
Media dealing with Daniel | Revelation


144,000 and the Lamb

Revelation's Final Warning Video Revelation's Final Warning...

A Dream, a Death Decree, and a Revelation

Byron Spears Audio Can the Bible foretell the future?...

A Woman Rides a Beast

Prophecy Encounter Video Who do the women and the beasts in Daniel and Revelation represent?...

All the True Worshipers, Please Stand Up!

Revelation's Final Warning Video All the True Worshipers, Please Stand Up!...

An Overview of Revelation: Apocalypse Synopsis, Pt. 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The first in a series on an overview of the book of Revelation with a focus in this sermon...

An Overview of Revelation: Apocalypse Synopsis, Pt. 2

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The second in a series on an overview of the book of Revelation. The focus is on chapters ...

An Overview of Revelation: Apocalypse Synopsis, Pt. 3

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The third in a series on an overview of the book of Revelation. God's people are sealed be...

An Overview of Revelation: Apocalypse Synopsis, Pt. 4

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The fourth in a series on an overview of the book of Revelation. This sermon focuses on Re...

An Overview of Revelation: Apocalypse Synopsis, Pt. 5

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The fifth in a series on an overview of the book of Revelation. The focus of this sermon i...

An Overview of Revelation: Apocalypse Synopsis, Pt. 6

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The sixth in a series on an overview of the book of Revelation. This sermon focuses on Rev...

An Overview of Revelation: Apocalypse Synopsis, Pt. 7

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The seventh in a series on an overview of the book of Revelation....


Free Audio Book Library Audio Learn how earth's final battle will bring victory to spiritual Israel and the mysterious "...


Free Book Library Print Learn how earth's final battle will bring victory to spiritual Israel and the mysterious "...

Armageddon Countdown

Most Amazing Prophecies Video What is the battle of Armageddon? The Bible speaks about this great battle in Revelation 1...

Bowing to Babylon

Millennium of Prophecy Video What is the first beast of Revelation 13? This sermon speaks about Babylon and what it rep...

Can we take the book of Revelation literally?

Bible Question Archive Audio Can we take the book of Revelation literally? Revelation has a literal implication, but th...

Clothed with Light

Prophecy Code Video Who is the woman described in Revelation 12 who is clothed in light? We are to be the brid...

Daniel and the End-Time

Preparation for the End Time Video "If we are not faithful now in what is “least,” what makes us think we will be faithful in...

Deadly Frogs in Revelation

Bible Answers Live Audio Scattered through the rain forests of Central and South America can be found some of the b...

Defeated Dictators

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Over the last 100 years there have been many political leaders who have attempted to conqu...


Revelation's Final Warning Video Deranged...

Did Jesus make reference to the 70 weeks of Daniel 9?

Bible Question Archive Audio In Matthew chapter 18 Jesus mentions that we should forgive 70 x 7 times. Is this a refer...

Double Trouble

Revelation's Final Warning Video Double Trouble...

Explain the meanings of the messages to the seven churches in Revelation.

Bible Question Archive Audio Explain the meanings of the messages to the seven churches in Revelation. There are three ...

From Battle to Victory

Daniel 2020 Video 'How often do you think about just how closely tied heaven and earth are? How might you li...

From Confession to Consolation

Daniel 2020 Video 'Christ’s sacrifice in our behalf is our only hope. How should this help keep us humble an...

From Dust to Stars

Daniel 2020 Video 'Amid the pains and struggle of life, how can we draw hope and comfort from the promise of...

From North and South to the Beautiful Land

Daniel 2020 Video 'How can we draw comfort from knowing that, in the end, God and His people will be victori...

Horses in Revelation

Bible Answers Live Audio Horses come in many colors shapes and sizes, black and white, hairy and smooth, big and sm...

Is the 'abomination' the attempt to again sacrifice a red heifer?

Bible Question Archive Audio Is the 'abomination' the attempt to again sacrifice a red heifer. Some people believe the ...

Law of the Lamb

Prophecy Encounter Video How do Christians relate to the Ten Commandments without being legalists? Is obedience "le...

Light of Revelations (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio Prophecy is unrolling and extending right before us, but are we really living in the last ...

Losing to Win (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio Does God want us to fall ? Is He constantly testing us ? The Lord is faithful beyond our k...

Marked for Eternity

Revelation's Final Warning Video Marked for Eternity...

Message to Laodicea - Rebuke and Remedy, Pt. 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the first in a two part message on the church of Laodicea as spoken of in Revelati...

Message to Laodicea - Rebuke and Remedy, Pt. 2

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the second of a two-part series on the message to the church of Laodicea as spoken...

Out of Babylon Part 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Babylon is not only a real kingdom that existed in ancient times, but it is symbolic of a ...

Prophecy's Final Countdown

Prophecy Code Video This introductory program to the "Prophecy Code" seminar lays out the importance of prophe...

Prophet in the River

Prophecy Encounter Video If the first thing it talks about in the gospel is baptism and the last thing it talks abo...

Protestant Failure - Part 1

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Protestantism in America seems to be failing in the United States. Why is that? The Bible ...

Protestant Failure - Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio What is truth? The Bible defines truth as the word of God. Many people turn away from the ...

Protestant Failure - Part 3

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Since the time of the apostles the church has wandered away into superstition and man made...

Revelation : The Bride, the Beast and Babylon

Amazing Facts Documentaries Video Going to the very heart of the Bible's most challenging book, this documentary decodes the...

Right on Time! Prophetic Appointments Revealed

Bible Study Guides Print An eye-opening look at the major time prophecies in Daniel chapters 8 and 9....

Seven Seals - Part 1

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio It was about the year 96 A.D. that John the Revelator was exiled to the lonely little Isle...

Seven Seals - Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio One of the most thrilling pictures portrayed in the book of Revelation shows the developme...

Sevens in Revelation

Bible Answers Live Audio According to the Guinness world records, Roy C. Sullivan holds a record for being struck b...

Signs and Wonders

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video How do Christians relate to miracles? Signs can be all around us and we don't notice them....

Signs of the Coming King

Prophecy Encounter Video The Lord says He is coming and that He's coming quickly. What can we know about Jesus' re...

The 144,000 and the Seal of God

Prophecy Encounter Video Who are the 144,000 spoken of in Revelation 7 and 14? This group is called to bring a revi...

The Abomination of Desolation

Free Book Library Print What is the Abomination of Desolation? You've heard it occured in the time of Antiochus Ep...

The Battle of Armageddon

Byron Spears Audio What is the battle of Armageddon? Where will it be fought? Who will be fighting in it an...

The Battle of Armageddon

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The topic of this sermon is the battle of Armageddon spoken of in Revelation 16. It happen...

The Beast of Revelation 13, Pt. 1

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video Now friends, Daniel had never seen anything like this animal. He knew exactly what a bear,...

The Beast of Revelation 13, Pt. 2

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video We're not guessing or speculating here, we are actually giving you the name of the only po...

The Beast of Revelation 13, Pt. 3

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video What does Constantine the Great have to do with Bible Prophecy?...

The Beast, the Dragon, and the Woman

Free Book Library Print Struggle between truth and error, a daring, yet concise overview of the Bible's most compe...

The Call to Endurance

Revelation's Final Warning Video The Call to Endurance...

The Church and The State

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon looks at Revelation 17 and religious persecution that will take place at the e...

The Doomsday of Babylon

Revelation's Final Warning Video The Doomsday of Babylon...

The Dove, The Cross, and The Right Hand of God

Byron Spears Audio What does the symbolism in Daniel chapter 8 mean?...

The Dragon and the Woman

Most Amazing Prophecies Video This sermon focuses on Revelation 12 and a woman and a dragon. What does this apocalyptic ...

The Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet

Byron Spears Audio The Bible speaks of a dragon, a beast, and a false prophet. How can we identify who is re...

The Final Exodus

Revelation's Final Warning Video The Final Exodus...

The Great Judgment Day

Prophecy Encounter Video What events mark the beginning of the millennium and the great judgment day?...

The Hero of Revelation

Prophecy Encounter Video The book of Revelation is about Jesus. He is the central figure and hero....

The Hero of Revelation, Pt. 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video The book of Revelation is about Jesus. He is the central figure and hero. Part 1 of 2...

The Last Little Big Horn

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video A recent papal visit to the United States adds more validity to the prophetic words of Da...

The Lost Reformation Message

Byron Spears Audio The Lost Reformation Message...

The Mark of the Beast

Prophecy Encounter Video Do you know what the mark of the beast is? Could you have it right now? What does the Bi...

The Millennial Man

Millennium of Prophecy Video Many people are concerned about what the future holds. We can find only one source of prop...

The Millennial Man

Storacles of Prophecy Print You're in for the ride of your life! This mind-blowing Bible study on the Daniel 2 image t...

The Primary Players

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This story is about the primary players in the great cosmic conflict between good and evil...

The Purpose of Prophecy

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What is the purpose for prophecy? There is confusion on why there is prophecy. Is it possi...

The Scarlet Woman

Free Book Library Print The Bible has its own lady in red. But behind her alluring beauty lurks a very real danger...

The Scarlet Woman of Prophecy

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video The Scarlet Woman...

The Sealed People of God

The Book of Revelation Video "The opening of the seven seals shows us that every person who claims to believe in Christ...

The Seven Seals

The Book of Revelation Video "Why must we always remember that, in Christ, we are on the winning side, regardless of ou...

The Truth About Israel's 144,000

Time is Ticking Away Video Who are the 144,000? Is it a literal number?...

The USA in Bible Prophecy

Time is Ticking Away Video How does the USA fit into Bible prophecy? A government should never tell you how to keep ...

The USA in Bible Prophecy

New Revelation Video Revelation 13 speaks of two powers that will persecute God's people. The first has been id...

The USA in Bible Prophecy

Amazing Facts Audio Bible Study Guides Audio Shows where the United States fits in with the prophecies of the Bible....

The Villain of Revelation

Prophecy Encounter Video If God's in charge – if God is all-powerful – why did God make an angel that even could be...

The Villain of Revelation, Pt. 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video If God's in charge – if God is all-powerful – why did God make an angel that even could be...

The Villain of Revelation, Pt. 2

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video If God is all-powerful, why did He even make an angel that could become a devil? Part 2 o...

The Woman of Light

Prophecy Encounter Video How does Revelation picture God's true church?...

Three Unclean Spirits

Free Book Library Print This in-depth, easy-to-understand study book from Joe Crews helps you identify the three f...

Thrust in Thy Sickle and Reap!

Revelation's Final Warning Video Thrust in Thy Sickle and Reap!...

USA in Bible Prophecy

Prophecy Code Video This seminar speaks about Babylon spoken of in Revelation 13, 14 and 17. Who is the woman ...

What's Wrong with My Church?

New Revelation Video This lesson focuses on Revelation 17 and the immoral woman who represents the fallen churc...

When All the World Wonders

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video 'And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; an...

Who are the 144,000?

Bible Question Archive Audio Who are the 144,000? Where are these people coming from? Information on this is found in R...

Who are the 7 kings mentioned in Revelation chapter 17?

Bible Question Archive Audio In verse 10 of Revelation chapter 17 it says that 5 are fallen and one is and one is yet t...

Who are the kings who receive power for one hour in Revelation?

Bible Question Archive Audio Revelation chapter 17 mentions 10 kings that receive power for 1 hour with the beast. Wha...

Who is the 8th beast mentioned in the book of Revelation?

Bible Question Archive Audio Revelation chapter 17 speaks of an 8th beast that was of the seven? What does this mean? ...

Who Is the Antichrist?

Bible Study Guides Print Get all the facts about the Antichrist in this eye-opening Bible study. Learn what you nee...

Who is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns in Revelation?

Bible Question Archive Audio Revelation chapter 17 describes a woman riding this strange beast that's full of blasphemy...

Who is the great multitude mentioned in Revelation chapter 7?

Bible Question Archive Audio Revelation chapter 7 describes a large group of people clothed in white robes. Who are the...

Who Will Sing the Song? The 144000 of Revelation 14

Free Book Library Print There is a mysterious group described in the last book of the Bible. Who are the 144,000 d...

Why does the dragon in Revelation 12 have seven heads and 10 horns?

Bible Question Archive Audio Why does the dragon in Revelation 12 have seven heads and 10 horns? The Bible shows that t...