Media referencing the book of 2 Peter

Chapter 1


Be Who You Are

2 Peter 1:1-15 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "How 'like Christ' are you? In what areas can you do better?"...

From Folly to Faith: The Apostle Peter

2 Peter 1:1-21 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Peter's transformation of character is one of the most striking examples of the power of God's work ...

Last Chance - Part 1

2 Peter 1:12 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Signs of the times are all around us that we are living at the end of world's history. Signs in natu...

Peter on the Great Controversy

2 Peter 1:16-21 SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption "Instead of us being concerned about being accepted by others and conforming to their opinions and t...

Prophecy and Scripture

2 Peter 1:19 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "How many people have drifted off into fanaticism and error because they refused to heed the counsel...

The Ministry Begins

2 Peter 1:19 SSSH - The Book of Matthew "Why is humility so crucial a trait for Christians? How can we learn to be and stay humble? What r...

Dead Men Leave Tales

2 Peter 1:19-21 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Can we trust the Bible? Archaeology has shown that prophecies in Scripture about cities overthrown h...

The Final Word

2 Peter 1:19-21 SSSH - Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Christians believe the Bible is the final authority on important matters because the Bible claims to...

The Spirit and the Word

2 Peter 1:19-21 SSSH - The Holy Spirit and Spirituality "How has your pride been a stumbling stone that has hindered you from implementing the truth of Scri...

The Inspiration of the Prophets

2 Peter 1:20-21 SSSH - The Prophetic Gift The Bible gives details about the nature of God's communication with His prophets....

The Man of God: Obedience Is Not Optional

2 Peter 1:20-21 SSSH - Background Characters in the Old Testament A nameless prophet's death underscores how importantly God views our obedience to His commands....

Is There Anything Left You Can Trust?

2 Peter 1:21 Bible Study Guides Discover why you can still trust the Bible in today’s uncertain world....

Predicting the Future

2 Peter 1:21 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Mankind was not always as certain about the future as he seems to be today. How do people know the f...

The Bible

2 Peter 1:21 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Different men have claimed that someday the Bible will be a book of the past, yet it still stands to...

The Bible

2 Peter 1:21 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Different men have claimed that someday the Bible will be a book of the past, yet it still stands to...

Unfailing Word

2 Peter 1:21 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Many books and famous people have come and gone, but the Bible remains the most inspiring and powerf...

How to Resist Temptation, Pt. 1

2 Peter 1:3 Bible Talk Temptation comes to all people, but can we have victory over sin? Is it possible to be delivered fro...

Is it Easier to be Saved or Lost - Part 2

2 Peter 1:4 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Forgiveness doesn't change God's attitude toward us, but changes our attitude toward God. The Lord f...


2 Peter 1:4 Joe Crews Radio Sermons It's easy to talk about kindness but hard to practice it. This broadcast discusses what the Bible sa...

Be Who You Are

2 Peter 1:5-7 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "How 'like Christ' are you? In what areas can you do better?"...


2 Peter 1:5-9 SSSH - Health & Healing The Bible strongly endorses temperance, which mean the total avoidance of harmful things and the use...

Chapter 2


Adjusting to the Darkness

2 Peter 2:1-22 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Cultural pressure in our society is changing what Christians used to believe. We need to ask oursel...

Are there warnings against following false teachers?

2 Peter 2:1-22 Bible Question Archive Does the Bible warn us about false teachers who say we do not need to keep the commandments? 2 Peter...

Adjusting to Darkness

2 Peter 2:17 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Jesus is the light of the world. He illumines us through the Word and we are to walk in the light gi...

Adjusting to the Darkness

2 Peter 2:17 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor We are living in a time where there has never been more darkness. It is in this time of darkness th...

False Teachers

2 Peter 2:19 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "Why must we be sure to learn for ourselves the crucial truths we believe?"...

Falling from Grace - Part 2

2 Peter 2:20-22 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Is it possible for a person to choose to turn away from Christ after he becomes a Christian, or does...

Last Night

2 Peter 2:21 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The story of Pompeii being covered by a volcano teaches us about being ready for another day which m...

What the Bible Teaches About Hell

2 Peter 2:4 Byron Spears Is hell a really place? If so will God burn His disobedient children there forever?...

Days of Noah and Lot

2 Peter 2:4-7 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor This sermon considers the days of Noah and Lot, as referenced by Jesus. Perilous times will come, bu...

The Days of Noah and Lot

2 Peter 2:4-7 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message This sermon considers the days of Noah and Lot, as referenced by Jesus. Perilous times will come, bu...

Hell, Pt. 3

2 Peter 2:5 Bible Talk When does hellfire burn? At the end of the world or is it burning now? Where is hell? What does th...

Hell, Pt. 1

2 Peter 2:6 Bible Talk Is it true that hell will burn forever? Will God burn sinners through the ceaseless ages of eternit...

Lot's Lingering

2 Peter 2:6 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Society tends to encourage a victim mindset by hesitating to call sin by its right name. But iniquit...

Hell, Pt. 2

2 Peter 2:9 Bible Talk What is hell? Is it a real place or just a state of mental anguish? Will people burn forever or burn...

Is the Devil in Charge of Hell?

2 Peter 2:9 New Revelation What happens to the wicked when they die? Do they go directly to hell and burn for eternity? The Bib...

Israel in Prophecy, Pt. 2

2 Peter 2:9 Bible Talk Many today look at Israel in the Middle East. Don't all of the promises in the Old Testament need to...

Rich Man & Lazarus

2 Peter 2:9 Joe Crews Radio Sermons One of the most controversial texts in the Bible is the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus. People as...

Temptation - Part 1

2 Peter 2:9 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Many Christians battle temptation. It is a problem in the lives of many. How do we deal with moral c...

The Lake of Fire

2 Peter 2:9 Prophecy Code What does the Bible teach about hell? Is the devil in charge of hell? The Bible gives us solemn warn...

The Lake of Fire

2 Peter 2:9 Time is Ticking Away Why would God burn His creatures alive for ever and ever? Does hell have a purpose other than never-...

The Priestly Garments of Grace

2 Peter 2:9 SSSH - Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible The earthly priesthood was to be entirely devoted to God's service. It prefigured the work of the tr...

The Rich Man and Lazarus, Pt. 1

2 Peter 2:9 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Much argument has taken place over whether the words of Jesus in Luke chapter 16 were intended to be...

Chapter 3


The Earth After the Flood

2 Peter 3:1-11 SSSH - Beginnings and Belongings Not long after the flood, humanity had already fallen into sinful ways again....

The Day of the Lord

2 Peter 3:1-2 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "Why must the Word of God, and not culture or our own judgment or reason, be the ultimate authority ...

For Such a Time As This: The Apostle Paul

2 Peter 3:1-8 SSSH - Agents of Hope: God's Great Missionaries Paul's background, education, conversion and love of God made him the best person to take the gospel...

Are we coming back to earth after Satan's reign?

2 Peter 3:10 Bible Question Archive Are we coming back to earth after Satan's reign? The Bible says the meek will inherit the earth. Whe...

Cities of Ash, Pt. 2

2 Peter 3:10 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Does hell burn forever or are sinners completely annihilated?...


2 Peter 3:10 SSSH - Rebellion and Redemption "How does the reality of the great controversy help us better understand why suffering and death exi...

Return of the King

2 Peter 3:10 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor How is Jesus going to come again? The Bible says the devil will attempt to impersonate Christ's retu...

Searching for Truth

2 Peter 3:10 Bible Answers Live We have all heard of people that become sentimentally attached to their cars, the 1967 Austin Healy ...

Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Pt. 2

2 Peter 3:10 Bible Talk The Bible talks about the second coming of Christ. There are different ideas about when and how this...

The Bitter Book and the Spirit of Prophecy

2 Peter 3:10 America's 11th Hour The Bitter Book and the Spirit of Prophecy...

Two Resurrections - Part 1

2 Peter 3:10 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What will happen when Jesus comes again? What happens to the dead in Christ, the wicked who are dead...

Who will be on the earth during the 1000 year reign of Christ?

2 Peter 3:10 Bible Question Archive Who will be on the earth during the 1000 year reign of Christ? Your question is based on a misguided...

Who will be on the earth during the 1000 year reign of Christ?

2 Peter 3:10 Bible Question Archive Who will be on the earth during the 1000 year reign of Christ? Your question is based on a misguided...

Destruction and Reconstruction

2 Peter 3:10-13 Joe Crews Radio Sermons What is the future outcome of all the atomic power that is being harnessed? Will our world be destro...

Fruit of the Christian Faith

2 Peter 3:10-13 Bible Answers Live In 2009, doctors in Russia thought that 28-year old Artyom Sidorkin had cancer. He was a smoker and ...

The Day of the Lord

2 Peter 3:11 SSSH - Feed My Sheep "Why must the Word of God, and not culture or our own judgment or reason, be the ultimate authority ...

The End of God's Mission

2 Peter 3:11-12 SSSH - God's Mission - My Mission In this quarter’s final lesson, we will see that Revelation is a missionary book focused on a missio...

Time of the End

2 Peter 3:11-12 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Is civilization progressing? Did we begin as a tiny germ and advance through an evolutionary process...

God's Special Day

2 Peter 3:12 Byron Spears God set the Sabbath aside as holy at the end of Creation Week. But what day is the Lord’s Day, and d...

Creation, Again

2 Peter 3:13 SSSH - Origins "The same Lord who through the supernatural power of His Word created the world once will create it ...

Final Restoration of Unity

2 Peter 3:13 SSSH - Oneness in Christ "The Bible speaks confidently of the time this earth will be re-created and the ravages of sin erase...

The Lion and the Lamb

2 Peter 3:13 Time is Ticking Away Is there something beyond this world? What is the purpose of life? What will Heaven be like?...

Dealing with Difficult Passages

2 Peter 3:15-16 SSSH - How to Interpret Scripture 'In the Bible are many mysteries that finite human beings find difficult to comprehend and that are ...

How to Understand the Bible

2 Peter 3:15-16 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Unless we know the Bible for ourselves, we will be led into false doctrine and teaching. We are livi...

Paul's Authority and Gospel - 2011

2 Peter 3:15-16 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians A look at the origin, content and authority of the gospel message preached by Paul, which was challe...

Paul's Authority and Gospel - 2017

2 Peter 3:15-16 SSSH - The Gospel in Galatians (2017) "Why does Paul say it is impossible to be a follower of Christ while trying to please people?"...

Why do people try to discredit the writings of the Apostle Paul?

2 Peter 3:16 Bible Question Archive There are lots of disputes about the writings of Paul. In second Peter chapter 3 it mentions scoffer...

Finding Rest in Family Ties

2 Peter 3:17-18 SSSH - Rest In Christ This week we turn to the story of Joseph and his family ties in order to watch God at work bringing ...


2 Peter 3:18 SSSH - The Christian Life Faith affects the entire person and guides how we relate to God and to each other....

A Decaying World

2 Peter 3:3 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Modern technology can be a blessing, but sometimes the very things created to make life easier have ...

Soaring Statistics

2 Peter 3:3 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Though life in the United States is one of the most luxurious in the world, the moral decline in our...

Why do people try to discredit the writings of the Apostle Paul?

2 Peter 3:3 Bible Question Archive There are lots of disputes about the writings of Paul. In second Peter chapter 3 it mentions scoffer...

Evolution, Pt. 2

2 Peter 3:3-6 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Evolution has attempted to created theories in sciences like geology and biology and call them facts...

Evolution, Pt. 2

2 Peter 3:3-6 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Evolution has attempted to created theories in sciences like geology and biology and call them facts...

Three Worlds

2 Peter 3:4-7 Joe Crews Radio Sermons The tragic news in our world today disturbs us as we see crime and lawlessness in almost every corne...

No Place to Hide - Part 2

2 Peter 3:7 Joe Crews Radio Sermons Where is hell and how big is hell? The Bible talks about the reality of hell at the end of the world...

Dealing with Delay

2 Peter 3:8 Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Does Jesus know the hour and the day of His second coming? Can we know when it is near?...

The King Returns, Pt. 1

2 Peter 3:8 Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor The great climax of the world's history is going to be when Christ comes and He sets everything righ...

The Fruit of the Spirit is Patience

2 Peter 3:8-9 SSSH - The Fruit of the Spirit The Bible says that patience is an attribute of God, and comes by the grace of God as He works to pe...

Do we really have a free choice in life?

2 Peter 3:9 Bible Question Archive If God has a plan for our lines,do we no longer have a free choice? The Bible tells us we are to cho...

The Big Radar Has Caught You

2 Peter 3:9 New Revelation This sermon speaks about complete surrender to God and following Jesus in obedience. A Christian is ...

Urban Ministry in the End-Time

2 Peter 3:9 SSSH - The Role of the Church in the Community "If our actions do not demonstrate the compassion, grace, and hope of which we speak, then what we s...

What is Jesus doing in the heavenly sanctuary and why is it taking so long?

2 Peter 3:9 Bible Question Archive What is Jesus doing in the heavenly sanctuary and why is it taking so long? Jesus is pleading His bl...

The Sealed People of God

2 Peter 3:9-14 SSSH - The Book of Revelation "The opening of the seven seals shows us that every person who claims to believe in Christ will rece...