of Love

Genesis 30:1-43 SSSH - For Better or for Worse: Lessons From Old testament Couples Jacob was willing to work for fourteen years to earn Rachel's hand in marriage because of his unwave...

Jacob Becomes Israel

Genesis 30:1-43 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Jacob labors for 14 years to marry Rachel, then returns to Canaan to face his estranged brother. Alo...

Chapter 31


Jacob Becomes Israel

Genesis 31:1-55 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Jacob labors for 14 years to marry Rachel, then returns to Canaan to face his estranged brother. Alo...

A Sacred Supper

Genesis 31:44-46 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible begins and ends with food. It is a very important part of life. Sharing a meal is pleasan...

Chapter 32


Struggling With All Energy

Genesis 32:1-32 SSSH - The Refiner's Fire Relating to God often requires perseverance and struggle, but God's grace can transform the human he...

Giving Reasons For Giving

Genesis 32:10 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Giving is essential to our happiness and success as Christians. We can resist having a giving heart....

Embracing Humility

Genesis 32:22-32 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The supreme motive of hell is selfishness and the highest motive of heaven is love. Humility lays th...

Jacob - Israel

Genesis 32:28 SSSH - Genesis (2022) What are the idols of our culture, our civilization? How can we make sure we aren’t worshiping anyon...

The Mystery of Israel

Genesis 32:28 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What is the role of Israel today? It is constantly in the headlines and still considered to be a hol...

Chapter 33


Keys to Family Unity - 2019

Genesis 33:12-14 SSSH - Family Seasons "It’s one thing to quote Bible texts about oneness in Christ; it’s wholly another to actually experi...

Chapter 34


The Coat of Different Colors

Genesis 34:1-31 SSSH - Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible Excited by envy, the other sons of Jacob stripped Joseph of his colorful coat and sold him into slav...

Chapter 37


From Prison Cell to Palace

Genesis 37:1-36 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Jacob has twelve sons. One, Joseph, is sold into slavery by his brothers, but endures servitude and ...

The Coat of Different Colors

Genesis 37:12-36 SSSH - Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible Excited by envy, the other sons of Jacob stripped Joseph of his colorful coat and sold him into slav...

Joseph, Master of Dreams

Genesis 37:19 SSSH - Genesis (2022) How can we learn to trust God and cling to His promises when events don’t appear providential at all...

The Coat of Different Colors

Genesis 37:3-11 SSSH - Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible Excited by envy, the other sons of Jacob stripped Joseph of his colorful coat and sold him into slav...

Chapter 38


From Prison Cell to Palace

Genesis 38:1-30 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Jacob has twelve sons. One, Joseph, is sold into slavery by his brothers, but endures servitude and ...

Chapter 39


From Prison Cell to Palace

Genesis 39:1-23 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Jacob has twelve sons. One, Joseph, is sold into slavery by his brothers, but endures servitude and ...

Blessed by Association

Genesis 39:2-5 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor You receive a blessing, or a curse, depending on how you associate with others....

Chapter 41


The Prince and The Paupers

Genesis 41:14-41 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The essence of salvation is Jesus trading places with us. Using Mark Twain's story as a launching po...

Joseph, Prince of Egypt

Genesis 41:41 SSSH - Genesis (2022) What are ways that others should be able to see, from the kind of lives that we live, the reality of...


Genesis 41:8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Our God is all-powerful, but there are both good and powers at work in our world today. Which power...

Chapter 42


The End of the Beginning

Genesis 42:1-38 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Joseph rises to prominence and reunites with his brothers and father. Thus, the nation of Israel was...

Chapter 43


The End of the Beginning

Genesis 43:1-34 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Joseph rises to prominence and reunites with his brothers and father. Thus, the nation of Israel was...

Chapter 44


The End of the Beginning

Genesis 44:1-34 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Joseph rises to prominence and reunites with his brothers and father. Thus, the nation of Israel was...

Chapter 45


Turning Your Trials Into Triumph, Pt. 1

Genesis 45:4-8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Why do we go through trials? How can we turn our trials into triumphs? Part 1 of 2...

Turning Your Trials Into Triumph, Pt. 1

Genesis 45:4-8 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Why do we go through trials? How can we turn our trials into triumphs? Part 1 of 2...

Rest, Relationships and Healing

Genesis 45:5 SSSH - Rest In Christ This week we will look at forgiveness and what it can do for restless human hearts. Without forgive...

Chapter 47


Israel in Egypt

Genesis 47:27 SSSH - Genesis (2022) Though God intimately knows the future, we are still free in the choices we make. How do we reconcil...