An Assassination Fails: Does God Want Trump to Be President?

July 16, 2024     
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The First-Ever Joint Christian Statement on Climate Change

Posted on Sep 13, 2021  | 
Three of Christianity’s biggest names have called for big change due to climate change. Should God’s people jump on this bandwagon?

Harvard’s Atheist President of Chaplains

Posted on Sep 07, 2021  | 
Harvard University has appointed atheist Greg Epstein as the new president of chaplains. While this apparent contradiction is popular in the world’s eyes, how does the Bible make sense of it?

The Man Who Went to Hell

Posted on Aug 30, 2021  | 
An evangelist who spent the majority of his life as a Satan worshiper tells the story of his conversion—brought about by a trip into hell. Is this biblical—or another one of Satan’s clever deceptions?

New Disasters in Haiti

Posted on Aug 23, 2021  | 
In the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this past week saw Haiti rocked by an earthquake and a tropical storm. As foreign relief floods in, another type of aid draws our minds heavenward.

“Digital Babylon” Coming to a Screen Near You

Posted on Aug 16, 2021  | 
Gen Z has a big screen problem. A recent study suggests, however, that certain digital natives do not—those who prioritize reading the Bible. Does your lifestyle now affect your eternal life later?

New Science Says Length of Days Determined Life

Posted on Aug 09, 2021  | 
A new scientific study posits that gradual elongation of the length of a day on Earth was imperative to the evolution of life. Can this be fact?

“Books of Faith” to Replace the Bible

Posted on Aug 02, 2021  | 
A special interest group is calling for the Bible on display at a VA hospital in New Hampshire to be replaced by a book of faith, featuring the world’s most common religions. But looking at this in the light of eternity spells a different perspective.

COVID, World Unity and the Tokyo Summer Olympics

Posted on Jul 26, 2021  | 
The 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan, delayed for an entire year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is finally being held—and the results are revealing much about the state of the world. How desperately do people want unity?

U.S. Overdose Deaths Break Records

Posted on Jul 19, 2021  | 
A new report found that U.S. deaths by overdose increased by a horrifying 29 percent in 2020. Is there a solution to this drug crisis?

The Surfside Condo Tragedy

Posted on Jul 12, 2021  | 
Amidst the flickering hope and unimaginable grief of the Surfside condominium collapse, questions yet remain. What crucial warning would we do well to take heed from this tragedy?

Not So Close Encounters - U.S. UFO Report

Posted on Jun 28, 2021  | 
After much speculation, the UFO report from the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence produces a lot more questions than it does answers. Fortunately, the Bible has it covered.

California’s “Grand Reopening”

Posted on Jun 21, 2021  | 
The state of California finally came out of hiding after 15 months of coronavirus-tiered restrictions, with multimillion-dollar vaccine incentives and a focus on recreation. Is this the freedom so long awaited for?

Say Hello to Inflation

Posted on Jun 14, 2021  | 
As inflation rises, the future of the American economy remains uncertain. But even as our cost of living balloons, there is one thing every person can afford …

Jesus Banned From Graduation Speech?

Posted on Jun 07, 2021  | 
A high school senior’s graduation speech turned into a case of religious liberty when her principal tried to eliminate her remarks on her Christian faith. How is the gospel being stifled—and what can we do about it?

Tarot: Trend or Terror?

Posted on Jun 01, 2021  | 
Tarot has become the hot trend of the day. Is it a harmless game—or a part of the devil’s last-ditch effort in the great controversy?

Pope Francis: The Voice Heard ‘Round the World'

Posted on May 24, 2021  | 
U.S. “Climate Czar” John Kerry’s interview with Vatican News touts his private meeting with Pope Francis—and points to Bible prophecy. Are you familiar with the little horn?

Real Estate War in the Middle East

Posted on May 17, 2021  | 
A land dispute has sparked an old conflict between Israeli and Palestinian forces—and one of the battle sites is none other than the city of Jerusalem. What does the Bible tell us about end-time strife?

NASA: Earth Is Defenseless Against Asteroid

Posted on May 05, 2021  | 
In a simulation exercise, NASA scientists—and others—say the Earth is defenseless against a massive asteroid striking the planet. But will the world really end this way?

Was Judas Saved? The Vatican Says Yes.

Posted on Apr 27, 2021  | 
According to the Vatican’s official newspaper, Judas Iscariot, the ultimate betrayer, was saved following his betrayal of Christ. Is that true?

A Queen Sits Alone

Posted on Apr 20, 2021  | 
A photo of Queen Elizabeth II sitting alone, distanced from family members, during her husband’s April 17 funeral hit front pages around the world. Prince Philip’s death has led millions to think about life—and the life beyond.

Egypt’s Lost City

Posted on Apr 13, 2021  | 
A recent Egyptian archaeological dig uncovers a long-lost ancient city with an unsolved mystery. What does the God of the Bible have to do with it?

Supreme Court’s Turndown Offers Glimpse into Future

Posted on Apr 06, 2021  | 
Once again, the U.S. Supreme Court won’t hear cases about worker time off for religious observance. Coupled with a strongly worded dissent, this latest denial speaks to religious liberty in the last days.

U.S. Church Membership Below 50 Percent for First Time

Posted on Mar 30, 2021  | 
According to Gallup Inc., U.S. adult membership in churches, synagogues, or mosques is at 47 percent, down more than 20 points since 2000. What does this mean for your own church attendance?

The Vatican Speaks on Same-Sex Marriage

Posted on Mar 23, 2021  | 
A recent Vatican announcement saying that priests cannot bless same-sex couples in a church ceremony has caused a global stir, especially given Pope Francis’s earlier statements about the topic. Where is all this headed?

Iceland’s More Than 20,000 Earthquakes

Posted on Mar 15, 2021  | 
A series of more than 20,000 earthquakes has rocked the southwestern region of Iceland. Are these signs of an approaching volcanic eruption—or something much more?

Pope Francis Risks Death to Visit Iraq’s Christians

Posted on Mar 09, 2021  | 
Braving potential terrorist violence and the threat of COVID-19 infection, Pope Francis visited war-torn Iraq last week. What is the significance of his trip?

Progressive Church Declares Bible Isn’t Actually God’s Word

Posted on Mar 02, 2021  | 
A congregation of self-styled “progressive Christians” in Nashville has declared the Bible isn’t the infallible Word of God. What does it mean?

Is There Salvation in Solar Power?

Posted on Feb 23, 2021  | 
Some believe that filling up the entire Sahara Desert with solar panels could generate enough electricity to power the earth four times over. That sounds like amazing news, but is there more at stake?

Creation, Sabbath, and Conspiracy Theories

Posted on Feb 08, 2021  | 
Do you believe that God created the world in six days? If so, some would say that you’ve been duped by a conspiracy theory.

Pres. Biden, Pope Francis “Could Make a Climate Change Miracle”

Posted on Feb 02, 2021  | 
A major international affairs magazine says President Biden and Pope Francis could work together for “a climate change miracle.” What does Bible prophecy say about the United States and the Vatican at the end of the age?