Transformed Through TV

July 15, 2024    
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A Reason to Change

Posted on Mar 06, 2014  | 
When 16-year-old John Diego first heard about the Sabbath, he says he stubbornly refused to listen to the Bible facts. But when he watched Amazing Facts' Final Events DVD, his whole world turned upside down. See how the Lord is now using this passionate young man to make an eternal difference!

Shining Forth the Light

Posted on Dec 30, 2013  | 
When Gary Graham started an entertainment company with his wife, he had no idea that they would one day leave it all behind to follow Jesus Christ. They just needed a bridge from what was missing spiritually in their lives to the full, everlasting gospel—and that's when God introduced them to Amazing Facts. This is the powerful testimony of how one family seeking for truth overcame by the Blood of the Lamb!

Unloading a Heavy Burden

Posted on Nov 25, 2013  | 
Most dump truck drivers unload sand, gravel, and dirt as part of their daily work, but Kevin Paige had more he needed to unload. As his life spiraled out of control and his marriage headed for divorce, he stumbled across the Amazing Facts Bible Answers Live radio broadcast—and his life took a turn for the better.

Healed and Forgiven

Posted on Oct 01, 2013  | 
By the time Vincent was 19, he had been swept away with the world. He listened to satanic music that blasphemed Jesus. In fact, his fall into darkness was so deep that, one day, while listening to this music, he carved ‘666’ into the knuckles on his hand—deep enough to make sure the scars stayed. But when Amazing Facts Study Guides and DVDs made it into his hands, his life and his wife's began to change … and a wonderful, modern-day miracle of healing took place!

No Longer Alone

Posted on Sep 10, 2013  | 
Sometimes, a seeker studying the Bible comes to the truth about God, the Ten Commandments, and the Sabbath on their own—but often, they don't know where to go to find likeminded believers. They feel alone and spiritually adrift. That's what happened to Tim Horton, who struggled with what to do with Bible information that didn't match any church he'd ever visited. But then he found Amazing Facts on television and everything changed ...

A Better Destiny

Posted on Aug 12, 2013  | 
"I was destined to be a drunk," says Brian. Growing up in a home with parents who drank heavily and a witness and victim of frequent domestic violence, Brian recognizes the many factors in his early life that led him to alcoholism. What Brian only recently realized, however, is that he was also destined for something much better—a destiny that has been transformed through Amazing Facts outreach and your faithfulness to God's end-time work!

The Road to Bible Truth

Posted on Jul 16, 2013  | 
Judy Del Rio says that after her husband was killed in a tragic accident, her “life nearly fell apart.” But God was waiting with answers to point the way to Jesus and give her hope for her future. In her beautiful testimony, you’ll see the many pathways and outreaches that the Holy Spirit can use to reach lost and hurting lives through Amazing Facts—leading to lifelong transformation and hope!

Searching for Truth

Posted on May 22, 2013  | 
As Shelley Dorigo idly clicked through the channels, a program titled Amazing Facts grabbed her attention. Curious but skeptical, she paused to watch. “I thought, ‘I want to know what these amazing facts are.’ That was a smarty-pants response, but the program got my attention" ...

Healing Minds and Hearts!

Posted on Mar 11, 2013  | 
We can sometimes forget that God still answers prayer and performs old-fashioned miracles. And the greatest miracle of all is a transformed heart and a renewed mind—in dear souls like Nita.

No Longer Least Likely to Succeed

Posted on Feb 19, 2013  | 
At a young age, Ruben was drawn to the thrills and lifestyle that came with being in a gang, but it wasn't long before life spiraled out of control due to drug and alcohol addictions. Violent and angry and depressed, he was ready to end his life with a self-inflicted gunshot to the head—but then God stepped in and began to lead him someplace entirely new.

The Greatest Wish

Posted on Aug 09, 2012  | 
Raised in the home of a godly preacher, Dean Dennis was baptized when he was 12 and was an active member in his church. However, later in life, with a family to care for, the call on his life took a backseat to a solid, well-paying career. Then one day, his small son said something that struck Dean deeply and forced him to reconsider his priorities. This heartfelt crisis of faith soon led him to the worldwide ministry of Amazing Facts and would change his life forever.

Peace Amid the Storm

Posted on Apr 10, 2012  | 
After being let down by the church of her childhood, Barbara turned to the dark arts to experience empowerment over a life spiraling out of control. But when that eventually dried up, God was still waiting for her—and connected her to Jesus again through the ministry of Amazing Facts!

Allyson’s Amazing Accident

Posted on Feb 27, 2012  | 
As a young girl, Allyson’s father told her she had a special relationship with God. He said, “God watches out for you.” But Allyson was never really able to experience that hope because of nagging religious confusion, leading her to drift away from faith. But by God's gace, He continued to knock on the door of her heart, refusing to let her go without a fight, and introduced her to the ministry of Amazing Facts.

The Ultimate Liberation

Posted on Feb 15, 2012  | 
Despite having a full and active church life as a teenager, Edmond found himself enslaved to drugs soon after the tragic murder of his father and years of disappointment and distraction in his life. At one point, he even turned to pushing drugs to make ends meet and feed his habit. But when he started watching a “little Jewish bald guy” preach the gospel on television, it opened the doors to ultimate liberation.

God Didn’t Want to Lose Him Again

Posted on Jan 18, 2012  | 
Christopher grew up with a lot of anger. He suffered through the death of his youngest brother and physical abuse at the hands of a family member. Although raised a Christian, he soon drifted from the church and eventually abandoned God altogether. But an Internet search for truth led him to a video that would change the course of his life ...

Back Into the Shepherd's Fold

Posted on Oct 18, 2011  | 
Even though Buddy utterly rebelled against his religious foundation for a long time, today he recognizes the many ways in which God led him safely through a lifetime of rebellion and back into His fold. One of those ways was through your support of Amazing Facts, who reached Buddy with the truth at just the right time.

Responding to God’s Call

Posted on Oct 17, 2011  | 
Jose Alfaro felt God's strong call on his life as early as six years old—he enrolled in seminary when he was only 12. But by 17, his spiritual walk faded fast as the world beckoned him. He dropped out of a life centered on faith and decided to put his career first. Yet soon all that went bust, and he decided to start over in a new town. Not long after, an AFCOE student knocked on his door ...

My Life Has Just Started All Over Again!

Posted on Sep 15, 2011  | 
Sharon Hobbs was first introduced to the Lord in the 1980s, but she never committed to the faith. She says, “I considered myself a Christian, but I was not growing—only getting foolish.” But when she caught Amazing Facts on TV one day, God began to make an amazing change in her life.

Living to the Glory of God

Posted on Aug 10, 2011  | 
If it wasn’t for God’s direct intervention in Heather’s life, she would be dead today. But instead, she is living to the glory of God and helping others who suffer in the same ways she did.

No More Fear

Posted on Jul 31, 2011  | 
Erica first felt God’s call on her life when she was only nine years old, but she didn’t answer Him until she was 44. She was interested in reading the Bible, but she always had hard questions that people just couldn't answer ... and eventually she wandered from the church. That is, until God led her to a different kind of ministry on television!

The Prodigal Daughter

Posted on Jul 19, 2011  | 
Early in life, Claudine had a deep love of the Lord, but somewhere along the way, she lost it completely. Her testimony is a powerful example that the Lord not only uses Amazing Facts to bring those to the faith who have never known Him before—He also uses the ministry to reclaim those who stumbled off the path and lost their way.

Back From the Edge

Posted on May 03, 2011  | 
Debra's life spun out of control after she began abusing alcohol and prescription pills. One day, she found herself laid up in a hospital after sustaining 19 broken bones when she fell from a ledge three stories high. Confined to a wheelchair and feeling hopeless, she found a preacher on TV who would help lead her to the loving embrace of Jesus Christ.

Broken Woman to Warrior

Posted on Feb 07, 2011  | 
By the age of 10, Tracy was already contemplating suicide to escape a short life full of terrifying emotional and physical abuse. By 14, she was using alcohol and was soon trapped by illegal drugs too. Desperate and searching for help and hope, she turned on the television and found a preacher and a ministry that God would use to help turn her life around.

Freed from Babylon

Posted on Oct 07, 2010  | 
Erik Sandoval grew up in a family as far away from God as could be. From there, experimentation with drugs and witchcraft led him to the brink of total destruction—and he hadn't even turned 17 yet. But God moved powerfully in his life and brought him face to face with ultimate, life-changing truth.

An Unanswered Question Answered

Posted on Aug 23, 2010  | 
Joe Sierra was busy serving as a church music director and Sunday school teacher when a bandmate asked, “What happens when you die?” He didn’t have the answer. In fact, it was the same vexing question he'd had for years. Frustrated and in need of answers, he suddenly discovered Bible Answers Live—and found his spiritual knowledge radically changed!

From Prison to Pardoned

Posted on Jun 23, 2010  | 
Douglas Robins’ young life went downhill fast when his father died. After getting addicted to drugs and dropping out of high school, Douglas soon found himself serving two-to-ten in a Michigan prison. But that’s exactly where God could reach him. Discover how God showed Douglas the “true meaning of life” through the ministry of Amazing Facts and how he is making a difference today!

Ripples of Influence

Posted on May 03, 2010  | 
When Ron and Marta Davis moved to Oregon, they had no idea what God was preparing to do in their lives. One day, Ron “just happened” to catch Pastor Doug on TV preaching, and the truths he learned there started them both on a new spiritual odyssey.

Finally, A Faith that Transforms

Posted on Apr 29, 2010  | 
Religion never “clicked” for Steven Hicks — that is until he started a Bible study using the Amazing Facts Study Guides! Now he's a graduate of AFCOE - and ready to do great things for the Lord. Don't miss this testimony!

A Broken Mind Restored

Posted on Mar 23, 2010  | 
Although Michael was raised in a Christian home, when he was 15, he ran away and became addicted to drugs and alcohol. But a rehab experience that included an Amazing Facts prophecy series helped to turn his life around.

From Prison to Serving the King

Posted on Mar 01, 2010  | 
A broken marriage, a broken heart, broken finances … total despair. This was Kendor Shy’s life the day he was thrown in jail. But that’s also where it all changed, when a stranger handed him an Amazing Facts Study Guide that would revolutionize his understanding of God’s Word. And from a prophecy seminar all the way to AFCOE, the miracles just kept coming as God prepared Him for a new life of service to the King.