Media referencing the book of John

Chapter 1


Back to Jerusalem

John 1:1 Millennium of Prophecy Revelation is a book that reveals Jesus Christ. We understand the prophecies of this book is through...

Is There Anything Left You Can Trust?

John 1:1 New Revelation What is the Bible? Can we trust the Scriptures? Are they are reliable source of information and dire...

Is There Life on Other Worlds?

John 1:1 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon asks, "Is there life on other planets?" Pastor Doug speaks about the vastness of space a...

Surviving a Fall

John 1:1 Bible Answers Live Don't let their saggy skin fool you. Iguanas are remarkable reptiles found mostly in the Caribbean i...

The Backstory: The Prologue

John 1:1 SSSH - Themes in the Gospel of John This week’s lesson will begin with the Prologue (John 1:1–18) and summarize its major themes. These ...

Job's Redeemer

John 1:1-14 SSSH - The Book of Job "Job saw God as Creator; after the cross, we see Him as Creator and Redeemer, or particularly, the C...

A Body You Have Prepared for Me

John 1:1-3 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption To begin to understand what Jesus accomplished on the cross, we must understand who and what He was ...

From Exalted to Cast Down

John 1:1-3 SSSH - Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible Lucifer fell from his high and exalted position among Heaven's angels to become Satan, the accuser....


John 1:1-3 SSSH - The Christian Life Life comes from God, and the Bible reveals that God wants us to have full, healthy, abundant life....

Lord of Our Body Temples

John 1:1-3 SSSH - The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord Christ is both our Creator and Redeemer, and as such claims Lordship over our bodies....

The Mystery of His Deity

John 1:1-3 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus One of the great mysteries of Jesus is His deity, or His preexistence as God before becoming a man....

The Sabbath

John 1:1-3 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "The same God who created humanity with the need to rest also provided the means to rest: a weekly d...

The Word Became Flesh

John 1:1-3 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The One who created all things through words became human and came to Earth to live with us....

Was Jesus a created angel?

John 1:1-3 Bible Question Archive Was Jesus a created angel? Jesus tells us in Revelation that He is the Alpha and the Omega who alway...

What is God's real and personal name?

John 1:1-3 Bible Question Archive What is God's real name? How do you pronounce God's name? Does it matter which name we use for God?...

Creation: Genesis as Foundation, Pt. 1

John 1:1-4 SSSH - How to Interpret Scripture 'The first chapters of Genesis are foundational for the rest of Scripture. The major teachings or do...

A Divine Dictionary in a Diaper

John 1:1-5 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us. The Son of God became a baby and lived among men. Why?...

Experiencing the Word of Life

John 1:1-5 SSSH - Loved and Loving: John's Epistles There are similarities between the openings of 1 John and John's gospel, and the role of fellowship ...

The Marvel of the Incarnation

John 1:1-5 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God became a man to save humanity. There are some things we cannot understand, like the mystery of ...

Opening Our Homes to Christ

John 1:10 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Are we inviting Christ into our homes and into our churches and developing a relationship with Him?...

Cost of Obedience

John 1:11 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Though sin has created a difficult predicament for people, Jesus is coming soon and will set us free...

Blood on the Throne

John 1:12 Time is Ticking Away Why did Jesus have to die? What do people mean when they say that they've been cleansed by the bloo...

What is Salvation?, Pt. 2

John 1:12 Bible Talk We can have confidence in our salvation when we honestly come in repentance and call upon Jesus. Whi...

Saved by Grace - Part 2

John 1:14 Joe Crews Radio Sermons We have learned in the previous broadcast that people in the Old Testament were saved by grace just ...

The Marvel of the Incarnation

John 1:14 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God became a man to save humanity. There are some things we cannot understand, like the mystery of ...

The Reality of His Humanity

John 1:14 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus That God would become human and take our sinful nature has caused controversy with individuals and w...

The Word Became Flesh

John 1:14 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The One who created all things through words became human and came to Earth to live with us....

Christ, the Law and the Gospel

John 1:17 SSSH - Christ and His Law "Grace not only frees us from the condemnation of the law, but it enables us to keep the law in the ...

The Controversy

John 1:17 SSSH - Salvation by Faith Alone: The Book of Romans "What are some of your favorite Bible promises? How often do you claim them? What choices are you ma...

The Wonder of the Word, Pt. 1

John 1:17 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The dozens of predictions and prophecies about Jesus' life could never have happened by chance alone...

Elijah - Part 2

John 1:19-23 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The world's greatest weather-prophet was Elijah. On Mt. Carmel, Elijah challenged the prophets of Ba...

John the Baptist: The Greatest Prophet

John 1:19-23 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This study is on John the Baptist, who Jesus called the greatest prophet. He was a prophet of destin...

John the Baptist Part 1: Spirit and Power of Elijah

John 1:19-28 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The first of a two part series on John the Baptist, known by Jesus as the greatest prophet in all th...

John the Baptist Part 2: A Voice in the Wilderness

John 1:19-34 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The second in a two part series on the life of John the Baptist. Many parallels between the life of ...

Blood on the Throne

John 1:29 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Is everyone going to be saved? Did Jesus die for everyone? What do we need to do to be saved? The...

Blood on the Throne

John 1:29 Time is Ticking Away Why did Jesus have to die? What do people mean when they say that they've been cleansed by the bloo...

Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary

John 1:29 SSSH - Preparation for the End Time "What is Christ doing for us in the heavenly sanctuary, and why is it so important for us to underst...

Come and See - 2017

John 1:29 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message John was a very visual writer and used words like "light" and "sight" -- many times in the just the ...

In the Shadow of Calvary

John 1:29 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption John the Baptist prepared the people for Christ's ministry and Jesus warned of His own death, but th...

Living as Children of God

John 1:29 SSSH - Loved and Loving: John's Epistles John discusses what it means to be 'sons of God.'...

The Supreme Sacrifice

John 1:29 Millennium of Prophecy Have you ever made a supreme sacrifice where it cost you everything you had and then some? Most of u...

Who Is Jesus?

John 1:29 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Who is Jesus? Did God really come to Earth in the form of a man to save us?...

The Holy Spirit Symbolized in Scripture

John 1:32 SSSH - The Holy Spirit The Bible uses several symbols for the Holy Spirit to help us understand Him and His ministry....

The Legacy of Andrew

John 1:35-40 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The legacy of Andrew the apostle is that he frequently brought people to Jesus....

Called to Discipleship by Jesus

John 1:35-51 SSSH - Discipleship Learning about the initial call of the twelve apostles teaches us how to respond to Christ's call to...


John 1:37 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon looks at John 15 and Jesus' words about vines and branches. Some important lessons come ...

Suicide of a Planet

John 1:4 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Many say that our materialistic society is failing fast. Major issues in our culture are shaking peo...

Seeing God

John 1:4-14 Formula 4 Faith There are several steps in the process or formula of salvation. This first presentation of the seri...

What Have They Seen In Your House? - 2006

John 1:40-42 SSSH - Families in the Family of God A Christian's home life can be a powerful evangelistic tool....

Can Any Good Thing?

John 1:43-46 Joe Crews Radio Sermons How could Jesus, the Messiah, come out of a wicked city? The Bible says, 'Come and see.' Jesus was a...

Jesus Throughout the Bible, Pt. 1

John 1:45 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Get ready for an incredible journey as we examine the symbols of Jesus throughout the Bible. See the...

Jew and Gentile

John 1:7 SSSH - Redemption in Romans The introduction of Gentiles into the Christian church caused dissension among some Jews who wanted ...

Chapter 2


What Does the Bible Say About Sex?

John 2:1-12 Bible Talk What does the Bible say about celibacy? This broadcast focuses on a passage in 1 Corinthians 7. Does...

A Portrait of Mary: Mother of Jesus

John 2:1-3 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What does the Bible say about Jesus' mother? What is the Immaculate Conception? Do we need to pray t...

Words Are Powerful

John 2:10 Bible Answers Live There’s an island in the north Arctic sea called Kaldai which contains perhaps the most curious lake...

Cleansing the Temple

John 2:11-22 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Jesus cleansed the earthly sanctuary twice in His ministry. God wants to cleanse and inhabit our liv...

Cleansing the Temple

John 2:11-22 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Jesus cleansed the earthly sanctuary twice in His ministry. He eventually left their house desolate....

Who Needs the Church, Part 2: Out of Body Experience

John 2:18-21 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The church is a family. We need each other and our lives can be appropriately connected to one anoth...

Nicodemus: Born Again

John 2:24 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Can we have all the trappings of religion, but our hearts are not born again?...

Chapter 3


With the Rich and Famous

John 3:1-15 SSSH - Discipleship (2014) "Christ neither resented nor revered the social elite. The Savior recognized that financial prosper...

A New Heart

John 3:1-21 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The story of Nicodemus approaching Jesus at night teaches us that the most important questions in li...

Moses Rejects Valuable Treasure

John 3:1-36 Bible Answers Live On December 4th 2015, the President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, announced that their country ha...

Sight for the Spiritually Blind

John 3:1-36 Bible Answers Live The human eye might be more awesome than we ever imagined. A new 2016 experiment conducted by the Ro...

The Compassionate Savior

John 3:1-36 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries A look at the compassionate character of Jesus gives us an example to follow in our own lives....

Nicodemus, Part 1: Born Again

John 3:1-5 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the story of Nicodemus, a very wealthy man and a great teacher in Israel. Jesus exploded his...

Nicodemus: Born Again

John 3:1-8 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Can we have all the trappings of religion, but our hearts are not born again?...

Cheating Death?

John 3:13 Bible Answers Live Vladimir Lenin was the Russian leader of the Bolshevik revolution that brought the communist into po...

If no one but the Son of Man has gone to heaven, how could Enoch have gone to heaven?

John 3:13 Bible Question Archive If no one but the Son of Man has gone to heaven, how could Enoch have gone to heaven? You need to lo...

Wearing Your Treasure

John 3:13 Bible Answers Live A man in India, Datta Phuge, has taken extravagance to a new level. He recently ordered the creation...


John 3:13-34 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Whatever happened to Enoch and Elijah? If John 3 seems to indicate that 'no man has ascended to heav...

How to Be Saved

John 3:14 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "This week we will look at Jesus' teachings regarding the simple practical steps needed for salvatio...

Changed by Beholding

John 3:14-15 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor You become like what you look at. Most of what enters our mind comes by our sight. What we choose t...

He Died for Us

John 3:14-15 SSSH - Life Everlasting This week we will focus on Christ’s death and what it means for the promise of eternal life....

Standing for the Truth

John 3:14-15 SSSH - The Great Controversy This week we will look at some biblical principles that motivated the Waldenses and later Reformers,...

The Supreme Sacrifice

John 3:14-15 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor God promised Abraham that through his son all the nations of this world would be blessed. When God ...

Seeing God

John 3:14-16 Formula 4 Faith There are several steps in the process or formula of salvation. This first presentation of the seri...

Nicodemus, Part 3: Whosoever Believeth

John 3:14-21 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What is the significance of Jesus' interview with Nicodemus and what does it mean for us as Christia...

An Inheritance Incorruptible

John 3:16 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "How can we learn to be more loving? What choices must we make in order to be able to manifest the k...

Are God and Jesus the same person?

John 3:16 Bible Question Archive Do Christians worship three Gods or one?...

Boredom and the Young

John 3:16 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Boredom and the young focuses on youth and a search for happiness. There are many things young peopl...

Fruit of the Christian Faith

John 3:16 Bible Answers Live In 2009, doctors in Russia thought that 28-year old Artyom Sidorkin had cancer. He was a smoker and ...

Inflation and Free Gifts

John 3:16 Joe Crews Radio Sermons In an age of inflation and increasing prices in the cost of living, the Bible teaches us the greates...

It's Still There!

John 3:16 New Revelation Does God truly love you in a personal way? Does the Lord know you and care about you? He demonstrate...

John Three Sixteen

John 3:16 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message It's probably one of the most well known, oft quoted verses of Scripture, but what does it mean real...

Living the Gospel

John 3:16 SSSH - The Least of These: Ministering to Those in Need 'We can accept that God loves people other than just ourselves. He loves those we love, and we rejoi...

My Testimony - The Richest Caveman - 2009

John 3:16 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Happiness does not come from fame or fortune. Pastor Doug Batchelor shares his life story and how h...

Mystery of Love

John 3:16 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Why did Jesus die for me? It is difficult to understand God's tremendous love for our rebellious pla...

Offerings of Gratitude

John 3:16 SSSH - Stewardship: Motives of the Heart "Giving generously, whether from means, time, or talent, is a powerful means of living our faith and...

Pilate - Parts 1 & 2

John 3:16 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The most pathetic story in the Bible may be the life of Pontius Pilate. He hated Jews and was loyal ...


John 3:16 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "The Bible is clear. We have only two choices regarding our sins: either we pay for our sins in the...

Salvation: The Only Solution

John 3:16 SSSH - Growing In Christ "The sin problem is very big; how thankful we should be that the solution was big enough to solve it...

Seven Steps to Stronger Faith

John 3:16 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Is your faith small? Do you struggle with trusting God? These 7 steps are for you....

Seven Steps to Stronger Faith

John 3:16 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Faith is essential in being saved. Do you have enough faith? Do you want more faith? ...

The Blessings of the Righteous

John 3:16 SSSH - The Book of Proverbs The book of Proverbs tells us that wisdom is righteousness, and "righteousness" means to walk accord...

The Faith of Disciples... or Devils

John 3:16 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message To be saved you must believe, but what kind of belief? What is real, saving faith?...

The Final Firestorm

John 3:16 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Will there be a burning Hell? How long will the burning last? This presentation provides the Bible...

The Meaning of Life (Ida)

John 3:16 Testimonies of Changed Lives I was searching to fill my heart with things. Everyone has an empty space in their heart, I believe ...

The Necessity of Saving Faith

John 3:16 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We need to understand the importance of faith and the necessity of "Saving Faith"....

The Richest Caveman

John 3:16 Time is Ticking Away Happiness does not come from fame or fortune. Pastor Doug Batchelor shares his life story and how h...

The Supreme Sacrifice

John 3:16 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor God promised Abraham that through his son all the nations of this world would be blessed. When God ...

The Word That Transforms

John 3:16 New Revelation This lesson the Word that transforms. We want to live for God because of our love for Him. Commitmen...

Three Worlds

John 3:16 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The tragic news in our world today disturbs us as we see crime and lawlessness in almost every corne...

What is the most important verse in the Bible?

John 3:16 Bible Question Archive What is the most important verse in the Bible? If you ask 10 people you will get 11 answers! Pastor ...

The Many Facets of Faith

John 3:16-18 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There is a great profound value of faith in the Bible. It is broad and comprehensive with many faith...

The Only Safe Shelter in the Last Days

John 3:16-18 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God is our safe shelter in the last days. We don't have to be afraid. God loves us and He will welco...

Can the Saved Be Lost?

John 3:17 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Is once saved, always saved Biblical?...

Can the Saved Be Lost?

John 3:17 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Can a saved person be lost?...

The World - A Love/ Hate Relationship

John 3:17 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message It is a challenge to be a Christian when the culture of the world is moving downward. Sharing God's...

Crucified and Risen - 2016

John 3:19 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "This week, the final chapters of Matthew, we study the inexhaustible truths regarding our Lord's de...

Rebuke and Retribution

John 3:19 SSSH - The Book of Jeremiah "This week we'll start to look at the trials of Jeremiah, whose ministry seemed to consist of nothin...

Walking in the Light: Turning Away From Sin

John 3:19 SSSH - Loved and Loving: John's Epistles 1 John opens with a description of God's holiness and a call to 'walk in the light.'...

Discipleship Then and Now

John 3:21-30 SSSH - Discipleship Discipleship predates the Christian era, and its principles apply to us today....

John the Baptist: The Greatest Prophet

John 3:22-36 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This study is on John the Baptist, who Jesus called the greatest prophet. He was a prophet of destin...

A Prophet in the River

John 3:23 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor If baptism is the first thing it talks about in the gospel, and the last thing it talks about in the...

Baptism, Pt. 2

John 3:23 Bible Talk This is the second part in a series on what the Bible says about baptism. Jesus states that a person...


John 3:3 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Space travel interests many people, but the practical limitations make it seem impossible. There is ...

Dead End Roads

John 3:3 Joe Crews Radio Sermons God created us to live forever in happiness and joy. But because of sin we got side tracked onto a d...

Golden Rule

John 3:3 Joe Crews Radio Sermons There is a moral decay in our society today that reveals how little people are moved to help others ...

Growing in Christ - 2014

John 3:3 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "The new life in Christ is not a patched-up life with a few external reformations. It is not a modi...

New Birth

John 3:3 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Bible tells us that we must be born again if we would see the kingdom of God. Some believe this ...

Five Ways - Part 1

John 3:3-7 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Are you saved? How do you know? The Bible says we must be born again, but how do you know you are co...

Jesus and the Holy Spirit

John 3:34 SSSH - The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit was present at Christ's conception and throughout His life and ministry....

Snubbing the Great Invitation

John 3:36 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How much did God give to make salvation available to us, and yet we turn away from Him. We have two...


John 3:5 Joe Crews Radio Sermons This talk speaks about baptism and Jesus' statement to Nicodemus about being born again. What does i...

Baptism, Pt. 3

John 3:5 Bible Talk This is the third in series on the topic of baptism. We've learned what baptism represents and what ...

Buried Alive

John 3:5 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How would you like to be buried alive? Baptism is like a burial. This sermon discusses what the Bibl...

Buried and Forgotten by God

John 3:5 New Revelation The Bible teaches that baptism marks a turning point in our submission to God. You change masters. I...

Drowning the Old Man

John 3:5 Time is Ticking Away Jesus refered to Himself as the Living Water, the Water of Life. This message is about baptism and ...

Drowning the Old Man

John 3:5 Prophecy Code Don't save the drowning man! Wait, what? It's true. There is a Bible verse—in fact, many—about this ...

Feeding on Christ

John 3:5 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What does "eating Jesus' flesh and drinking His blood" really mean?...

Our Need of the Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

John 3:5 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Some say that there is no Holy Spirit but the Bible says that there is. Who is He and why do we need...

Second Baptism - Part 2

John 3:5 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Baptism signifies a death and burial of the old life of sin. True baptism is both an outward action ...

Our Need of the Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

John 3:5-8 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Why do we need the Holy Spirit? Part 1 of 2...

Nicodemus, Part 2: Looking for Life

John 3:6-21 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Nicodemus was told by Jesus he needed to be born again. God invites us to be made new. That begins w...

The Mysterious World of Angels

John 3:7-8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Angels are mentioned over 300 times in the Bible. They are God's 'ministering spirits' to guard, pr...

The Dragon’s Egg

John 3:8 Prophecy Code How did evil originate? Where did sin come from? Did God create a devil? Who is Lucifer and where di...

The Dragon’s Egg

John 3:8 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor How did evil originate? Where did sin come from? Did God create a devil? The Bible explains how Luci...

The Holy Spirit Symbolized in Scripture

John 3:8 SSSH - The Holy Spirit The Bible uses several symbols for the Holy Spirit to help us understand Him and His ministry....

Chapter 4


In Spirit and in Truth

John 4:1-24 SSSH - Worship Part of Christ's mission was to demonstrate that the religious rituals were only a means to an end, ...

The Water of Life

John 4:1-26 SSSH - Health & Healing Water is essential to all living organisms on Earth, but it is beneficial also to maintaining and re...

Thirsting for the Spirit

John 4:1-30 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God wants to be wanted. He wants you to thirst for Him....

Women of Mission

John 4:1-40 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries The New Testament reveals that women played an important role in the advancement of the early Christ...

The Woman at the Well, Pt. 1

John 4:1-42 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There is no life where there is no water. All life requires water. The living water that Jesus spo...

The Woman at the Well, Pt. 2

John 4:1-42 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There is no life where there is no water. All life requires water. The living water that Jesus spo...

The Compassionate Savior

John 4:1-54 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries A look at the compassionate character of Jesus gives us an example to follow in our own lives....

Lord of Our Worship

John 4:23-24 SSSH - The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord God is actively seeking true worshipers....

The Intensity of His Walk

John 4:34 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus Jesus lived His life as an example for all who would follow in His footsteps....

Jesus on Community Outreach

John 4:35-38 SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community "What role should you be playing in the whole process of winning souls, as opposed to the role, if a...

Baptizing the Devil

John 4:39 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible says before the Lord comes again there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It won't ...

Ethnicity and Discipleship

John 4:39-42 SSSH - Discipleship Christ's attitude of acceptance toward people outside of Judaism demonstrates God's love for all peo...

Cross-Cultural Missions

John 4:4-30 SSSH - Biblical Missionaries “While pioneering Christian work can be accomplished by foreign missionaries who have cultural sensi...

Gender and Discipleship

John 4:4-30 SSSH - Discipleship Though not as well known as many of the men, Jesus had several female disciples as well....

Signs and Wonders

John 4:46-54 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How do Christians relate to miracles? Signs can be all around us and we don't notice them. But we ca...

Chapter 5


The Pool of Bethesda

John 5:1-15 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God wants to answer our prayers. He already knows what we need but wants us to identify our needs a...

Resisting Temptation

John 5:1-47 Bible Answers Live On July 30, 2016, American, Luke Aikins became the first person to jump from over four and a miles u...

Never Alone

John 5:1-9 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The story of the man who was healed by the pool of Bethesda teaches us that when it seems we are alo...

Everlasting Life

John 5:12 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We know, that if the Lord tarries, we will all die. Many live as if this life is all there is to liv...

God with Us

John 5:17-18 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message A message about Christ's first coming and how God came into our world as a baby. Sin separates us. J...

A Counterfeit King

John 5:18 Bible Answers Live In 1913 the little country of Albania in Eastern Europe achieved its independence. There are many Mu...

Hell, Pt. 2

John 5:28 Bible Talk What is hell? Is it a real place or just a state of mental anguish? Will people burn forever or burn...

Can the Living Communicate With the Dead?

John 5:28-29 Byron Spears Where are the dead? Do they know more now than they did when they were alive? Are they in heaven? ...

Deadly Visions

John 5:28-29 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Is it possible to talk to dead people? Is it dangerous? Can dead people even talk and if not, who ar...

Death and the Soul - Part 3

John 5:28-29 Joe Crews Radio Sermons If we are not immortal by nature, will there be a day when we shall be changed into an immortal bein...

Renewing Our Mind

John 5:28-29 Bible Answers Live The most powerful computer on earth is your brain. That’s right. The human brain processes about 100...

Rich Man & Lazarus

John 5:28-29 Joe Crews Radio Sermons One of the most controversial texts in the Bible is the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus. People as...

Second Death, Pt. 3

John 5:28-29 Bible Talk There are different views about what happens when people die, what happens to the wicked at death, a...

Spirit Voices - Part 3

John 5:28-29 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Some people believe that you will never die, that when you are dead a part of you continues to live ...

The Devil Chained

John 5:28-29 Time is Ticking Away What does the Bible teach about the millennium? When does this 1,000 years of peace begin? Where w...

The Final Firestorm

John 5:28-29 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Will there be a burning Hell? How long will the burning last? This presentation provides the Bible...

Coming... World Blackout

John 5:29 New Revelation What does the Bible teach about the millennium, the thousand years spoken of Revelation 20? It begin...

Where do sinners go when they die?

John 5:29 Bible Question Archive Where do sinners go when they die? There are lots of wacky theories out there. The Bible says they s...

Contrary Passages?

John 5:39 SSSH - Life Everlasting This week we will study some intriguing passages that people use to justify the natural immortality ...

Disciples and Scripture

John 5:39 SSSH - Discipleship (2014) "How can we make sure that our study and reading of the Bible help us to come to a better knowledge ...

How to Study the Bible, Pt. 2

John 5:39 Bible Talk Many Christians do not study the Bible, yet the word of God teaches us about every aspect of salvati...

Jesus Throughout the Bible, Pt. 2

John 5:39 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor This is the second in a series on "types" of Christ symbolized throughout the Bible. In this program...

Jesus Throughout the Bible, Pt. 2

John 5:39 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The second in a series on the types of Christ found throughout Scripture in Bible characters. This s...

Jesus Throughout the Bible, Pt. 6

John 5:39 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The sixth and last in a series on types of Christ found throughout all the Bible. This sermon focuse...

The Voice From Heaven

John 5:39 SSSH - Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Since the fall of humanity, God has been communicating to us in various ways....

Final Choice

John 5:40 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Here is the story of Paul's defense before Felix, a ruler who was curious about what this apostle ha...

Christ and the Law of Moses

John 5:46 SSSH - Christ and His Law "The Biblical feast days were done away with long ago when they met their fulfillment in Christ. Ho...

How Did We Get Here?

John 5:46-47 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Where did we come from? Were we created by God, or did we evolve from random particles after a "big...

Resting in Christ

John 5:9-16 SSSH - The Book of Matthew 'This week, as we continue our study of Matthew, we will look at a few of the Sabbath controversies ...

Chapter 6


Confrontation In Galilee

John 6:1-15 SSSH - Jesus Through the Eyes of Mark Christ's popularity reaches a turning point with the feeding of the 5,000, and controversy follows H...

Discipleship Under Pressure

John 6:1-15 SSSH - Discipleship Disciples of Christ often face trials, both from within themselves as well as from the world around ...

Discipleship, Drifting, and Desertion

John 6:1-71 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What made so many, in John 6, decide to not follow Jesus? When we decide to no longer to follow Jesu...

Feeding on Christ

John 6:1-71 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What does "eating Jesus' flesh and drinking His blood" really mean?...

The Power of Plodding

John 6:16-21 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Christian life is not so much a sprint as a marathon. It is not always a mountaintop experience,...

The Unsinkable Ship

John 6:16-21 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor You might be wondering what’s the most important direction for your life. The single most important...

The Glory of Seeking

John 6:26 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The first question in the Bible is, "Where are you?" The first question in the New Testament is, "Wh...

You Are What You Eat

John 6:26 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We are what we consume. Sometimes we become preoccupied with physical food, which is important, but...

Surviving an Economic Crisis

John 6:27 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How do you survive an economic crisis? Remember the poor. Plan carefully and work hard. Keep divine ...

A Wonderful Work

John 6:28-29 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Though we are not saved by works, God created work to be a blessing to mankind. Since the garden of ...

Cities of Ash, Pt. 1

John 6:33-40 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Why would God burn people forever and ever for the sins of a brief lifetime? Is that what the Bible ...

The Days of Elijah, Pt. 2

John 6:35 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Part two of Pastor Doug's series on Elijah who is an important character in the Bible. He went to H...

Solving the Messiah Mystery

John 6:38 Most Amazing Prophecies A lot of people question whether Jesus really is the Messiah. Was He the Messiah? Many people say He...

The Hero of Revelation, Pt. 1

John 6:38 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The book of Revelation is about Jesus. He is the central figure and hero. Part 1 of 2...

Cities of Ash

John 6:39 Millennium of Prophecy What does the Bible teach about hell? Is there really a hell? Where is it located and who is in char...

Experiencing Discipleship

John 6:43-58 SSSH - Discipleship The gospels describe different groups of people and their experiences with discipleship to demonstra...

Famine for God's Word

John 6:44 Bible Answers Live The Rocky Mountain locusts were an abundant species of grasshopper that ranged through the Western h...

Bread from Heaven

John 6:47-58 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Bread is the most common food. Jesus is our Bread of Life....

Jonah and the Big Fish

John 6:53-57 Bible Answers Live The Bowhead whale is a large stocky dark colored leviathan that haunts the fertile arctic oceans. Th...


John 6:60-70 SSSH - The Christian Life A disciple is a lifelong learner of the teachings of someone else. Christians are called to a life o...

Christian Traditions, Pt. 3

John 6:63 Bible Talk This is the third in a series on church tradition and the Bible. Today's program focuses on the Lord...

Life Through the Holy Spirit

John 6:63 SSSH - The Holy Spirit Believers in a relationship with the Holy Spirit are promised a new life the experience of being "bo...

Praying for Discernment

John 6:63 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Solomon prayed that God would give him discernment. Discernment helps us to use knowledge wisely an...

From Folly to Faith: The Apostle Peter

John 6:68 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Peter's transformation of character is one of the most striking examples of the power of God's work ...

Judas Iscariot: Misguided Motives

John 6:70-71 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Judas was a disciple loved by Christ who had misguided motives. He had a yearning for Jesus but also...

Chapter 7


Discovering and Doing the Will of God Part 2

John 7:17 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the second of a two-part series on discovering and doing the will of God. Here are 12 ways t...

How to Study the Bible, Pt. 1

John 7:17 Bible Talk This broadcast looks at the importance of studying the Bible. It begins with opening up and reading ...

Homosexuality and the Bible, Pt. 2

John 7:24 Bible Talk What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Can we make any kind of judgment about this issue as Ch...

What did Jesus mean when He said, 'Do not judge.'?

John 7:24 Bible Question Archive What did Jesus mean when He said, 'Do not judge.'? This verse is often misapplied. Christ said, 'If ...

Signs, Wonders and Miracles in the Last Days

John 7:31 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Signs, Wonders and Miracles In the Last Days...

The Holy Spirit Symbolized in Scripture

John 7:37-39 SSSH - The Holy Spirit The Bible uses several symbols for the Holy Spirit to help us understand Him and His ministry....

The Promise of the Holy Spirit

John 7:37-39 SSSH - The Holy Spirit John the Baptist and Christ both promised the Holy Spirit to Christian believers after Christ's deat...

The Woman at the Well, Pt. 2

John 7:37-39 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message There is no life where there is no water. All life requires water. The living water that Jesus spo...

The Challenge of His Sayings

John 7:46 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus Many of Christ's teachings challenged the established social order of His day and give Christians to...

The Mount of Olives

John 7:53 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Mount of Olives was a significant place. It was a place where Jesus enjoyed to spend time. He re...

Chapter 8


At Jesus' Feet

John 8:1-11 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What happens when we humble ourselves at the feet of Jesus?...

At Jesus' Feet

John 8:1-11 04 Revival What does it mean to sit at Jesus' feet? We'll examine the Bible stories of Martha and Mary Magdale...

Dealing With Fights

John 8:1-11 SSSH - The Book of Proverbs "Think about a time you messed up badly and you were forgiven, ministered to, and comforted. What d...

The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene

John 8:1-12 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The gospel according to Mary Magdalene demonstrates one of the most devoted disciples of all Scriptu...

Walking in the Light: Turning Away From Sin

John 8:12 SSSH - Loved and Loving: John's Epistles 1 John opens with a description of God's holiness and a call to 'walk in the light.'...

The Tenderness of His Love

John 8:2-11 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus Christ's love was so all-encompassing that He taught us to love even our enemies....

The Price of Liberty

John 8:31-36 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This Independence Day sermon looks at what the Bible says about liberty. Freedom is a fragile thing....

Two Roads, One Choice

John 8:32-36 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We have two roads we can take, bondage or freedom. We have only one choice. The focus of this sermon...

False Teachers

John 8:34-36 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "Why must we be sure to learn for ourselves the crucial truths we believe?"...

Freedom From Addictions

John 8:36 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions The Bible says everyone is a slave, either to sin or to righteousness. Many substances and behaviors...

The Chosen People, Pt. 3

John 8:39-40 Bible Talk This is the third in a series on Israel. Who is Israel today? What does the Bible teach about modern...

Where Was God?

John 8:43-44 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message When tragedy strikes people ask, "Where is God? Is He happy that this happened? Does He care?" Ho...


John 8:44 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Satan has tried to capture this world by spreading the teaching that there is no devil. But the Bibl...

Origin of Sin

John 8:44 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Is there a devil? Many people do not believe there is a devil. But what does the Bible say about the...

The Truth About Angels

John 8:44 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Lucifer was perfect—a glorious angel. Yet he became obsessed with himself and rebelled against his l...

Christ is the Answer

John 8:56-59 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Who is the greatest person in world history? Jesus Christ. People today still wonder who is Christ? ...

The Mystery of His Deity

John 8:58 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus One of the great mysteries of Jesus is His deity, or His preexistence as God before becoming a man....

Chapter 9


The Water of Life

John 9:1-11 SSSH - Health & Healing Water is essential to all living organisms on Earth, but it is beneficial also to maintaining and re...

Blind From Birth, Pt. 1

John 9:1-12 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The emphasis of Jesus' miracles that that we might believe. Part 1 of 2...

Blind From Birth, Pt. 2

John 9:1-41 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The emphasis of Jesus' miracles is that we might believe. Part 2 of 2...

Divine Healing

John 9:10-11 Joe Crews Radio Sermons We live in a time when medical science has made amazing advances in healing. Yet there are still dis...

Divine Healing

John 9:10-11 Joe Crews Radio Sermons We live in a time when medical science has made amazing advances in healing. Yet there are still dis...

Divine Healing

John 9:10-11 Joe Crews Radio Sermons We live in a time when medical science has made amazing advances in healing. Yet there are still dis...

Filled With the Spirit

John 9:14 Bible Answers Live In 2009, doctors in Russia thought that the 28-year-old Artyom Sidorkin had cancer. He was a smoker ...

Victory in the Wilderness

John 9:39 SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption "Faithful people had deep misconceptions about the nature of the Lord's first coming. How might fai...

The Man God Tried to Kill

John 9:41 Joe Crews Radio Sermons There is a Bible reference about a man God sought to kill. This broadcast looks at this strange Bibl...

Chapter 10


"Get up and Walk!" Faith and Healing

John 10:10 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "Whatever our physical struggles, even in the worst-case scenario they will always and only be tempo...

God's Health Plan

John 10:10 Prophecy Code Does the Bible talk about health? Is it something important for Christians to consider? There is a c...

God's Health Plan

John 10:10 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Does God really care about what we eat or drink or our health in general? Does the Bible say anythin...

Healing, Health and Holiness, Pt. 2

John 10:10 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor God says we are to treat our bodies as a temple of the Holy Spirit and to not defile our bodies. Par...

Hearing Voices, Pt. 1

John 10:10 Bible Talk Some people say, 'I heard God say...' or 'This is what God said...' How do you know when you're hear...


John 10:10 SSSH - The Christian Life Life comes from God, and the Bible reveals that God wants us to have full, healthy, abundant life....

Miraculous Medicine, Part 1

John 10:10 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor There is a lot of sickness in the world despite the advances in medical knowledge. We should treat ...

Successful Guide for Living

John 10:10 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Jesus came to give us an abundant life. The law breaker thinks he is living freely, but is really in...

The Baptism and Filling of the Holy Spirit

John 10:10 SSSH - The Holy Spirit and Spirituality "As Christians, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit. Without Him, our witness will be powerless a...

The Bible and Happiness

John 10:10 SSSH - Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Happiness is often fleeting in our world of sin, but the Bible offers advice to find happiness that ...

The New Covenant Life

John 10:10 SSSH - The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant Why should we feel joy? What is it about the covenant that should free us from the burden of guilt? ...

Merging Churches

John 10:16 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The ecumenical movement to combine all churches into one is being pushed by many in the name of Chri...

Other Sheep

John 10:16 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Pastor Batchelor shares reflections on his experience of attending the Religious Broadcasters Conven...

The Dragon and the Woman

John 10:16 Most Amazing Prophecies This sermon focuses on Revelation 12 and a woman and a dragon. What does this apocalyptic prophecy m...

Christ is the Answer

John 10:27-33 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Who is the greatest person in world history? Jesus Christ. People today still wonder who is Christ? ...

Assurance or Deadly Presumption

John 10:28 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon focuses on the issue of whether you can have assurance that you are saved. Can you ever ...

When a Christian Falls

John 10:28 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The devil attacks stragglers, those who are on the edge of living a Christian life....

What is Salvation?, Pt. 1

John 10:28-29 Bible Talk There are many different ideas about how a person is to be saved. What does the Bible teach on this ...

Signs and Wonders

John 10:37 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The Lord proved that He loves us when He died for us. When we ask for a sign of His love we are say...

Jesus Bade Them, "Follow Me"

John 10:5 SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community 'How do you act toward new faces in your church? Do you make an intentional effort to talk to them? ...

Chapter 11


What Happens After You Die? Pt. 3

John 11:1-14 Bible Talk What is a soul? Can we communicate with the dead? If you are not talking with the dead, then who ar...

Lazarus Come Forth

John 11:1-44 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Here is the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead. It is not only the story of God's power but...

Lazarus Come Forth

John 11:1-44 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Here is the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead. It is not only the story of God's power but...

Death and Resurrection

John 11:11 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "The Bible teaches that God will judge the lives of every human being, deciding the eternal destiny ...

Curse the Day

John 11:11-14 SSSH - The Book of Job "As Christians, we certainly have wonderful promises for the future. At the same time, amid present ...

The Millennium of Peace

John 11:16-44 Most Amazing Prophecies This sermon covers three subjects in one: the millennium, death, and hell (the lake of fire). There ...

Resisting Satan's Attacks

John 11:23-25 Bible Answers Live It’s hard to imagine an average size man killing a full-grown bear with a stick, but it happened. On...

Death and Resurrection

John 11:25 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "The Bible teaches that God will judge the lives of every human being, deciding the eternal destiny ...

The End

John 11:25 SSSH - The Book of Job "This week, as we begin the book of Job, we will start at its end, because it brings up questions ab...

Resurrections Before the Cross

John 11:25-26 SSSH - Life Everlasting This week we will reflect more closely on the resurrections that occurred before Christ’s own death ...

Signs of Divinity

John 11:25-26 SSSH - Themes in the Gospel of John This week’s lesson looks at three of Jesus’ greatest signs of His divinity. What is striking is that...

God Hears His People Cry

John 11:33-35 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Jesus said in this life we will have tribulation. "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world". We...

The Wonder of His Works

John 11:38-44 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus Jesus performed many great miracles that stunned His audience and continue to amaze us today....

The Tenderness of His Love

John 11:5 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus Christ's love was so all-encompassing that He taught us to love even our enemies....

The Most Convincing Proof

John 11:51-52 SSSH - Oneness in Christ "What kind of witness do you present to others? What would one find in your life that would make the...

Chapter 12


The Two Great Motives

John 12:1 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor You know that you're getting where you're supposed to be as a Christian when it's not just what you'...

Extravagant Giving

John 12:1-8 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Is God's gift of salvation extravagant?...

Extravagant Giving

John 12:1-8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Extravagant giving to God was demonstrated in the Bible when Mary Magdalene anointed Jesus with expe...

The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene

John 12:1-8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The gospel according to Mary Magdalene demonstrates one of the most devoted disciples of all Scriptu...

The Two Great Motives

John 12:1-8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The two great motives in Scripture are found in the great controversy between Christ and Satan. The ...

Jesus in the Feast Days

John 12:20 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The subject is Jesus in the Jewish Feasts. The feasts in Leviticus 23 represent the life and work of...

Discipleship Then and Now

John 12:20-21 SSSH - Discipleship Discipleship predates the Christian era, and its principles apply to us today....

Last-Day Events

John 12:20-26 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "At a time of so much turmoil and uncertainty in our world about the future, how can we learn to dra...

Discipling the Nations

John 12:20-32 SSSH - Discipleship (2014) "God's final work is incomplete until the eternal gospel expressed in the message of the three angel...

Jesus in Gethsemane

John 12:21 The Glory of the Cross Summit Focusing on the closing scenes of Jesus' life is important. He poured out His love for us....

A Time for Every Purpose

John 12:24 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Life is full of seasons. Being able to accept and embrace the cycles of life is very important....

Dying Like A Seed

John 12:24 SSSH - The Refiner's Fire Molding God's children into reflections of His image first requires them to die a spiritual death to...

Hearing the Voice of God

John 12:28 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What could be more important and more precious than hearing from God? How do we know when God is co...

Crisis in Heaven

John 12:31 SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption "If a perfect being, created by a perfect God, in a perfect environment, could mess himself up becau...

Great Controversy

John 12:31 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Our world is in a mess. The situation cannot ignore that there is a cause. It's the law of sowing an...

Of Being and Time

John 12:31 SSSH - The Book of Ecclesiastes Solomon ponders God's role in the timing of events in human life, and of God's judgment of men's act...

The World - A Love/ Hate Relationship

John 12:31-32 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message It is a challenge to be a Christian when the culture of the world is moving downward. Sharing God's...

The Cross and the Great Controversy

John 12:31-33 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption The cross is important to the redemption of humanity, but its implications affect the entire univers...

Hearing God

John 12:35 Formula 4 Faith This sixth program in the Formula 4 Faith series about the science of salvation is about hearing God...

Light Shines in the Darkness

John 12:35 SSSH - The Great Controversy Yet even in life’s most difficult times, God was continually with His people. They found Jesus, “the...

Thinking Ahead: Bad Servant - Good Example

John 12:36 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How important is it for a believer to plan ahead and think about the future?...

Believing in the Son of God

John 12:37-46 SSSH - Loved and Loving: John's Epistles John explores what it means to believe in the Christ of the Bible....

Judas Iscariot - Apostle of Infamy

John 12:4-7 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This message talks about Judas Iscariot and his call, character, camouflage, covetousness, choice, c...

Judas Iscariot: Misguided Motives

John 12:4-8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Judas was a disciple loved by Christ who had misguided motives. He had a yearning for Jesus but also...

Traveling at the Speed of Thought

John 12:40 Bible Answers Live The world record for the fastest that a human being has ever run is held by a Usain Bolt, who was cl...

More Praise in Your Days

John 12:43 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Praise is mentioned over 290 times in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Praise can be misunder...

Cities of Ash

John 12:48 Millennium of Prophecy What does the Bible teach about hell? Is there really a hell? Where is it located and who is in char...

No Place to Hide - Part 1

John 12:48 Joe Crews Radio Sermons One of the most sobering questions asked in the Bible is, 'What shall the end be of them that obey n...

The Good News About Hell, Pt. 1

John 12:48 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The traditional view of hell is not what is taught in the Bible. It has been distorted and exploited...

The Rich Man and Lazarus, Pt. 1

John 12:48 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Much argument has taken place over whether the words of Jesus in Luke chapter 16 were intended to be...

Chapter 13


Lord of Our Service

John 13:1-15 SSSH - The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord In heaven, the greatest ones will be the servants of others....

The Most Neglected Rite

John 13:1-20 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message It is by humbling ourselves that we find peace....

Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus

John 13:1-30 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Washing other's feet is a sacred act of humility....

The Passion Week

John 13:1-31 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption A look at Christ's last week of ministry before His death....

True Greatness

John 13:1-38 SSSH - The Gospel Of John John chapters 13 and 17 record part of Christ's "upper room prayer" after the last supper....

Walking in the Light: Keeping His Commandments

John 13:1-38 SSSH - Loved and Loving: John's Epistles John defines what it is to know and love Jesus: keeping His commandments....

Biblical Myths - Part 1

John 13:14-17 Joe Crews Radio Sermons We often think children listen to fables and falsehoods easily, but many adults cling to the traditi...

How Perfect Should a Christian Be?

John 13:15 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How perfect must a Christian be? How much will God forgive? We need sincere repentance and truly c...

Successful Guide for Living

John 13:17 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Jesus came to give us an abundant life. The law breaker thinks he is living freely, but is really in...

Days of Destiny, Pt. 1: The Last Supper

John 13:2 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor A study of the Last Supper to teach us more about Jesus....

Living Like Christ

John 13:34 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "The supreme proof of genuine Christianity is loving our enemies."...

The Gospel and the Church - 2017

John 13:34 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians (2017) "The church should be a place where the Spirit leads us to put others before ourselves. Understandi...

Sharing God's Mission

John 13:34-35 SSSH - God's Mission - My Mission How can praying for others in need help us grow spiritually and experience more the reality of God’s...

Social Support: The Tie That Binds

John 13:34-35 SSSH - Health & Healing People were created to be social beings, and an adequate social network of love and support can prev...

The Beatitudes - Eight Keys to Joy and Peace, Pt. 3

John 13:35 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Everyone wants happiness. How do we find true, lasting happiness? Part 3 of 3...


John 13:36 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Whatever happened to Enoch and Elijah? If John 3 seems to indicate that 'no man has ascended to heav...

Chapter 14


“I Make All Things New”

John 14:1-3 SSSH - The Book of Revelation "Why is this promise of a new existence in a new world so central to all that we believe? What good ...

All These Things - Part 1

John 14:1-3 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Predictions have been made about the exact date of the coming of Christ. But all these predictions h...

Does Jesus bring with Him the believers who have died when He comes?

John 14:1-3 Bible Question Archive Who will be with Jesus when He returns to take His people home?...

Eden to Eden

John 14:1-3 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Is there really a place we may go after death? What does the Bible say about this place called heave...

Final Restoration of Unity

John 14:1-3 SSSH - Oneness in Christ "The Bible speaks confidently of the time this earth will be re-created and the ravages of sin erase...

Heaven Discovered - Part 1

John 14:1-3 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Where is heaven? What is heaven? The Bible tells us many things about this wonderful place. There ar...

Heaven Split Open - Part 1

John 14:1-3 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The Bible has much to say about the 2nd coming of Jesus to our earth. It is real, it will be visible...

Hope of the Ages

John 14:1-3 Joe Crews Radio Sermons In an age of pessimism, we as Christians can look forward to the blessed hope and not live in fear. ...

It's Headed Straight Towards You

John 14:1-3 New Revelation What does the Bible teach about the 2nd coming of Jesus? Christ promised to return to receive His pe...

King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

John 14:1-3 SSSH - The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord For those who accept Christ as Lord, His second coming will be a glorious event....

Revelation's Rapture

John 14:1-3 Prophecy Code What does the Bible say about Christ's second coming? When and how will it happen? Will it be a secr...

Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Pt. 1

John 14:1-3 Bible Talk A major theme in the Bible is the second coming of Christ. Should we look forward to it? When will C...

Space Travel to Paradise

John 14:1-3 Joe Crews Radio Sermons In an age of space travel many people have wished to leave this stressful and broken world of ours t...

The Gospel from Patmos

John 14:1-3 SSSH - The Book of Revelation "The primary purpose of biblical prophecies is to assure us that no matter what the future brings, G...

The Second Coming of Jesus

John 14:1-3 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "When Jesus comes, the destiny of each human being will already have been decided... The fact that ...

Heavenly Mansions

John 14:1-4 Bible Answers Live If they can ever complete it, their house will be one of the largest private mansions in the United ...

Lord of Our Prayers

John 14:12-14 SSSH - The Spiritual Life - Experiencing Jesus Christ as Lord Christ as Lord means imitating Jesus' life of prayer. ...

A Day to Remember

John 14:15 Ten Commandments The fourth commandment is about the Sabbath. Keeping the seventh day of the week as a Sabbath was i...

A Love Response

John 14:15 SSSH - Evangelism and Witnessing "We should work to win souls to Christ the question we need to ask ourselves is, 'What motivates us ...

A Nation of Kings

John 14:15 Here We Stand Why are there so many denominations? How do you know which is the right church? What does the Bible ...

Above the Crowd

John 14:15 Millennium of Prophecy What does it mean to live above the crowd? Is it safe to just go with the flow? How do we find stre...

Counterfeit Sabbath - Part 3

John 14:15 Joe Crews Radio Sermons There are Sunday blue laws still on the books in many states in the U.S. Does this make this day hol...

Grace or Disgrace - Part 5

John 14:15 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Some people believe that because of the grace of God we are freed from keeping God's commandments. B...

Hermits in the Bible

John 14:15 Bible Answers Live For nearly thirty years a ghostly recluse haunted the woods of central Maine. Whether phantom or big...

Legalism or Love

John 14:15 Creeping Compromise Satan nibbles away at the standards of God's people. The power and effect of truth is diluted by gr...

The Law of God

John 14:15 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "One would be hard pressed to find in the life and teachings of Jesus anything implying that the Ten...

The Mark of the Beast, Pt. 4

John 14:15 Bible Talk This is the fourth in a series on the mark of the beast. It has been previously explained that the m...

The Ten Commandments, Pt. 3

John 14:15 Bible Talk If we are saved by grace, is there a need for the law? Was it not done away with? What does the Bibl...

The Ten Commandments, Pt. 4

John 14:15 Bible Talk If we love God, we ought to obey His commandments. But Is it possible to keep God's Commandments? We...

Above the Crowd

John 14:15-17 Time is Ticking Away God gives us the Holy Spirit to help us live with Heaven in mind....

A Fatal Mistake - Part 2

John 14:15-21 Joe Crews Radio Sermons How do we handle ignorance about truth? If we do not know a certain Bible truth does God hold us acc...

Christ is the Answer

John 14:16 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Who is the greatest person in world history? Jesus Christ. People today still wonder who is Christ? ...


John 14:16 SSSH - The Book of Acts "The outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost revealed a crucial truth about what happened in heav...

The Holy Spirit

John 14:16 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "Of the Three Persons of the God head, the Holy Spirit is the least understood. It is ironic that t...

The Promise of the Holy Spirit

John 14:16 SSSH - The Holy Spirit John the Baptist and Christ both promised the Holy Spirit to Christian believers after Christ's deat...

Friday Night Live! The Devil's Dirty Dozen: Satan’s Secret Plans to Neutralize the Remnant

John 14:16-17 Friday Night Live The devil does everything he can to deceive and distract us so that we doubt, and compromise. How c...

Ultimate Sacrifice

John 14:17 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor There are some things that God cannot do. He cannot lie and He cannot find a sinner He doesn't love...

The Glorious Kingdom

John 14:2 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Heaven will be a glorious kingdom....

The Glorious Kingdom

John 14:2 Millennium of Prophecy The Glorious Kingdom begins with a study of Solomon and the zenith of Israel's history. God has prep...

The Magnificent Kingdom

John 14:2 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor What will Heaven be like? God is preparing a glorious kingdom for us....


John 14:2-3 SSSH - The Christian Life Modern Christianity has much confusion about heaven, but the Bible offers a beautiful picture of wha...

The Word That Transforms

John 14:21 New Revelation This lesson the Word that transforms. We want to live for God because of our love for Him. Commitmen...

Running the Christian Race

John 14:21-23 Bible Answers Live In 1983, a 61 year old sheep and potato farmer named Cliff Young decided to participate in the world...

I Have a Question - Part 4

John 14:26 Joe Crews Radio Sermons This broadcast continues in a series answering Bible questions sent in by listeners. The first quest...

Our Need of the Holy Spirit, Pt. 1

John 14:26 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Some say that there is no Holy Spirit but the Bible says that there is. Who is He and why do we need...

The Christian's Guide

John 14:26 SSSH - The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit speaks to and guides those who have a relationship with Him....

The Personality of the Holy Spirit

John 14:26 SSSH - The Holy Spirit and Spirituality "This week we will learn more about the personality of the Holy Spirit as He is described in Scriptu...

Homes of Peace and Healing

John 14:27 SSSH - Families in the Family of God Christian families are not exempt from problems, but the Bible gives advice to resolve the inevitabl...

How can Jesus leave us peace, but also say he came not to bring peace?

John 14:27 Bible Question Archive How can Jesus leave us peace, but also say he came not to bring peace? Christ did not come to bring ...

How To Have Inner Peace

John 14:27 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message How can we have inner peace?...

Quest for Peace

John 14:27 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Peace seems to be an elusive thing on our earth where war almost always seems to be occurring on our...

The Bible and Happiness

John 14:27 SSSH - Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Happiness is often fleeting in our world of sin, but the Bible offers advice to find happiness that ...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Peace

John 14:27 SSSH - The Fruit of the Spirit Christ won an everlasting peace for His followers, but the Bible says this peace must be striven for...

Jonah and the Big Fish

John 14:28 Bible Answers Live The Bowhead whale is a large stocky dark colored leviathan that haunts the fertile arctic oceans. Th...

My Purpose in Life (Lukandah)

John 14:3 Testimonies of Changed Lives I realized that there had to be more to life than what I had going on for me. God was absent in all ...

Return of the Cosmic King

John 14:3 Time is Ticking Away The masterpiece of the devil's deception is going to be counterfeiting the return of Christ. What d...

Return of the Cosmic King

John 14:3 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor God's people were not ready the first time He came. Could it happen again?...

Days of Destiny, Pt. 2: Gethsemane

John 14:31 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The final teachings of Jesus...

Biblical Myths - Part 1

John 14:6 Joe Crews Radio Sermons We often think children listen to fables and falsehoods easily, but many adults cling to the traditi...

Islam, Christianity and Prophecy, Pt. 2 - From Mecca to Rome

John 14:6 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The second part of a three-part series dealing with the subject of Christianity, Islam, and Prophecy...

Islam, Christianity and Prophecy, Pt. 2 - From Mecca to Rome

John 14:6 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Where does Islam fit in Bible Prophecy?...

Suicide of a Planet

John 14:6 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Many say that our materialistic society is failing fast. Major issues in our culture are shaking peo...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Truth

John 14:6 SSSH - The Fruit of the Spirit God reveals to us the objective truth of life and existence, but we must also have a subjective expe...

What is Truth?, Pt. 3

John 14:6 Bible Talk What is the point of believing a particular view of truth? How does this impact our view of God? Thi...

Father and Son

John 14:7-9 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What is God like? There are many misconceptions about the character of God. Jesus spoke against many...

Falling Spiritually

John 14:8 Bible Answers Live Experts say the survival rate for a personal falling from a three story building is only about 50%. ...

Our Loving Heavenly Father

John 14:8-10 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "This week we will explore what Jesus taught about our Father and about His infinite love for us. W...

Most Amazing Man

John 14:9 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Jesus Christ is the greatest figure in history, the God who became man. More books have been written...

Salvation and the End-Time

John 14:9 SSSH - Preparation for the End Time "One fascinating but crucial difference between Christianity and non-Christian religions is that whi...

Chapter 15


The Apostles and the Law

John 15:1-11 SSSH - Christ and His Law "With so much evidence for the continued validity of God's law, why do so many Christians argue agai...

The Holy Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit

John 15:1-11 SSSH - The Holy Spirit and Spirituality Perhaps nothing discredits our Christian testimony and ministry more frequently than unkindness. It ...


John 15:1-8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon looks at John 15 and Jesus' words about vines and branches. Some important lessons come ...

The Abiding Vine

John 15:1-8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon focuses on Jesus' reference to Himself, "I am the true vine" in John 15. The word "abide...

The Law of God and the Law of Christ

John 15:10 SSSH - Christ and His Law "Jesus and His Father are united in purpose as they urge the people of God's creation to love as the...

The Sabbath, Pt. 1

John 15:10 Bible Talk Most people would agree that it is a good idea to keep the Ten Commandments. But many overlook the f...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Joy

John 15:10-11 SSSH - The Fruit of the Spirit Happiness is caused by favorable outward circumstances in life, but true joy comes from knowing and ...

Inside the Lost Ark

John 15:11 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The greatest treasure inside the ark was God’s word, which we have today in the Bible. We are not sa...

Jesus Lays Down His Life for His Friends

John 15:13 SSSH - The Gospel Of John Jesus is betrayed, arrested, denied, falsely accused, condemned, crucified and buried....

James, the Lord's Brother

John 15:14 SSSH - The Book of James "Why is humility so important in the Christian life? That is, in light of the Cross and what happene...

Abiding Vine

John 15:2 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor There are two choices. We have to learn what it means to abide in Christ to have a vital relationsh...

By Their Fruit

John 15:2-8 SSSH - The Fruit of the Spirit Jesus promises that all His true followers will receive the Holy Spirit and bear fruit in their live...

Father and Son

John 15:20-21 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What is God like? There are many misconceptions about the character of God. Jesus spoke against many...

Partnership with Jesus

John 15:4 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions A strong connection to God through prayer, worship and church fellowship can overcome many of the em...


John 15:4-5 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Our society is mixed up and full of confusion, apostasy, and degrading morals. Is religion still rel...

The Holy Spirit, the Word and Prayer

John 15:7 SSSH - The Holy Spirit and Spirituality "God is deeply interested in us. He longs to be part of all aspects of our life: our worries, our fe...


John 15:8 SSSH - The Christian Life A disciple is a lifelong learner of the teachings of someone else. Christians are called to a life o...

The Harvest and the Harvesters

John 15:8 SSSH - Discipleship (2014) "God could have commissioned angels, unassisted by human beings, to broadcast the gospel. Instead, ...

Chapter 16


A Jar of Oil

John 16:13 Millennium of Prophecy This sermon is about the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. The story of the widow in Elisha's...

Above the Crowd

John 16:13 Prophecy Code This lesson focuses on helping people see the importance of making a total commitment to God, steppi...

Holy Spirit, Part 1: The Necessity

John 16:13 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible teaches about a triune God of which the Holy Spirit, a person of the Godhead. The Bible be...

No Turning Back

John 16:13 New Revelation Is there a sin which God cannot pardon? What is the unforgivable sin? Is there such a thing? This se...

The Christian's Guide

John 16:13 SSSH - The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit speaks to and guides those who have a relationship with Him....

The Fruit of the Spirit is Truth

John 16:13 SSSH - The Fruit of the Spirit God reveals to us the objective truth of life and existence, but we must also have a subjective expe...

The Personality of the Holy Spirit

John 16:13 SSSH - The Holy Spirit and Spirituality "This week we will learn more about the personality of the Holy Spirit as He is described in Scriptu...

The Personality and Divinity of the Holy Spirit

John 16:13-14 SSSH - The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is fully divine and as much a part of the Godhead as the Father and the Son....

The Holy Spirit: Working Behind the Scenes

John 16:14 SSSH - The Holy Spirit and Spirituality "The Holy Spirit was not only present at the Creation of this world, He is also active in the proces...


John 16:20 SSSH - Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions God wants us to enjoy the effects of positive emotions, but because of sin we must face negative emo...

Asking with Patience and Persistence

John 16:23 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God is more willing to answer your prayers than you are to pray them. Persist in asking, keep on see...

A Double Portion

John 16:24 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor It is absolutely essential for us to have the Holy Spirit. You cannot live the Christian life witho...

Ten Keys for Answered Prayer

John 16:24 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God wants to do more, exceedingly, abundantly more than we can think but we need to ask, and pray. H...

Is it Easier to Be Saved or Lost?

John 16:33 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Is it easier to be saved, or lost? ...

Plagues, Pestilence and Prophecy - Signs of the Times

John 16:33 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message As Christians we need to have both a practical and a biblical perspective on what is going on in the...

Social Gospel

John 16:33 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Christianity is facing its greatest crisis. Many of the historic beliefs of Christians are under ru...

Storms That Save

John 16:33 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Life storms come to everyone. We are saved through storms by God's grace. He has promised that He h...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Joy

John 16:33 SSSH - The Fruit of the Spirit Happiness is caused by favorable outward circumstances in life, but true joy comes from knowing and ...

Struggling With All Energy

John 16:5-15 SSSH - The Refiner's Fire Relating to God often requires perseverance and struggle, but God's grace can transform the human he...

Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Prayer

John 16:5-7 SSSH - The Book of Luke "Fully divine, equal with the Father and the Spirit, Jesus in His humanity left us an example in reg...

Discipling Spiritual Leaders

John 16:7-14 SSSH - Discipleship (2014) "In the end, a combination of knowledge and experience that produces unselfish love will be the most...

Benefits of Christ's Atoning Sacrifice

John 16:8-11 SSSH - Atonement and the Cross of Christ Christ's priestly work in the Heavenly sanctuary magnifies and solidifies what He did on Calvary's c...

The Work of the Holy Spirit

John 16:8-11 SSSH - The Holy Spirit and Spirituality "It is a great tragedy that Christians, however well-intentioned, often approach sinners with an acc...

Point of No Return - Part 1

John 16:8-13 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Like bombers in World War II who sometimes went beyond the point of no return, can people in their r...

The Sin Against the Holy Spirit

John 16:8-9 SSSH - The Holy Spirit The "unpardonable sin" is the only sin that God cannot forgive....

Chapter 17


That They All May Be One

John 17:1-21 SSSH - Oneness in Christ "Jesus said that eternal life is to know God. What does it mean to know God? How do we demonstrate o...

Going Deeper

John 17:1-26 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Do you want to have a stronger, deeper relationship with God and have peace in your life?...

The Glory of God

John 17:1-26 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The word "Glory" is found over 400 times in the Bible. Understanding glory is essential to understan...

True Greatness

John 17:1-26 SSSH - The Gospel Of John John chapters 13 and 17 record part of Christ's "upper room prayer" after the last supper....


John 17:15-23 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Our society is mixed up and full of confusion, apostasy, and degrading morals. Is religion still rel...

Dilemma and Deliverance

John 17:17 Here We Stand The focus of this talk is on encouraging us to think about our priorities. What is the purpose of li...

Protestant Failure - Part 2

John 17:17 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What is truth? The Bible defines truth as the word of God. Many people turn away from the Bible and ...

Satan’s Final Deceptions

John 17:17 SSSH - Three Cosmic Messages In this week’s lesson, we will continue looking, not only at Babylon’s deceptions but at Jesus’ plan...

The Bible is Reliable

John 17:17 SSSH - Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today There is plenty of evidence to help us build faith in the reliability of the Bible....

The Impending Conflict

John 17:17 SSSH - The Great Controversy The aim of this week’s lesson is to reveal the coming conflict over worship. This week’s study empha...

The Spirit and the Word

John 17:17 SSSH - The Holy Spirit and Spirituality "How has your pride been a stumbling stone that has hindered you from implementing the truth of Scri...

What is Truth?, Pt. 1

John 17:17 Bible Talk What is truth? Is there absolute truth? Is truth relative? Does truth change depending on people's o...

Coming: One World Church

John 17:20-21 Free Book Library Move aside Elvis. There is a one world church coming. Get the inside scoop in this tell-all about th...

Discipleship and Prayer

John 17:20-21 SSSH - Discipleship (2014) "What powerful changes might occur if constant, fervent prayer was central to our methodology in see...

The Church

John 17:20-21 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "We need to remember that love without truth is blind, and truth without love is fruitless. Mind an...

The Mystery of the Trinity

John 17:20-21 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Pastor Doug Batchelor takes you on a fascinating, faith-building exploration of the greatest and dee...

Many Members, One Body

John 17:20-23 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We are more powerful for Christ as we work together....

Keys to Family Unity - 2019

John 17:21 SSSH - Family Seasons "It’s one thing to quote Bible texts about oneness in Christ; it’s wholly another to actually experi...

Merging Churches

John 17:21 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The ecumenical movement to combine all churches into one is being pushed by many in the name of Chri...

Keys to Family Unity - 2006

John 17:21-26 SSSH - Families in the Family of God Christ's principles and example should heal the physical and the church families, but this only happ...

The Adventist Ordination Crisis, Pt. 2

John 17:22 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Should women be ordained as pastors? This is a sensitive, important subject that can be divisive. W...

Who Was Jesus?

John 17:3 SSSH - The Wonder of Jesus Though the name Jesus is known throughout most of the world today, the fundamental question "Who was...

God's Answer - Part 2

John 17:5 Joe Crews Radio Sermons In this second of a two-part series discussion the evolutionary theory, this talk will focus on God'...

Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Pt. 4

John 17:6 Bible Talk The Bible talks about Jesus' coming as the blessed hope. Will everyone know when Christ comes? What...

Chapter 18


Days of Destiny, Part 2: Gethsemane

John 18:1-11 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This is the second of a six part series on the high points of Jesus' life. This sermon focuses on Ge...

Days of Destiny, Part 3: Accused and Abused

John 18:1-40 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The third in a six part series on the final scenes of Christ's life on earth. This begins with the b...

Days of Destiny, Pt. 3: Accused and Abused

John 18:1-40 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The third in a six part series on the final scenes of Christ's life on earth. This begins with the b...

Jesus Lays Down His Life for His Friends

John 18:1-40 SSSH - The Gospel Of John Jesus is betrayed, arrested, denied, falsely accused, condemned, crucified and buried....

Passage to Calvary

John 18:2-23 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption Jesus is arrested, falsely accused and sentenced to die without cause....

What Is Truth?

John 18:33-38 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Nothing is more important than knowing the truth, but what is the truth? Is there more than one tru...

Should a Christian Vote?

John 18:36 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Should Christians vote in political elections?...

Should a Christian Vote?

John 18:36 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Christians and politics. Do the two mix or are they diametrically opposed?...

What is Truth?

John 18:37-38 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon focuses on the story of Pilate asking Jesus at His trial, "What is truth?" Is it based o...

Chapter 19


Jesus Lays Down His Life for His Friends

John 19:1-42 SSSH - The Gospel Of John Jesus is betrayed, arrested, denied, falsely accused, condemned, crucified and buried....

Days of Destiny, Pt. 4: Calvary

John 19:2 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Follow Jesus through the scenes of the cross....


John 19:23-24 Joe Crews Radio Sermons When Jesus was crucified, the soldiers gambled for Christ's robe. Today people gamble away Jesus' ro...

A Portrait of Mary: Mother of Jesus

John 19:25 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What does the Bible say about Jesus' mother? What is the Immaculate Conception? Do we need to pray t...

Why did Jesus call Mary 'woman' instead of mother?

John 19:26 Bible Question Archive Why did Jesus call Mary woman instead of mother? The term woman used to address a female today sound...

A Dying Man's Last Words

John 19:26-27 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The seven last statements made by Jesus when dying on the cross and their practical application to o...

Atonement at the Cross

John 19:28-30 SSSH - Atonement and the Cross of Christ By exploring Jesus' experience leading to and at the cross, we can better understand what He did for...

It Is Finished

John 19:28-30 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message God likes to finish what he starts. When Jesus said "It is Finished", before dying on the cross, He...

Who Are the 144,000?

John 19:42 Bible Answers Live Back in the 1980s, Herman and Donna O’steen bought a farm about a half a mile outside of Reno Nebras...

Chapter 20


The Power of the Resurrection

John 20:1-31 SSSH - The Gospel Of John Christ's appearances after His resurrection are meant to build and strengthen our faith....

Do Christians go to heaven immediately after they die?

John 20:17 Bible Question Archive If you're generally a good person, when you die do you go directly and immediately to heaven? What ...

Life After Death, Pt. 5

John 20:17 Bible Talk This is the fifth and final part in a series on life after death. Many believe that when you die you...

The Sabbath, Pt. 2

John 20:19 Bible Talk The Bible teaches that the Sabbath is God's holy day. But how can we know which day of the week is t...

The “Change” of the Law

John 20:19-23 SSSH - Preparation for the End Time "God’s law, the Ten Commandments, is still binding, and that law includes the seventh-day Sabbath. W...

Called to Be Ambassadors for Christ

John 20:21 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message We are all called to be ambassadors for Christ....

Jesus: The Master of Missions

John 20:21 SSSH - Biblical Missionaries "In Jesus Christ, the meaning of history comes into focus, the total mission activity of God becomes...

Our Mission

John 20:21 SSSH - The Teachings of Jesus "Our task is to invite people to follow Jesus, which means to believe in Him, to obey His teachings,...

The Greatest Mission

John 20:21 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The message of the Bible is that we are to go and share the good news about Jesus, the greatest miss...

Christian Traditions, Pt. 4

John 20:23 Bible Talk This is the fourth in a series on Christian unity and church traditions. This talk looks at the ordi...

Celebrating Spiritual and Physical Fitness

John 20:24-29 SSSH - Health & Healing Our bodies need exercise to remain healthy, but so does our faith....

Signs That Point the Way

John 20:30-31 SSSH - Themes in the Gospel of John Why did John write his Gospel? Did he wish to emphasize Jesus’ miracles? Or to emphasize some specif...

Falling Spiritually

John 20:6-7 Bible Answers Live Experts say the survival rate for a personal falling from a three story building is only about 50%. ...

Chapter 21


He Is Risen

John 21:1-14 SSSH - His Wondrous Cross - The Story of Our Redemption Christ gave many evidences before and after His death and resurrection that He was the promised Mess...

The Power of the Resurrection

John 21:1-25 SSSH - The Gospel Of John Christ's appearances after His resurrection are meant to build and strengthen our faith....

Soldiers and Suicide Missions

John 21:17 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message The Bible shares many stories of battles in Scripture where God's cause looked hopeless, but the Lor...

The Positive Side of Suffering

John 21:18 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message What does the Bible say about suffering? Sometimes God allows suffering to help us recognize our dep...

Doing What's Right At Any Cost

John 21:23 Bible Answers Live Many years ago, Al Capone virtually owned Chicago. He was notoriously enmeshed in the windy city in ...

How To Get Your Name in the Book of Life

John 21:25 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Can we be certain that we will go to Heaven? What do we do to know our names are in the Book of Lif...

The Apostle John

John 21:25 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries John was "the apostle Christ loved." He has a special message forus through his eyewitness of the li...