
Media dealing with Israel


Are Christians Messianic Jews?

Bible Question Archive Audio Are Christians Messianic Jews? If not, what is the difference between a Christian and a Me...

How do we know the 144,000 aren't literal Jews from the 12 tribes?

Bible Question Archive Audio How do we know the 144,000 aren't literal Jews from the 12 tribes? I believe they are not ...

Iraq and Babylon in Prophecy

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Many Bible prophecies about the Middle East, including Babylon, sound like they are litera...

Is circumcision still required today?

Bible Question Archive Audio Is circumcision still required today? In Acts 15 the Jerusalem Council gave summary advice...

Life in Death Valley

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This prophecy of Ezekiel is on the valley of dry bones. There are several messages in this...

Spiritual Israel

Free Book Library Print What is Israel's destiny? Is there something more to her than national sovereignty? Two Je...

The End of the Beginning

Beginnings and Belongings Video Joseph rises to prominence and reunites with his brothers and father. Thus, the nation of ...

The Mystery of Israel

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What is the role of Israel today? It is constantly in the headlines and still considered t...

The Mystery of Israel

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video What is the role of Israel today? It is constantly in the headlines and still considered t...

The Other Woman

Bible Study Guides Print Reveals the “scarlet harlot” known as Babylon, depicted in Revelation 17....

Trump, Gaza, Israel, and Prophecy

Friday Night Live Video Donald Trump is working towards the United States taking over the Gaza Strip. Does this ha...

War in Israel: Prophecy with Doug Batchelor

Friday Night Live Video Pastor Doug analyzes the present war in Israel and its prophetic implications....

What is a spiritual Jew?

Bible Question Archive Audio What is a spiritual Jew? Any Gentile who accepts Jesus automatically becomes a spiritual J...

Why did Israel and Judah always go to Egypt?

Bible Question Archive Audio Why did Israel and Judah always go to Egypt? Its because Egypt was the cradle of civilizat...