Can Humans Live Forever?

October 14, 2024     
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The Turkey-Syria Earthquake: Just Another Day, Just Another Tragedy?

Posted on Feb 08, 2023  | 
More than the shocking videos of crumbling buildings and images of shaken residents, another consequence of Monday’s massive earthquake in Turkey and Syria is yet another grim reminder of living in a sin-filled world: the ever-rising death toll.

The Left Behind Reboot: Bible-Based or Pure Fiction?

Posted on Feb 06, 2023  | 
The latest film adaptation of the Left Behind franchise, “Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist,” has performed better than expected at the American box office. But how do the events depicted in the film compare to what the Bible says?

90 Seconds to Midnight: Doomsday Clock Predicts Fast-Approaching Apocalypse

Posted on Jan 30, 2023  | 
Created by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in 1947, the Doomsday Clock gives a yearly estimate of how close the human race is to global annihilation. What does this year’s Clock say about Jesus’ soon return?

MAID in Canada

Posted on Jan 23, 2023  | 
Some say that it’s moral and compassionate—others say that it’s little more than legalized homicide. What is Canada’s newly revised euthanasia MAID law about, and what does it mean for Christians living in the last days?

988: America’s New Mental Health Hotline

Posted on Jan 16, 2023  | 
Calls to a recently debuted national mental health helpline are burgeoning. Does God care about our mental health?

When the Lights Go Out: Is America’s Power Grid at Risk?

Posted on Jan 09, 2023  | 
Recent reports indicate that U.S. power substations are vulnerable to terrorists, domestic and foreign. What is the United States doing to protect its power grid? How do Christians stay connected to their spiritual power source?

A Water Crisis Threatens Millions Worldwide

Posted on Dec 19, 2022  | 
Experts are sounding the alarm over the next great global crisis—a lack of clean water. What does it mean for you and these last days?

Human Gods: The Video Game Where You Play Jesus Christ

Posted on Dec 12, 2022  | 
In an upcoming video game, you play as Jesus Christ. Is this a promising tool for Christian education?

Abduction and Recovery: A Miracle Story 50 Years in the Making

Posted on Dec 06, 2022  | 
An abducted daughter is reunited with her family—51 years later! How can this painful and tragic story—but with a happy ending—reveal amazing truths about the plan of salvation and what God promises to do for us?

A Teen Follows Her Good Samaritan Instinct: Would You Have Risked Your Life?

Posted on Nov 28, 2022  | 
A high school teen was recognized for her bravery in helping a wounded police officer. What causes people to disregard their own safety to help a soul in distress? The parable of the Good Samaritan illustrates the answer.

End-Time Deception: The Holy Spirit Board

Posted on Nov 21, 2022  | 
This Christmas, you can buy a Ouija board on Amazon that’s made especially for Christians. Is this part of the demonic deception being prepared for the end times?

Record $2 Billion Lottery Win: When Winning Can Be Losing

Posted on Nov 14, 2022  | 
Last week, an amazingly lucky person won a record-breaking lottery of more than $2 billion. People often dream of such financial windfalls—with hopes of an early retirement and a life of ease and luxury. But is winning the lottery always a good thing?

Rumors of War: North Korea Launches 23 Missiles in One Day

Posted on Nov 07, 2022  | 
North Korea flexed its military might by launching the most missiles ever within one day—and continued with more through the weekend. As the trappings of war are exhibited in the world, what should be the response of the people of God?

Halloween, the Afterlife, and the Bible

Posted on Oct 31, 2022  | 
Halloween is one of the most celebrated holidays in America. With that in mind, it’s a good time to reflect on what the holiday teaches about the sad reality of death and the hope of an afterlife—and how it compares to what God’s Word says.

The Cultic Culture of Halloween and the Signs of End-Time Deception

Posted on Oct 24, 2022  | 
Over the years, Halloween has become a distinct indicator of popular culture. What does this gore-guzzling, occult-obsessed holiday reveal about the end times?

Putin’s Nuke Threat: The Bible and the End of the World

Posted on Oct 17, 2022  | 
Vladimir Putin’s thinly veiled threats regarding the use of nuclear weapons in the Ukraine conflict has unnerved billions around the world. Are we on the verge of atomic annihilation? Does Bible prophecy have anything to say about it?

Taking It Personal: Did the Pandemic Change Your Personality?

Posted on Oct 10, 2022  | 
A just-released research study may have found a correlation between the COVID-19 pandemic and changes in personality—across the entire American population. Is this a harbinger of the end times?

Hurricane Ian Devastates Florida: Where Was God?

Posted on Oct 03, 2022  | 
Hurricane Ian was one of the most devastating natural disasters to strike Florida in history. Its wake of destruction and death has led many to ask the sincere question: “Where was God?” Does the Bible have an answer?

Is America Losing Its Christian Faith?

Posted on Sep 27, 2022  | 
A recent poll reveals shocking numbers that point to a steep decline of Christianity in the United States, which has long been the most religious of the Western democracies. What is going on, what does it mean, and what, if anything, can be done about it?

“Little Demon” and the Normalizing of Satan

Posted on Sep 19, 2022  | 
A new animated television series for adults depicts Satan as a dad fighting for custody of his daughter, the Antichrist. How close is it to the Bible’s description, to reality—and why does it matter?

Constitutional Conventions and the Movement to Change America

Posted on Sep 12, 2022  | 
A growing movement in the United States advocates fundamental change to our Constitution through the means of a constitutional convention. Might the potential consequences reach as far as end-time Bible prophecy?

Elon Musk Has Been Predicting the End of Humanity: Is He Right?

Posted on Sep 06, 2022  | 
Recently, billionaire and Tesla tech guru Elon Musk has issued various spine-chilling warnings about the end of the world and the demise of all humanity. Should we be listening? What does the Bible have to say?

Has the James Webb Telescope Debunked the Big Bang Theory?

Posted on Aug 23, 2022  | 
Though perhaps not outright debunking the Big Bang Theory as many have claimed, new images from the James Webb Space Telescope haven’t yet answered persistent questions that challenge the widely believed theory—and it’s causing many to reconsider the theory as it’s known today. What does it matter for you?

Amazon, the Bible, and Artificial Intelligence: “Alexa, Speak in My Dead Grandmother’s Voice.”

Posted on Aug 08, 2022  | 
Amazon unveiled that personal assistant Alexa will be able to produce the voices of your relatives who have passed away. Let’s explore the biblical implications of not only bringing back the dead but also the ultimate goal of artificial intelligence.

Ezekiel 38: Gog, Magog, and God

Posted on Aug 02, 2022  | 
With Vladimir Putin’s latest movements on the world stage, Russia has now resurfaced in theories of Bible prophecy. Could this country really be part of the end-time events predicted in the Bible, including Ezekiel 38?

A Prophetic Fulfillment? Hearts Growing Cold in the United States

Posted on Jul 25, 2022  | 
Over the past few years, cultural and political tensions have been running high in the United States. There’s even talk of civil war. What happens next—and does the Bible say anything about it?

Do the James Webb Telescope’s First Images of Deep Space Challenge the Bible?

Posted on Jul 19, 2022  | 
The world’s most powerful telescope, engineered by NASA, has taken its very first images. Its mission is to find out our mysterious origins. Hasn’t the Bible already told us that?

Creflo Dollar Says “No” to Tithing

Posted on Jul 11, 2022  | 
Multimillionaire televangelist Creflo Dollar recently announced that tithing is not biblical. Is it? And what makes a Christian rich?

The End of Roe v. Wade: What Does It Mean for Christians?

Posted on Jul 05, 2022  | 
For more than 50 years, Americans lived in a Roe v. Wade world, which guaranteed access to abortion services in every state. However, after the recent Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe, everything has changed. What might an already deeply divided country be facing today—and what should Christians do now?

Why Did the U.S. Supreme Court Side with a Prayerful School Coach?

Posted on Jun 30, 2022  | 
The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold a coach’s right to pray on school grounds immediately after high school football games has raised concerns about the wall of separation between church and state. What is the issue, and should you be worried?