
Media dealing with Scripture | Bible Study


144,000 and the Seal of God, Pt. 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Who are the 144,000 spoken of in Revelation 7 and 14? Is the number literal or symbolic? T...

144,000 Sing Song of Deliverance

Bible Answers Live Audio With his steady bass, baritone voice, gospel singer and hymn composer, George Beverly Shea...

A Day in the Ministry of Jesus

The Book of Mark Video The Gospel of Mark recounts the calling of four disciples and describes a Sabbath in Caper...

A Decaying World

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Modern technology can be a blessing, but sometimes the very things created to make life ea...

A Liar and the Father of Lies

Bible Answers Live Audio The image of the beast, the deadly wound healing, the small time of trouble... As we face ...

A Life-size Noah's Ark

Bible Answers Live Audio Dutch creationist, Johan Huibers, had a dream that someday Holland would be flooded. That ...

A Modern Day Rip Van Winkle

Bible Answers Live Audio Most Americans are acquainted with Washington Irving's story about Rip Van Winkle, an earl...

A New Song, A New Beginning

Bible Answers Live Audio The end of prophecy means the beginning of new life. We bear the life here in this world,...

A Perfect Life

Bible Answers Live Audio "A Christian must be perfect"... that's what the world criticizes. That's what God demand...

A Piece of the Light That Might Have Been Yours

Bible Answers Live Audio Regret is an ugly thing. When salvation He's made free, when His love He's made free, whe...

A Prayer on a Pin

Bible Answers Live Audio Just about everybody in the western world has heard of the Lord's Prayer. Even if they don...

A River of Life

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Jesus gives us living water. The Bible is like a river of life, and everything lives whene...

A Royal Priesthood

Feed My Sheep Video "A holy nation? A royal priesthood? Applied to ourselves, what should terms like this mean...

A Spiritual Heart Transplant (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio Sometimes the Bible can seem to contradict itself, sometimes it's just hard to understand ...

A Time of Testing

Bible Answers Live Audio How much more can you take ? How much do you have left in you ? So many of us are strugg...

According to the Light

Bible Answers Live Audio "He that has My commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loves Me." It is enjoined upo...

After the Garden (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio Every week brings a host of Bible questions from listeners across the world. In this editi...

Alcohol and the Bible

Bible Answers Live Audio Scientists from Italy have now enabled spiders to spin webs that can hold the weight of a ...

All Nations and Babel

Genesis (2022) Video What example do we have from history, or even the present, of the trouble that can come fr...

All That My Eyes Desired

The Book of Ecclesiastes Video Solomon pursues wisdom, but he finds meaninglessness in pleasure and despair about how he ...

All the Rest is Commentary

Redemption in Romans Video The final three chapters of Romans cover a variety of issues not directly related to salva...

Always Within Me

Bible Answers Live Audio It feels like we are in the valley of the shadow of death, but HE is here with us. HE is h...

An Inheritance Incorruptible

Feed My Sheep Video "How can we learn to be more loving? What choices must we make in order to be able to mani...

Ancient Technology

Bible Answers Live Audio Back in 1981 in the blazing desert near Barstow, California, the U.S. Department of Energy...

And Then the End Shall Come

Bible Answers Live Audio We must keep going and get back on the path. We must keep going with the Lord, never givin...

Angelic Messengers

Bible Answers Live Audio It turns out the fastest bird in the world just got passed up by a flying mammal. That's r...

Another Day That Looks Like Yesterday

Bible Answers Live Audio Another week brings more callers and more questions ! In this installment of Bible Answers...

Apparently Nothing

Bible Answers Live Audio Nothing is ever nothing – not Satan’s minutest deceptions, not God’s quietest warnings, an...

Are Christmas Trees Biblical?

Bible Question Archive Audio In Jeremiah chapter 10 it seems to be speaking about Christmas trees. Are they idolatrous?...

Are the Egyptians in the Bible the same people who built the pyramids?

Bible Question Archive Audio Are the Egyptians that the Israelites were delivered from the same Egyptians that made the...

Are the prophecies of Matthew chapter 24 literal or figurative?

Bible Question Archive Audio In Matthew chapter 24 it speaks of the sun being darkened and the stars falling from heave...

As if There Were No One Else (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio Another week brings more callers and more questions ! In this installment of Bible Answer...

As the Days of Noah

Bible Answers Live Audio As anxiety and solitude continue, callers worldwide are tuning in to Bible Answers Live to...

At the End it Shall Speak (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio With there being hundreds of Bible translations, it's easy to wonder if the Book in your h...

Atonement in Symbols: Part 2

Atonement and the Cross of Christ Video The role of the sanctuary priests and the annual Day of Atonement reveal more about God's ...

Authority of the Bible, Pt. 1

Undaunted Courage Video Authority of the Bible, Pt. 1...

Avoiding the Wrong Path

Bible Answers Live Audio How could an experienced pilot take off from Brooklyn, New York, heading for California, a...

Away From Yourself

Bible Answers Live Audio Do not look to yourself, but away to Jesus... You will find Him away from yourself (2MCP, ...

Babylon and Armageddon

Preparation for the End Time Video "Scripture presents Armageddon as the ultimate climax, not between squabbling nations, but...

Back to Jerusalem

Millennium of Prophecy Video Revelation is a book that reveals Jesus Christ. We understand the prophecies of this book ...

Back to Jerusalem

Storacles of Prophecy Print Learn Bible study techniques for fruitful results in your time with the Word....

Bat Ears

Bible Answers Live Audio Consider the ear muscles of the bat. It is well known that bats fly by sonar. They emit hi...

Battle for the Mind - Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Does it make any difference what you believe? There is such contradictory teachings about ...

Be Kind to My Mistakes

Bible Answers Live Audio "In Christ you have the victory; when you are in Him the temptations assail Him, and not y...

Be Still - Hearing God's Voice

Bible Answers Live Audio It might be hard to imagine, but there's a town within three hours west of Washington DC,...

Bearing Fruit for Christ

Bible Answers Live Audio Among the first wave of English settlers that set foot on Plymouth Rock in 1629 was a Puri...

Because of Us (2019)

Bible Answers Live Audio When the Holy Spirit leads you, do you listen ? Or do you instead wonder how far you can ...

Before the Ninth Wave

Bible Answers Live Audio Before the end, before the worst, we still have time. "The tempest is coming and we must ...

Beginning with the Bible, Pt. 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The Bible has the answers to our most important questions. - Part 1...

Beginning with the Bible, Pt. 2

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The Bible has the answers to our most important questions - Part 2....

Being Still Before God

Bible Answers Live Audio ave you ever longed for a quiet place away from the roar of traffic, blaring music and lou...

Believe What God Believes

Bible Answers Live Audio “The sweetness of the Bible lies in the possessive pronouns,” (Charles H. Spurgeon). The ...

Best Friend Forever

Bible Answers Live Audio Our best Friend is Jesus - He who did not withhold His own life from us but for our sakes ...

Between Two Great Darks

Bible Answers Live Audio "Those who caviled at the words of Christ found ever-increasing cause for cavil," refusing...

Bible Predicts Natural Disasters

Bible Answers Live Audio According to a 2012 study by the British Charity OxFam, natural disasters have quadrupled ...

Bible Prophecy Fulfilled

Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Video Understanding Bible prophecy helps us have confidence in the things God says are yet to co...

Bible Translations

The Big Bible Summit Video Why are there so many different versions of the Bible? Tune in and get a great overview of...

Bible: A Light for Our Path

Bible Answers Live Audio Late one afternoon in 1901, a young cowboy named Jim White was looking for stray cattle in...

Bible's Prescription for Stress

Bible Answers Live Audio Due largely to laptop computers, smartphones and email, the concept of leaving work at the...

Biblical Illiteracy

Bible Answers Live Audio Between the spring of 1959 and the end of 1961, China experienced one of the deadliest fam...

Biblical Myths - Part 1

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio We often think children listen to fables and falsehoods easily, but many adults cling to t...

Birds Save Elijah's Life

Bible Answers Live Audio We've all heard of homing pigeons, but have you ever heard of a homing penguin? That's rig...

Black Skimmers

Bible Answers Live Audio Black Skimmers are graceful, black and white go like birds. They get the name "Skimmer" be...

Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord

The Book of Psalms Video In all the Psalms, through the psalmists’ laments, thanksgivings, praises, and cries for j...

Blind will see at Christ's Coming

Bible Answers Live Audio Daniel Kitsch was born with an aggressive form of cancer which attacked the retina of his ...

Book of the Ages

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio There is no other book like the Bible. It is the Word of God that is trustworthy and relia...

Born Again in Christ

Bible Answers Live Audio Did you know it takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circulate the whole body? A...

Bringing down the High Tree (2019)

Bible Answers Live Audio Our Father's mercy has no boundaries ; from the Old Testament through to the New Testament...

Broken Chains

Heroes Of Faith Video Why would a loving God make a devil and how can we be protected from evil?...

Buried in Baptism

Bible Answers Live Audio It would be very disturbing to wake up and find out that you’re dead. But what would be ev...

Buried Treasure

Bible Answers Live Audio In February 2013, a Northern California couple, while walking their dog on their country p...

By Scripture Alone - Sola Scriptura

How to Interpret Scripture Video 'This week we will look at sola Scriptura in greater detail. We will learn that sola Scrip...

By the Death of One (2019)

Bible Answers Live Audio A new week is another start, another chance, another chapter... won't you begin it by open...

Can I Trust the Bible?

Most Important Questions (MIQ) Video Is the Bible True?...

Can You Count the Stars?

Bible Answers Live Audio For the better part of recorded history, the earth was thought to be the stationary center...

Cans, Canned Food, and Can Openers

Bible Answers Live Audio Did you know that it was 48 years after tin cans were first introduced before the can open...

Celebrating Heroes

Bible Answers Live Audio Life magazine’s May 5, 1997 collector’s edition was titled, “Celebrating our Heroes”. Insi...

Change Is Coming Through the Shadow

Bible Answers Live Audio “Mold me, fashion me, raise me into a holy atmosphere,” (COL, 159). The earthly sanctuary...

Cheng Lim

Bible Answers Live Audio The record for hiding out was made by a young, college, Chinese student by the name of Che...

Choice and Bed Be Made

Bible Answers Live Audio "With faith in your heart, courage in your soul, and determination in your mind, you must ...

Choose Life

Present Truth in Deuteronomy Video Right from the start, the Bible presents us with just one of two options: eternal life, wh...

Christ's Coming No Secret

Bible Answers Live Audio On February 15th, 2013, the Chelyabinsk meteor surprised everybody when it shot across the...

Christ's Death Pardons

Bible Answers Live Audio On August 19th 2009, a burglar brandishing a knife had the shock of his life when he broke...

Christ-Shaped Lives and Spirit-Inspired Speech

Ephesians (2023) Video Think about the power of your words. How can you use them to be uplifting, encouraging, an...

Church Attendance Improves Health

Bible Answers Live Audio Religious services are not just good for your soul. They can evidently lengthen your life....

Cities of Refuge

People on the Move: The Book of Numbers Video Final preparations are made to enter the Promised Land, including land divisions for the L...

City in Space

Bible Answers Live Audio Did you know that if you took all of the stones from the three great Egyptian pyramids at ...

City of Critical Mass

Friday Night Live Video City of Critical Mass...

City With No Dogs

Bible Answers Live Audio Each morning like clockwork, they board at the subway off to the hustle and the bustle of ...

Cleansed from Sin

Bible Answers Live Audio Dermatologists tell us that bathing too often may not be good for your skin but obviously ...

Communication Breakdown

Bible Answers Live Audio On September 1st, 1859, the Carrington Super Flare, the largest solar flare in modern hist...


Formula 4 Faith Video There needs to be repentance and confession before there is forgiveness, cleansing, and sa...

Contrary Passages?

Life Everlasting Video This week we will study some intriguing passages that people use to justify the natural im...


The Book of Mark Video The Gospel writer uses a technique that is called “Sandwich Stories.” This narrative patte...

Cosmic Conflict: The Origin of Evil

Amazing Facts Documentaries Video How could sin invade a perfect world made by a loving God?...

Courageous Christians

Bible Answers Live Audio Most people picture retirement as a time to relax, visit the grand kids, and maybe take a ...

Cows Led by the Spirit

Bible Answers Live Audio Of the roughly 40 million cattle that make the ultimate sacrifice in the US each year, abo...

Creation, a Biblical Theme

Origins Video "This week we will look at various references that point back to the Genesis account and s...

Creation: Genesis as Foundation, Pt. 1

How to Interpret Scripture Video 'The first chapters of Genesis are foundational for the rest of Scripture. The major teach...

Creation: Genesis as Foundation, Pt. 2

How to Interpret Scripture Video 'The Bible opens with the most sublime and profound words, words that are simple but that ...

Daily Wisdom

Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Video The Bible offers practical pieces of wisdom for a multitude of issues we face each day....

Dead Flies and Snake Charmers

The Book of Ecclesiastes Video Among other things, Solomon now makes the point that a single mistake can ruin an otherwis...

Dead Man Walking

Bible Answers Live Audio In the word there is divine energy that can transform your mind and make you a new creatio...

Dealing with Difficult Passages

How to Interpret Scripture Video 'In the Bible are many mysteries that finite human beings find difficult to comprehend and...

Deceived by the Senses

Bible Answers Live Audio On March 18, 1937, a spark ignited a thick cloud of natural gas that had silently accumula...

Deep Down

Bible Answers Live Audio “There is a science of Christianity to be mastered – a science much deeper, broader, highe...

Delayed Delivery

Bible Answers Live Audio In 1914, British World War I soldier Private Thomas Hughes tossed a green bottle in the En...

Desolation of the Earth

Bible Answers Live Audio Located on the Kansas State line, Picher was Oklahoma’s most northeastern city. Newspapers...

Destruction and Renewal

Beginnings and Belongings Video The flood in Noah's day demonstrates the capacity for unrepentant evil that exists in the ...

Determining God's Will

Bible Answers Live Audio Researchers intrigued by this habit decided to investigate. They discovered that this litt...

Deuteronomy in the Later Writings

Present Truth in Deuteronomy Video This week we will focus on how the book was used by later writers. What parts of Deuterono...

Deuteronomy in the New Testament

Present Truth in Deuteronomy Video Whether using direct Old Testament quotations, or allusions, or references to stories or p...

Developing Spiritual Endurance

Bible Answers Live Audio On August 24, 1875, Matthew Webb slipped into the water at Dover England and 21 hours and ...

Devil Seeks to Devour

Bible Answers Live Audio What do you think the chances for survival would be for an unarmed, 16 year-old who was at...

Devoted Fathers

Bible Answers Live Audio Did you know that the word "dad" may actually date back before the 16th century and it ori...

Did the Bible stories really happen? -Part 1

Bible Question Archive Audio Did the Bible stories really happen like Adam and Eve, Noah's ark and Jonah and the whale?...

Did the Bible stories really happen? -Part 2

Bible Question Archive Audio Did the Bible stories really happen? This is the second in a two-part question. This broad...

Diminishing Love

Bible Answers Live Audio Tune in to this edition of Bible Answers Live and hear Pastor Doug help listeners with que...

Disciples and Scripture

Discipleship (2014) Video "How can we make sure that our study and reading of the Bible help us to come to a better ...

Discovering God's Perfect Will

Bible Answers Live Audio There is a small remote island in the south pacific called “The Yap” that’s known as, “The...

Divine Intervention

Bible Answers Live Audio His picture is on every $20 bill which is odd when you consider, he hated paper money much...

Divine Wisdom

The Book of Proverbs Video "Wisdom is truth - the Truth as it exists in God, the source and foundation of all truth."...

Does the Bible mention Native American origins?

Bible Question Archive Audio Does the Bible have anything to say about Native Americans? Genesis 11 tells us the whole ...

Doing Right at Any Cost

Bible Answers Live Audio Despite his involvement with organized crime, Eddy loved his little boy. In fact, his love...


Bible Answers Live Audio There is more noise in the ocean than merely the lapping of waves or bubbling fish. Humans...

Dolphins - Man's Best Friend?

Bible Answers Live Audio We've all heard the expression before that, "Dog is man's best friend," but in the ocean a...

Don't Let Go

Bible Answers Live Audio Intelligence to wisdom, wisdom to recognition, recognition to need, need to reliance, reli...

Don't Worry, Be Happy

Bible Answers Live Audio "I have loved you... Fear not, for I am with you." Why do we worry so much ? Why are our...

Double-Minded Christians

Bible Answers Live Audio At first glance, the grasshopper mouse found in the deserts of the Southwest looks like a ...

Drifting Off the Map

Bible Answers Live Audio When Alexander the Great was leading his victorious armies down through Asia Minor the gre...

Earth’s Closing Events

The Great Controversy Video The aim of this week’s lesson is to reveal what the prophetic Word says about the closing ...

Earth's Largest Landfill

Bible Answers Live Audio Not all garbage ends up in the dump. In fact, earth's largest landfill isn't on land at al...

Earth's Treasure, Heaven's Pavement

Bible Answers Live Audio It's used in everything from soda cans, to aircraft, to smartphones. It's light, strong, c...

Eighteen Reasons - Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Can we be sure that the seventh-day is the same day in our present time as it was a few th...

Elements Melt at Second Coming

Bible Answers Live Audio Icebergs generally range from about three to 250 feet above sea level. The largest iceberg...

End-Time Disasters

Bible Answers Live Audio The volcanic eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia April 10, 1815, became the largest exp...

Ephesians: Themes in Relationships

Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships Video A look at the author, recipients and theme of Ephesians....

Eternal Life in Christ

Bible Answers Live Audio The world's oldest person and last known to have been born in the 1800s, died April 15th, ...

Eugenio Maderal Roman - Freedom Surfer

Bible Answers Live Audio Back in February 1994, a 21-year old Cuban windsurfer waded ashore in the Florida Keys and...

Evidence of God's Creation

Bible Answers Live Audio The African crested rat was thought to be poisonous for many years. Locals call it the fur...

Evolution and Nature - Part 3

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio There is an intelligent design of created things, which proves the existence of a divine C...

Evolution/When the Rocks Cry Out

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Archaeology plays a key role in validating the Bible. ...

Explain dual application prophecy and the relation to typology.

Bible Question Archive Audio Explain dual application prophecy and the relation to typology. God does not function in t...

Explain what the word apostle means.

Bible Question Archive Audio Explain what the word apostle means. Today we think of an apostle as one of Jesus' followe...

Faith Against All Odds

The Great Controversy Video In this week’s study, with examples from the Reformation, we will explore how the life-cha...

Faith and Frailty

Beginnings and Belongings Video Abram and Sarai become Abraham and Sarah as their personal and spiritual lives progress up...

Faith Value

Bible Answers Live Audio We are to fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and in faithfulness, but what does that...

Falling Short

Bible Answers Live Audio By the Spirit the heart is made pure (HLv). How do we really, and can we even, attain tru...

False Prophecies

Bible Answers Live Audio How could an army with less than 600 people overpower a kingdom of over two million? Just ...

False Teachers

Feed My Sheep Video "Why must we be sure to learn for ourselves the crucial truths we believe?"...

Famine for God's Word

Bible Answers Live Audio The Rocky Mountain locusts were an abundant species of grasshopper that ranged through the...

Far Beyond the Visible

Bible Answers Live Audio It may seem that God doesn't answer prayers... why does He tarry or ignore ? Remember the...

Far From the Shallow

Bible Answers Live Audio Isn't it something that we can devote ourselves to - to make it to Heaven ? To dive deep ...

Farming Ants

Bible Answers Live Audio Perhaps you've heard about the famous parasol, or leaf-cutter ants, ants that make gardens...

Fascinating Facts About Turkeys

Bible Answers Live Audio According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, more than 45 million turkeys were baked, ...

Feasting on God's Word

Bible Answers Live Audio Born on June 15, 1959, Michel Lotito was a Frenchman with a very unusual diet. At the age ...

Feeding on God's Word

Bible Answers Live Audio The Artic Woolly Bear Caterpillars found in the far north around Greenland and Canada have...

Fight the Good Fight

Bible Answers Live Audio Our Father is faithful, no matter the circumstance, no matter the time. Our part is to rec...


Bible Answers Live Audio The Lord's love is written everywhere in nature and revelation, testifying to His tender c...

Fire with Fire

Bible Answers Live Audio The social unrest we are witnessing is dominating our thoughts and the media. What is the...


Bible Answers Live Audio Have you ever heard of “The Flat Earth Society”? Evidently, even after the launch of thous...

For What Nation Is There So Great?

Present Truth in Deuteronomy Video What does it mean to add or to take away from God’s commands? Outside of the obvious, such...

Foundation of God's Word

Bible Answers Live Audio The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a world famous 183-foot bell tower in Pisa, Italy. Shortly af...


Beginnings and Belongings Video The foundation of belief in God lies in understanding God Himself, through the pages of Sc...

Freedom in Christ - 2010

Redemption in Romans Video After struggling with sin in chapter 7, Paul now discusses the freedom believers have in C...

From Arrogance to Destruction

Daniel 2020 Video What are ways in which our society and culture profane the truth of God’s Word? How can we...

From Contamination to Purification

Daniel 2020 Video 'What should this study tell us about how precious and important the knowledge of biblical...

From Death to Life

Bible Answers Live Audio A young mother in Argentina was devastated when she woke up following child birth, to lear...

From Desert to Garden

Bible Answers Live Audio The Sahara desert is the world’s largest and hottest desert, at over 3.6 million square mi...

From Furnace to Palace

Daniel 2020 Video 'We show real faith when we pray to the Lord for what we want but trust Him to do what’s b...

From Jerusalem to Babylon

Daniel 2020 Video 'As we face the challenges of the twenty-first century, we need to recapture the perceptio...

From Mess Sergeant to President

Bible Answers Live Audio In September 1862, Confederate General, Robert E. Lee, made his greatest effort to carry t...

From Mystery to Revelation

Daniel 2020 Video 'Whenever we face a big problem, we also should recognize that our God is great enough to ...

From Nothing to Everything

Bible Answers Live Audio From desert to lush, from nothing to everything and all that's in between during this life...

From Pride to Humility

Daniel 2020 Video 'God continues to change lives today. No matter how proud or sinful people may be, in God ...

From Prison Cell to Palace

Beginnings and Belongings Video Jacob has twelve sons. One, Joseph, is sold into slavery by his brothers, but endures serv...

From Reading to Understanding

Daniel 2020 Video 'Amid struggles, trials, or even times of great happiness and prosperity, how can we learn...

From Slaves to Heirs - 2017

The Gospel in Galatians (2017) Video "What is it about human beings that makes them so afraid of the idea of grace, of salvatio...

From the Stormy Sea to the Clouds of Heaven

Daniel 2020 Video 'With the coming of the Son of Man, God’s dominion is restored to those to whom it properl...

Front Burner

Bible Answers Live Audio He hasn't forgotten you. Nothing can befall us of which God takes no immediate interest (S...

Fruit of the Christian Faith

Bible Answers Live Audio In 2009, doctors in Russia thought that 28-year old Artyom Sidorkin had cancer. He was a s...

Gender and Discipleship

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Were there women disciples of Jesus?...

Gift of Tongues

Bible Answers Live Audio Polyglottism is the ability to speak several languages with a high degree of proficiency. ...

God Chooses the Ordinary

Bible Answers Live Audio In the summer of 1945, engineer, Percy Spencer, was conducting tests on a magnetron. That'...

God Made Man Upright? What Happened?

The Book of Ecclesiastes Video Solomon turns his attention to religion and explores how character compromises lead only t...

God Sends Weather to Bring Victory

Bible Answers Live Audio In August 1814 America nearly lost their Independence from Great Britain. The British army...

God: Source of All Wisdom

Bible Answers Live Audio How does the fish know just how far to leap and in what direction? Scientists have discove...

God’s Grand, Christ-Centered Plan

Ephesians (2023) Video What does it mean to you that through Christ’s atoning sacrifice you are forgiven and rede...

God’s Holy Word, His Spirit of Prophecy and His Mission

Holding The Line Video Pastor Ted Wilson presents: God’s Holy Word, His Spirit of Prophecy and His Mission...

God's Amazing Creation

Bible Answers Live Audio Back in 1999, a small black and white kitten appeared in the backyard of Ann and Wally Col...

God's Children, His Precious Gems

Bible Answers Live Audio An emerald was found in Brazil that weighs more than 25 pounds, and that's after it was cu...

God's Memorial of Love

Bible Answers Live Audio In 1629, the emperor of India, Shah Jahan, went on a military campaign to crush a rebellio...

God's Ultimate Doomsday Shelter

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video God promises to shelter us if we obey Him....

God's Wonderful Creation

Bible Answers Live Audio DNA is a miraculous thing, more precisely known as the deoxyribonucleic acid. The DNA mole...

God's Word - Sweeter than Honey

Bible Answers Live Audio To produce one pound of honey, bees must make 25,000 trips between their hive and the flow...

Growing Through the Word

Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Video The Bible underscores the need for spiritual growth once we accept Jesus Christ....

Guarding the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier

Bible Answers Live Audio If you have ever been to Arlington National Cemetery you have probably seen a sharp lookin...

Haunted by Ghosts?

Bible Answers Live Audio In February 1941, a German U-Boat torpedoed and sank the 400-foot long SS Gairsoppa. Only ...

He Is Faithful

Bible Answers Live Audio We wonder if the nation of Israel making headlines is prophetic; we should also notice God...

He Loved First

Bible Answers Live Audio "In the light of the cross many who had never before known of the true God, began to compr...

Healing the Spiritually Blind

Bible Answers Live Audio In 1995, Mary Ann Franco was in a serious car accident that injured her spine, and consequ...

Healthcare Crisis

Bible Answers Live Audio The person who holds the record as the heaviest human being on the planet is a Saudi Arabi...

Hear, That Your Soul May Live

Bible Answers Live Audio Bible Answers Live is a live call-in radio program where listeners can have their question...

Hearing God

Formula 4 Faith Video This sixth program in the Formula 4 Faith series about the science of salvation is about h...

Heaven Is Cheap Enough

Bible Answers Live Audio Christ gave Everything to simply have the possibility that you could accept His sacrifice ...

Heavenly Heart Transplant

Bible Answers Live Audio Werner Forssmann, a 25-year-old doctor in Germany had a radical idea. He proposed a new wa...

Heavenly Mansions

Bible Answers Live Audio If they can ever complete it, their house will be one of the largest private mansions in t...

Heavenly Organ Transplant

Bible Answers Live Audio Each winter in Alaska, the common wood frog freezes solid. It quits breathing, and its hea...

Heavenly Palaces

Bible Answers Live Audio If you struggle with arachnophobia, you would not want to have visited the Baltimore waste...

Hello, He Lied

Bible Answers Live Audio It's our responsibility in the end to believe or not believe God's word, because it's our ...

Here Am I

Bible Answers Live Audio "When a man breathes an intensely earnest prayer to God, there is in that intensity and ea...

Hermit Crabs

Bible Answers Live Audio Hermit crabs are curious creatures found along the coasts of Europe and the Americas. Most...

Hidden Deeds Revealed

Bible Answers Live Audio On August 23, 1799, the American ship called Nancy was captured in the Caribbean by the En...

His Ways Above Ours (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio Every week brings a host of Bible questions from listeners across the nation. In this edi...

Hogs and Other Hazards

Bible Answers Live Audio Contrary to their dirty reputation, pigs sometimes called hogs and swine are actually very...

Holy Spirit's Gift of Tongues (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio Tattoos and pepperoni pizza, what do they have in common ? Listen to this edition of Bibl...

Honeycomb Worms

Bible Answers Live Audio Honeycomb worms live along the shallow seas off the California coast stretching from Baja ...

Hope Is Everything

Bible Answers Live Audio Don't reject the measure of His blessings. Don't forget all that He's done; the only thing...

Hope of Eternal Life

Bible Answers Live Audio Back in October 2012, Gilberto, a poor car washer from the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil, h...

Horizontal Atonement: The Cross and the Church

Ephesians (2023) Video How might your church play a positive role in actualizing the unifying work Christ already...


Bible Answers Live Audio "Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand." Knowledge i...

How do we know the Bible is accurate in origin and translation?

Bible Question Archive Audio How do we know the Bible is accurate in origin and translation? There are basically three ...

How God Rescues Us

Ephesians (2023) Video Who hasn’t experienced just how corrupted our own nature is, even after we have given ours...

How good are the newer versions of the Bible?

Bible Question Archive Audio How good are the newer versions of the Bible? Yes there are definitely dangers to be aware...

How Great a Matter a Little Fire Kindles (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio Russia, Iran, Syria and Islam have all taken turns in the news spotlight... could it be po...

How Long Is Your Forever ?

Bible Answers Live Audio The Lord is great and greatly to be praised ! He does not out us; He covers us, equips us...

How To Read the Psalms

The Book of Psalms Video The Psalms are inspired prayers and praises of Israel, and so in the Psalms the voice is t...

How To Study the Bible

The Big Bible Summit Video Did you know there are many different tips and tricks for diving deeper into scripture stu...

How to Survive a Fall

Bible Answers Live Audio On January 21, 2007, a Wisconsin man, Joshua S. Hanson and two friends were in Minneapolis...

Hunger for God

Bible Answers Live Audio On May 14th, 2007, at age 95, Nola Ochs became the world’s oldest college graduate when sh...

Husbands and Wives: Together at the Cross

Ephesians (2023) Video Paul cites the example of Jesus to both wives and husbands. What can you learn from Jesus ...

I Am My Enemy

Bible Answers Live Audio This enemy under the surface, this lack of faith, these attacks, these lies... have you ev...

I See You

Bible Answers Live Audio It is He that has made us, and not we ourselves. He knows us, knows our needs, knows our ...

I Will Arise

The Book of Psalms Video The Lord is longsuffering and holds His wrath in His great forbearance, not wanting anyone...

I Will Carry You, I Will Deliver You

Bible Answers Live Audio "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, for the Lord your God will be with you where...

Image Struck by a Stone

Bible Answers Live Audio On November 30, 1954, Anne Hodges was taking a nap on her couch in the little town of Oak ...

Important Themes in First John

Loved and Loving: John's Epistles Video A review of the major important themes found in 1 John....

Imprisoned and Addicted (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio Temptations are different for each of us ; we each fight our own battles, but, not on our ...

In Him Was Life

Bible Answers Live Audio ...And the life was the light of men. "Even when He laid down His life, He still had as m...

In The Beginning...

Beginnings and Belongings Video Genesis 1 and 2 give a clear and beautiful picture of how and why we came to exist....

In the Company of a Wolf

Bible Answers Live Audio "The sheep's clothing seems so genuine, that the wolf can be discerned only as we go to Go...

In the Father's House

Bible Answers Live Audio "Our Redeemer has opened the way so that the most sinful, oppressed, and despised... may h...

Into the New Life

Bible Answers Live Audio We cannot imagine or fathom what God has prepared for those who love Him... Something Magn...

Invitation, Not Isolation

Bible Answers Live Audio Every day is a new opportunity. As we continue in this crisis where our daily routines and...

Is the Bible the only trusted source of truth and inspiration?

Bible Question Archive Audio Is the Bible the only trusted source of truth and inspiration? The Bible is the foundation...

Is There Anything Left You Can Trust?

Amazing Facts Audio Bible Study Guides Audio In these rapidly changing and challenging times—when promises of stability and safety rare...

Is There Anything Left You Can Trust?

Bible Study Guides Print Discover why you can still trust the Bible in today’s uncertain world....

Is There Anything Left You Can Trust?

New Revelation Video What is the Bible? Can we trust the Scriptures? Are they are reliable source of informatio...

Islam and Christianity in Prophecy

Prophecy Alerts Video ISIS of course stands for the Islamic state of Syria and Iraq because there is this desire...

Islam, Christianity and Prophecy, Pt. 1 - Sibling Rivalry

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video The first part in a three-part series dealing with the subject of Christianity, Islam, and...

Islam, Christianity and Prophecy, Pt. 1 - Sibling Rivalry

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The first part in a three-part series dealing with the subject of Christianity, Islam, and...

Islam, Christianity and Prophecy, Pt. 2 - From Mecca to Rome

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The second part of a three-part series dealing with the subject of Christianity, Islam, an...

Israel : a Nation on the Move

Bible Answers Live Audio Hermit crabs are comical looking crustaceans found around the world. However, unlike crabs...

Israel and the Battle of Armageddon

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What is the Battle of Armageddon?...

Israel in Egypt

Genesis (2022) Video Though God intimately knows the future, we are still free in the choices we make. How do w...

It's Not How It Seems

Bible Answers Live Audio The Bible appears intimidating, mysterious, confusing - God the Father shrouds His face, t...

It's the Little Things

Bible Answers Live Audio "Every act of life, however small, has its bearing for good or for evil... It is the littl...

It's Worth It for Now

Bible Answers Live Audio If "our chastisements are our promotions," and if that which is gained after many a strugg...

Jack Worm - From Rags to Riches

Bible Answers Live Audio Have you ever dreamed about inheriting a fortune from a long-lost relative? To be in the w...

Jacob Becomes Israel

Beginnings and Belongings Video Jacob labors for 14 years to marry Rachel, then returns to Canaan to face his estranged br...

James Macie

Bible Answers Live Audio Distinguished scientist and chemist, James Macie, was born in France in 1765 the illegitim...

Jelly Fish

Bible Answers Live Audio Few marine animals are as mysterious and intimidating as jelly fish. These incredible anim...

Jesus and the Apostles’ View of the Bible

How to Interpret Scripture Video 'Jesus taught His disciples obedience to the Word of God and the law. There is never a hin...

Jesus’ Messages to the Seven Churches

The Book of Revelation Video "There are Christians who always talk in glorious terms of their past faithfulness to Chri...

John Porter Bowman

Bible Answers Live Audio John Porter Bowman was a wealthy tanner who made a fortune by selling leather goods to the...

Jonah and the Big Fish

Bible Answers Live Audio The Bowhead whale is a large stocky dark colored leviathan that haunts the fertile arctic ...

Journey Through the Holy Land

Amazing Facts Around the World Video Discover the land of the Bible with Pastor Doug Batchelor....

Just a Little Longer

Bible Answers Live Audio “Ye must die that ye may live. Get ready, get ready, get ready... Sacrifice all to God. It...

Just a Prayer Away

Bible Answers Live Audio "God will do things for us when we pray that He will not do if we do not pray," (GC, 525)....

Justification by Faith Alone - 2017

The Gospel in Galatians (2017) Video "We are not justified on the basis of our faith but on the basis of Christ’s faithfulness ...

Justified by Faith

Redemption in Romans Video The heart of Paul's message to the Romans was one of justification by faith....

Keep Your Head Up

Bible Answers Live Audio No matter what happens, Keep Your Head Up... no matter what happens, keep the faith. YOU a...

Keeping About God

Bible Answers Live Audio "Only as God shall lead, guide, influence, inspire, can we perform our solemn trust," (C.H...

Keys to a Happy Marriage

Bible Answers Live Audio Even before Herbert Fisher passed away at a 104 back in February 2011, he and his wife Zel...

Keys to the Kingdom - Forgiveness

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video In order for God's forgiveness to blossom in our life we must learn to forgive each other....

Kneel Lower

Bible Answers Live Audio Sometimes there is nothing we can do except pray, surrender and repent. Repentance is a t...


Bible Answers Live Audio Ladybugs are one of the most valuable, natural forms of pest control on earth. Farmers of ...

Languages, Text and Context

How to Interpret Scripture Video 'Some people not only have the Bible translated into their native language but even have v...

Law and Grace

Present Truth in Deuteronomy Video Deuteronomy could be seen as one big object lesson in grace and law. By grace God redeems ...

Leap of Faith

Bible Answers Live Audio No shame, just love. No captivity, just succor. Just trust. Let Christ calm the fears a...

Left Behind

Bible Answers Live Audio Can you imagine your dismay, if you are out scuba diving with friends in the open sea? As ...

Lessons of the Past

The Book of Psalms Video Each generation of God’s people plays a small but significant part in the grand historical...

Let Me Let You Go

Bible Answers Live Audio How much longer can we remain in Satan's spell ? We've learned to lose ourselves, allowin...

Let the Invisible In

Bible Answers Live Audio Under the Holy Spirit's working even the weakest will learn to improve & to become sanctif...

Liar, Lunatic or Lord

Bible Answers Live Audio What are you supposed to do when your mother and your spouse don't get along ? Ever wonde...

Light From the Sanctuary

The Great Controversy Video This week we explore Christ’s ministry in heaven. *Study this week’s lesson, based on c...


Bible Answers Live Audio At 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, a bolt of lightning is hotter than the surface of the sun an...

Lion and the Lamb

Bible Answers Live Audio Little Tyke, a female African lion born and raised in America lived her entire life withou...

Little Big Things

Bible Answers Live Audio It starts with a thought... the small things that "don't matter" that you keep pushing to ...

Little Tyke - The Vegetarian Lioness

Bible Answers Live Audio Little Tyke, a female African lion, born and raised in America, lived her entire life with...

Living a Fruitful Life

Bible Answers Live Audio You might be surprised to learn the world's biggest grapevine is not in France or Spain or...

Living by the Word of God

How to Interpret Scripture Video 'The best method of studying the Bible is of no use if we are not determined to live by wh...

Living Courageously

Bible Answers Live Audio Back in January 1970, 30-year old David Kunst was inspired by the moon landing in the summ...

Living Wisely

Ephesians (2023) Video What are some of the “empty words” that in our day and age we need to be wary of? What st...

Longing for God in Zion

The Book of Psalms Video The blessings of Zion overflow to the ends of the earth because the Lord’s person and grac...

Lost and Found

Bible Answers Live Audio "Wherever I am, I am what is missing," (M. Strand)... and it's true. Missing from our Fat...

Love Engraved (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio "... Repent, and do the first works." The life that we are living here is a journey. Some...

Love Is a Verb

Bible Answers Live Audio "Herein is love... that He loved us and sent His Son" for us. Our Father's love is immeas...

Luther and the Reformation - Why It Still Matters

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Do we still need spiritual reformation? The whole basis of the Protestant Reformation is ...

Majesties of God's Creation

Bible Answers Live Audio People were in awe back in 2013 when Harvard University scientists created a miniature fly...

Many Crowns

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What is the significance of crowns in Scripture?...

Matters of the Christian Life (2019)

Bible Answers Live Audio From gambling to polygamy to smoking, from learning how to pray and how to fast and how to...

Military Powerhouses

Bible Answers Live Audio For about 500 years, the Roman empire was the undisputed, military powerhouse that conquer...

Miracles Around the Lake

The Book of Mark Video The main goal of Mark's Chapter 5 dramatic stories is to let the reader see who Jesus is. ...

Miraculous Survival

Bible Answers Live Audio Harrison Okene begged God for a miracle in turbulent seas 20 miles from the coast of Lagos...

More Life Under the Sun

The Book of Ecclesiastes Video Solomon wonders if life is really worth living, but recognizes the benefits of having a su...

More To Be Desired

Bible Answers Live Audio We tire of the banality, the insufficiency, the mediocrity, the falsity. We long for just ...

Moses Rejects Valuable Treasure

Bible Answers Live Audio On December 4th 2015, the President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, announced that their ...

Moses’ History Lesson

Present Truth in Deuteronomy Video Just as the children of Israel are finally to enter Canaan, Moses gives them a history les...

Most Expensive Dye in the Bible

Bible Answers Live Audio Tyrian purple also known as royal purple or imperial dye was a very rare ancient natural d...

Motivated by Hope

The Great Controversy Video In this week’s lesson we will examine why the second coming of Christ has filled the heart...

Mountain Moving Faith

Bible Answers Live Audio We're going to have an amazing fact now that's even a little sad. At least 35 people were ...

My Will or Yours, Lord ? (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio 'If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.' It's a daily battle, but when you...


Bible Answers Live Audio On August 23, 1799, the American ship, Nancy, was captured in the Caribbean by the English...


Bible Answers Live Audio About 25 years ago, Hollywood produced a movie about an entire submarine-like vessel and c...

Narrow Is the Way

Bible Answers Live Audio We are called to be self-sacrificing, meek and lowly of heart, to walk in the narrow path ...

Never More Present Than When It Hurts

Bible Answers Live Audio Pain brings you down. Pain brings you back to reality. Pain brings you back to God... pa...

Next Time

Bible Answers Live Audio There is so little time left, we are in the crucible. "Tomorrow is not yours. Today you ...

No Distance, No Space

Bible Answers Live Audio "The separation is wide and fearful, but Christ has made provision again to connect us wit...

Nothing Has Changed

Bible Answers Live Audio Men's hearts are still for evil continually, God's heart is still for love eternally; Sata...

Nothing New Under the Sun

The Book of Ecclesiastes Video Solomon reigned over a time of peace and prosperity, but from this he learned that everyth...

Of Being and Time

The Book of Ecclesiastes Video Solomon ponders God's role in the timing of events in human life, and of God's judgment of...

Old Jim

Bible Answers Live Audio After his sister died in 1951, James Nelson Gernhart was outraged because relatives wanted...

Old Testament Faith - 2017

The Gospel in Galatians (2017) Video "From start to finish in the Christian life, the basis of our salvation is faith in Christ...

On My Face With God

Bible Answers Live Audio Perfection in character means a full surrender to Christ, which means peace, which means h...

One of God's Greatest

Bible Answers Live Audio Blameless and perfect, righteous and beautiful, one of God's greatest... until iniquity wa...

One Step at a Time

Bible Answers Live Audio Sometimes we go week by week, struggling. Sometimes it's day by day and sometimes we're h...

One With an Ending, the Second Without

Bible Answers Live Audio From cover to cover, the Bible is filled with stories of temptations and attacks, betrayal...

Origin of Evil

Bible Answers Live Audio The image of flying snakes might seem like the stuff of nightmares, but in the jungle of ...

Origin of The Piggy Bank

Bible Answers Live Audio Squirrels gather nuts; dogs bury bones. Camels store food and water so they can travel acr...

Our Crooked Paths

Bible Answers Live Audio God would have us take the short and straight way, we would take the rich and easy way, bu...

Out of Time

Bible Answers Live Audio The brevity of time is catching up. Look around and you will see that the prevailing sins...

Outnumbered by False Prophets, Pt. 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Truth is absolute. It does not change. Jesus said, "I am the Truth". Part 1 of 2...

Outnumbered by False Prophets, Pt. 2

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Truth is absolute. It does not change. Jesus said, "I am the Truth". Part 2 of 2...

Outside Gets Inside

Bible Answers Live Audio The Christian enjoys the beauty of nature with the highest appreciation, for he recognizes...


Bible Answers Live Audio It's hard to make heads or tails of the oyster. For starters, it has no head or tail. Yet,...


The Book of Mark Video For many years scholars have argued over the meaning and interpretation of Jesus’ parables...

Paradise Lost

Beginnings and Belongings Video Genesis 3 and 4 describe how the world fell into sin and the moral condition of the early ...

Passenger pigeons

Bible Answers Live Audio Passenger pigeons were once the most numerous birds in North America, and probably on the ...

Paul and Rome

Redemption in Romans Video The social, temporal and geographical context for the book of Romans is discussed to set a...

Paul and the Ephesians

Ephesians (2023) Video How can the message of Ephesians be summarized? From prison, Paul sets forth a vision of G...

Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles - 2017

The Gospel in Galatians (2017) Video "While we need zeal and fervor for what we believe, how do we learn to temper our zeal wit...

Paul's Authority and Gospel - 2011

The Gospel in Galatians Video A look at the origin, content and authority of the gospel message preached by Paul, which ...

Paul's Authority and Gospel - 2017

The Gospel in Galatians (2017) Video "Why does Paul say it is impossible to be a follower of Christ while trying to please peop...

Paul's Pastoral Appeal - 2017

The Gospel in Galatians (2017) Video "How much compromise has crept into your life, and what have been the ways you have justif...


Bible Answers Live Audio Penguins have an almost perfectly streamlined body profile that's ideal for chasing fish. ...

Persistent Prayer

Bible Answers Live Audio Larry Swilling's wife, Jimmie Sue, was born with only one kidney. They weren't entirely su...

Pioneer 10

Bible Answers Live Audio Question: What was made by humans and is eight billion miles away? Answer: Pioneer 10, and...

Prairie Dogs

Bible Answers Live Audio Prairie dogs are highly social, curious and playful creatures that live in large colonies ...

Praises and Blessings (2019)

Bible Answers Live Audio Every week brings a host of Bible questions from listeners across the nation and the world...

Prayer Is the Key to Heaven (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio From bishops to birthdays and from wine to worms, listen as Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross si...

Prayers to Heaven

Bible Answers Live Audio Without question, the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft are among the most successful scientific ...

Predicting the Future

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Mankind was not always as certain about the future as he seems to be today. How do people ...

Preparing for Christ's Coming

Bible Answers Live Audio Back in 1942 a British forest guard in Roopkund India, while patrolling 16,000 feet up in ...

Preparing for the Race

Bible Answers Live Audio Back in 1904 a mailman back in Havana, Cuba read in a newspaper that the Olympic Games wou...

Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy

Bible Answers Live Audio Please listen to some amazing facts regarding the uncanny similarities between Presidents ...

Price of Human Life

Bible Answers Live Audio On October 13, 2011, the nation of Israel traded over 1,000 Palestinian prisoners in excha...

Prison Break

Heroes Of Faith Video The Bible is filled with encouraging stories of how God can radically transform a life fro...

Proctor and Gamble Light Soap

Bible Answers Live Audio For many years, the Proctor and Gamble company had been working on developing a recipe for...

Prophecy and Scripture

Feed My Sheep Video "How many people have drifted off into fanaticism and error because they refused to heed t...

Q & A Session

The Big Bible Summit Video Do you have a question about the Bible? Listen to the Q&A Session and you might not be the...

Q and A Panel discussion

Holding The Line Video Q and A Panel discussion...

Questions and Answers - Part 1

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio In this broadcast on questions sent in, the first is, 'Is it not true that all the Jews wi...

Rachel Krishevsky

Bible Answers Live Audio Rachel Krishevsky truly believed the commandment to be fruitful and multiply. When the 99-...

Racing Toward the End (2019)

Bible Answers Live Audio Studying the Bible often brings many questions or confusions. In this installment of Bible...

Receiving God

Formula 4 Faith Video This fifth program in the Formula 4 Faith series about the science of salvation is about f...

Receiving Spiritual Sight

Bible Answers Live Audio Doctors are mystified as to why a 55-year-old New York man who was blind for 20 years shou...

Red Dye

Bible Answers Live Audio Among the ancient Aztecs red dye was considered more valuable than gold. That is because t...

Redemption for Jew and Gentile

Redemption in Romans Video A discussion of Romans 9 reveals the universality of the gospel message to the Jews and Ge...

Re-Fall, Re-Tune

Bible Answers Live Audio We have to fall in love with Christ again, we have to start from the beginning and see His...

Reflecting the Light of Jesus

Bible Answers Live Audio The beautiful village of Rjukan, Norway is situated in a deep valley where mountains block...

Refusing Christ's Eternal Pardon

Bible Answers Live Audio Way back in 1898 a young Rhode Island man named, Martin Dalton, was convicted of murder an...

Remarkable Birds

Bible Answers Live Audio Because there are so many pigeons in the world, we sometimes fail to appreciate these rema...

Remember Do Not Forget

Present Truth in Deuteronomy Video God often tells His people to remember all the things that He has done for them; to rememb...

Remember Me

Bible Answers Live Audio "Give unto the Lord glory and strength." In trying to overcome old habits and carve out ne...

Remembering What's Forgotten

Bible Answers Live Audio On thanksgiving day in 1936, two Minnesota boys named Harold and Charlie Peterson decided ...

Renewing Spiritual Strength

Bible Answers Live Audio The world's longest commercial airline flight is from Dubai to Auckland, New Zealand, and ...


Formula 4 Faith Video This third program in the Formula 4 Faith series about the science of salvation is about r...

Resisting Temptation

Bible Answers Live Audio On July 30, 2016, American, Luke Aikins became the first person to jump from over four and...

Rest in Peace

Bible Answers Live Audio In 1876, a handful of former counterfeiters botched a morbid plan to kidnap the body of Ab...

Revelation of Hope

Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Video The Bible reveals to us a loving God who offers us hope amidst life's trials....

Revelation, and the God Revealed In It

Growing In Christ Video "However important it is to understand the way in which Biblical inspiration works, it's m...

Revelation, Inspiration and Internal Unity of the Bible

The Big Bible Summit Video The Bible can seem complicated, with so many books, authors, and literary styles. Pastor L...

Reviving the Spiritually Dead

Bible Answers Live Audio In 1986, two and a half year old Michelle Funk was playing with her brother near their hom...

Rich Man, Poor Man

The Book of Ecclesiastes Video Solomon realizes that human passions, whatever they are, can never be satisfied unless the...

Rise to the Skies (2019)

Bible Answers Live Audio Our God understands the challenges we face daily ; the struggle is real, but so is He. Wh...

Robes White with Blood (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio Group prayer versus private prayer... does God pay attention to one more than the other ?....

Sacrificing for Eternal Life

Bible Answers Live Audio After 21-year old Trevor Wikre badly shattered his little right finger at football practic...

Satan - The Great Dragon

Bible Answers Live Audio 77 year old James Currens had a chronic problem with sleepwalking. Then on November 26, 19...

Satan Bound in Bottomless Pit

Bible Answers Live Audio The record for hiding away from family and friends was made by young Chinese college stude...

Satan Bound on Earth

Bible Answers Live Audio Early one morning, four years after Cheng’s disappearance, a pair of private detectives ca...

Satan, the Shrewd Counterfeiter

Bible Answers Live Audio Victor Lustig was probably one of the smoothest con men in history. Born into a middle cla...

Satan's Deadly Deceptions

Bible Answers Live Audio Would you like to hear an amazing fact about mushrooms? They’re not fruits or vegetables, ...

Satan's Deceptions and Diversions

Bible Answers Live Audio During World War II, the allies created an entire army of inflatable tanks, trucks, jeeps,...

Save Me in Spite of Myself

Bible Answers Live Audio We are weak. Let Him be your strength. Let Him keep you afloat. Let Him renew you. Whe...

Saved from Death

Bible Answers Live Audio Back in 1956, Harry de Leyer, a horse riding instructor from Long Island went to a horse a...

Say My Name

Bible Answers Live Audio Elohim, our Ruler and Lord... Jehovah, our covenant-God of the promise. "Our hearts sha...


Bible Answers Live Audio Few animals God made are more unusual than the seahorse. This bizarre creature is put toge...

Searching for Lost Sheep

Bible Answers Live Audio One summer day in 2014, Booboo the cat went missing from her home, in Watsonville Californ...

Searching for Truth

Bible Answers Live Audio We have all heard of people that become sentimentally attached to their cars, the 1967 Aus...

Seas Turning to Blood

Bible Answers Live Audio It’s the kind of thing that conjures up pictures, something like the Biblical plague that ...

Second Coming Not Secret

Bible Answers Live Audio Did you know that the ocean is a very noisy place? I'm not talking about the sound of wave...

Second Coming of Christ

Bible Answers Live Audio Throughout history, Jews from around the world had sought to have their remains laid to re...

Secret Fountain of Youth

Bible Answers Live Audio Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor to unify greater China. During his rule about 250 B.C....

Secret Things

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The Bible has much to say about secrets. There are things that should remain secret. There...

Seeing God

Formula 4 Faith Video There are several steps in the process or formula of salvation. This first presentation o...

Seeing Through a Glass Darkly

The Book of Ecclesiastes Video Solomon realizes that a healthy fear of God brings hope into an otherwise hopeless existen...

Seeing Yourself

Formula 4 Faith Video This second program in the Formula 4 Faith series about the science of salvation is about ...

Sergeant Patrick Gass

Bible Answers Live Audio Few people have lived as long and gallant a life filled with so many amazing memories as S...

Shepherds That Follow a Lamb

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Who are the 144,000 mentioned in the Bible?...

Shepherds, Sheep and Lambs

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video To understand the Bible, we need to understand the care of sheep because the Bible is full...

Should Christians Keep the Feast Days?

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Should Christians keep the Jewish feast days?...

Sight for the Spiritually Blind

Bible Answers Live Audio The human eye might be more awesome than we ever imagined. A new 2016 experiment conducted...

Simon Stylite

Bible Answers Live Audio Have you ever heard of Simon Stylite? Well, Simon Stylite was born in about 390 A.D. in No...

Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land

The Book of Psalms Video As we already have seen, the psalmists acknowledge God’s sovereign rule and power, as well...

Sins Made White as Snow

Bible Answers Live Audio Well you know people have often wondered for centuries if the hair of a person who has bee...

Some Say the End Is Near

Bible Answers Live Audio Prophecy is unrolling and extending right before us, but are we really living in the last ...

Some Strange Thing

Bible Answers Live Audio The Christian life is an expected and constant fight with the enemy, with self. But each f...

Something but the Past and Done

Bible Answers Live Audio "As far as the East is from the West, so far has He removed our transgression from us." S...

Something Good Is Going To Happen

Bible Answers Live Audio Religious persecution is throughout the world, transgender and homosexual cultures permeat...

Sons and Daughters of God

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Who are the sons and daughters of God in Genesis 6? Join Pastor Doug Batchelor as he uncov...

Spinning Out of Control

Bible Answers Live Audio On February 1970, First Lieutenant Gary Foust was conducting practice maneuvers near the M...


Bible Answers Live Audio In 2009, doctors in Russia hoped that 28-year-old Artyom Sidorkin had cancer. He was a smo...

Spiritual Heart Transplant

Bible Answers Live Audio On June 21, 1963, marine pilot Cliff Judkins, was refueling in air on his way from Califor...

Spiritual Revival

Bible Answers Live Audio In 1986, two and a half year old Michelle Frank was playing with her brother near their ho...

Spiritualism Exposed

The Great Controversy Video The aim of this lesson is to show that our only safeguard against Satan’s last-day delusio...

Spiritually Illiterate

Bible Answers Live Audio As a child in Santa Fe New Mexico, John Corcoran's reading ability stalled after second gr...

Spiritually Illiterate Christians

Bible Answers Live Audio John Cochran graduated from high school and from college. He even taught high school for 1...

Sponges in the Bible

Bible Answers Live Audio For thousands of years, people have been using sponges in a multitude of ways. Early Europ...

Standing for Christ

Bible Answers Live Audio We’ve all heard fascinating stories of people who are marooned alone on lonely islands but...

Stars in Prophecy

Bible Answers Live Audio Did you know that if you hold out a grain of rice at arm's length on a clear night, the li...

Stay, Because Greater Is He That Is in You

Bible Answers Live Audio So many of us doubt and fear ourselves and our temptations. We face troubles and plead to...

Striving After the Wind

The Book of Ecclesiastes Video Solomon's despair grows as he ponders the futility of seeking riches and of life in genera...

Summoned to Trial

Trials to Triumph Video Session #1 of the Trials to Triumph AF Youth Series with speaker Dr. K'Dee Elsen...

Sundown of the Sixth Millennium (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio When you learn of the good news, don't you just want to share it ? But how do you share i...

Surviving a Fall

Bible Answers Live Audio Don't let their saggy skin fool you. Iguanas are remarkable reptiles found mostly in the C...

Surviving Internal Battles

Bible Answers Live Audio 46-year-old Wilmer McLean was hoping that he was too old to serve in the Confederate Army ...

Sweet Repentance

Bible Answers Live Audio We can do nothing by ourselves except make daily the decision to depend on Christ ; by His...

Symbols and Swords

Bible Answers Live Audio Did you know that turkeys are actually highly intelligent and affectionate animals? They e...

The Church at Ephesus

Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships Video An overview of the church in Ephesus....

The Age of Concrete

Bible Answers Live Audio Did you know that China produces and consumes about 60% of the world's cement? The Three G...

The Antichrist

1 and 2 Thessalonians Video "In correcting the Thessalonians' false theology of last-day events, Paul reveals truth ab...

The Armor of God

Bible Answers Live Audio On April 7, 1862 at the famous civil war battle of Shiloh, Sam Houston, Jr., son of the fa...

The Beatitudes - Eight Keys to Joy and Peace, Pt. 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Everyone wants happiness. How do we find true, lasting happiness? Part 1 of 3...

The Beatitudes - Eight Keys to Joy and Peace, Pt. 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video What are the beatitudes and what was Jesus trying to teach us through them?...

The Beginning of the Gospel

The Book of Mark Video This week's first step will be to learn about Mark as reported in Scripture, to see his ea...

The Bible

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Different men have claimed that someday the Bible will be a book of the past, yet it still...

The Bible - The Authoritative Source of Our Theology

How to Interpret Scripture Video 'How do we distinguish between the Word of God and human tradition? Why is it so important...

The Bible and Happiness

Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Video Happiness is often fleeting in our world of sin, but the Bible offers advice to find happi...

The Bible and Health

Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Video The Bible offers much advice to keep our bodies, minds, and even relationships healthy....

The Bible and History

Glimpses of Our God Video "Our God works in and through history, and in and through history He has given us powerful...

The Bible and Prophecy

How to Interpret Scripture Video 'Prophecy provides an internal and external mechanism to confirm the accuracy of God’s Wor...

The Bible and Science

Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Video Though science is often viewed as contrary to belief in the Bible, several scientific trai...

The Bible as History

How to Interpret Scripture Video 'The Bible is constituted in history. Biblical history moves in a linear direction from an...

The Bible is Reliable

Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Video There is plenty of evidence to help us build faith in the reliability of the Bible....

The Bible Part One: The Ultimate Resource

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The first in a two part series on the Bible, the ultimate resource where Christians get th...

The Bible Part Two: Rediscovering the Word

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The second in a two part series on the Bible. Rediscovering the Word is about appreciating...

The Bible’s Amazing History and Awesome Message

The Big Bible Summit Video Pastor Doug takes us back to the basic questions of what is the Bible, how was it written,...

The Bible’s Amazing History and Awesome Message

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Pastor Doug gives an overview of the Bible's history and why it is so important....

The Bible's Enduring Influence on Humanity

The Big Bible Summit Video Watch and see how the Bible has made a huge impact on history, society, the whole world an...

The Blood That Saves

Bible Answers Live Audio During World War II, a young marine laid badly wounded in a military hospital on a South P...

The Bombardier Beetle

Bible Answers Live Audio There are over 300 hundred thousand species of beetles in the world. But, the bombardier b...

The Bridge Between

Bible Answers Live Audio In this episode of Bible Answers Live, listen to the pastors search God's Word to guide ca...

The Bright and Morning Star

Bible Answers Live Audio Every true believer will catch the beams from Christ and transmit light to those in darkne...

The Call of Wisdom

The Book of Proverbs Video "From Eden onward, the root of human tragedy lies in wrong choices. ... The book of Prover...

The Christian Armor

Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships Video Using military imagery, Paul describes how to withstand the assaults of the enemy....

The Christian Warfare

Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships Video Christians face a real adversary: the devil....

The Coelacanth

Bible Answers Live Audio A few days before Christmas in 1938, a strange fish was caught in a net near the mouth of ...

The Conclusion of the Matter

The Book of Ecclesiastes Video Solomon concludes his thoughts about youth and age, then turns his attention to the horror...

The Continuous Life

Bible Answers Live Audio Did God die ? Why would Jesus answer the prayers of demons ? Can I find total fulfil...

The Cornerstone of Creation

Holding The Line Video Pastor Doug Batchelor presents: The Cornerstone for the Christian faith is Creation....

The Cosmic Conflict Over God's Character

The Sanctuary Video "This week we will study some milestones in the great conflict between Christ and Satan th...

The Creation

Genesis (2022) Video Think about the vast power of God, who upholds the cosmos, and yet can be so near to each ...

The Dangers of a Diluted Gospel

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video We are living in a time where there is great risk of receiving a diluted Gospel. We need ...

The Dangers of a Diluted Gospel

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video There is a danger of the gospel being diluted. We can assume we are getting real medicine ...

The Day of Atonement

The Sanctuary Video "This week we will study what happened on the Day of Atonement in the earthly sanctuary, s...

The Day of the Lord

Feed My Sheep Video "Why must the Word of God, and not culture or our own judgment or reason, be the ultimate ...

The Deadliest Natural Disaster in American History

Bible Answers Live Audio All Americans have been stirred by the heartbreaking images of Hurricane Katrina; and we k...

The Devil’s Deadliest Deception

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video There will be many people in Heaven with different views on how to live but what we cannot...

The Devil’s Deadliest Deception

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video There will be many people in Heaven with different views on how to live but what we cannot...

The Devil's Counterfeits (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio God desires to help us in every way, in every problem, in every detail, every day. As you...

The Early Earth

Beginnings and Belongings Video The Creation account in Genesis 2 gives us important information about families, life, and...

The Earth After the Flood

Beginnings and Belongings Video Not long after the flood, humanity had already fallen into sinful ways again....

The Elect

Salvation by Faith Alone: The Book of Romans Video This week’s lesson covers Romans 10 and 11. These two chapters have been and remain the fo...

The Election of Grace

Redemption in Romans Video Romans 10 and 11 are discussed. Paul expands on the concept of the Gentiles belonging to I...

The Elephant Bird

Bible Answers Live Audio For as long as people have been exploring unknown lands, they've been returning with stori...

The Eschatological Day of Atonement

The Sanctuary Video "This week we will study Daniel 8. We will discover the real issue of the conflict betwee...

The Everlasting Covenant

Present Truth in Deuteronomy Video God out of His saving grace and love offers you a salvation that you do not deserve and ca...

The Faithful Witness

Free Book Library Print Chart the development of the many Bible versions available to Christians today and how the...

The Fall

Genesis (2022) Video If Satan was able to deceive a sinless Eve in Eden, how much more vulnerable are we? What ...

The Famous Feast in Bethany

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The final week of Jesus' life was launched with a feast in Bethany, and ended with a feast...

The Final Battle

Bible Answers Live Audio For about 500 years, the Roman Empire was the undisputed military powerhouse that conquere...

The Final Word

Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Video Christians believe the Bible is the final authority on important matters because the Bible...

The Flood

Genesis (2022) Video What lesson can we learn from the Noah story regarding our role in warning the world about...

The Forgotten Blessing (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio Lines are being blurred between genders and gender roles ; society and religion create con...

The Foundation of God’s Government

The Great Controversy Video The aim of this lesson is to show the link between the sanctuary, God’s law, the Sabbath, ...

The Goliath Bird-eating Spider

Bible Answers Live Audio The Goliath Bird-eating spider found in the jungles of Suriname in French Guiana is the la...

The Good Shepherd

Bible Answers Live Audio According to Guinness World Records, in 1978 in Scotland following weeks of record breakin...

The Gospel and the Church - 2017

The Gospel in Galatians (2017) Video "The church should be a place where the Spirit leads us to put others before ourselves. U...

The Gospel Comes to Thessalonica

1 and 2 Thessalonians Video "Our assurance of God's promises must be based on our confidence in His Holy Scriptures."...

The Honey Mushroom

Bible Answers Live Audio Living beneath the Strawberry Mountain wilderness in Eastern Oregon researchers have disco...

The Hottest and Coldest Places on Planet Earth

Bible Answers Live Audio Our earth is filled with environmental extremes. High mountains, deep valleys, dripping we...

The Hoxne Hoard

Bible Answers Live Audio In November, 1992, a farmer living near the village of Hoxne in Suffolk, England, lost a h...

The Impending Conflict

The Great Controversy Video The aim of this week’s lesson is to reveal the coming conflict over worship. This week’s s...

The Instinct To Keep Breathing

Bible Answers Live Audio God is the Creator of all the beauty and all the choreography around us, but these evidenc...

The Largest Home in America

Bible Answers Live Audio In 1888, George Washington Vanderbilt, 26 years old at the time, visited the smoky mountai...

The Library of Congress

Bible Answers Live Audio According to the Guinness World Records, the largest library in the world is none other th...

The Light at the End

Bible Answers Live Audio Sometimes God isn't going to deliver you. Sometimes the darkness and the trials will cont...

The Lion and the Cobra (2019)

Bible Answers Live Audio From current events to age-old concerns, from finances to metaphors and symbols, learn wha...

The Lord Hears and Delivers

The Book of Psalms Video We should remember that the proper response to the Lord’s nearness consists in a life of f...

The Lord Reigns

The Book of Psalms Video God has both the perfect knowledge of us and of our circumstances, and also the means to h...

The Man Abram

Beginnings and Belongings Video Abram lived a life of faith as an example for all of us....

The Most Convincing Proof

Oneness in Christ Video "What kind of witness do you present to others? What would one find in your life that woul...

The Mountains Will Quake (2019)

Bible Answers Live Audio Our God is a God of second chances, of third and fourth and fifth chances. Do you feel yo...

The Mystery of the Gospel

Ephesians (2023) Video How can we learn to trust God and His ways amid what can be very trying circumstances?...

The Ocean - Earth's Last Frontier

Bible Answers Live Audio In many ways, the ocean represents the last frontier on earth. Seventy-five percent of the...

The Origin and Nature of the Bible

How to Interpret Scripture Video 'This week we will look at some foundational aspects of the origin and nature of the Bible...

The Power of the Exalted Jesus

Ephesians (2023) Video Why is it important always to thank God in prayer for what you have to be thankful for?...

The Power of Words

Bible Answers Live Audio In 2006, Petaluma California animal control workers were called to investigate a home wher...

The Price of Duplicity

Beginnings and Belongings Video Jacob lies to his father to steal his brother's birthright and faces enormous consequences...

The Priority of the Promise - 2017

The Gospel in Galatians (2017) Video "What does it mean to you to know that you can trust God’s promises? Or perhaps the questi...

The Reading of the Word

Ezra and Nehemiah Video 'How do you relate to the Word of God? That is, even though you claim to believe it, how i...

The Real Johnny Appleseed

Bible Answers Live Audio Most Americans have heard of the legend of Johnny Appleseed. Who went about the frontier w...

The Resurrection of Moses

Present Truth in Deuteronomy Video How does the story of Moses’ death and later resurrection show us how the New Testament, t...

The Rise and Fall of the House of Solomon

The Book of Ecclesiastes Video To understand Ecclesiastes, we must first understand the context of Solomon's life....

The Secret Place of Thunder

Bible Answers Live Audio Let us confidently approach God's throne of grace, let us go to Him while He yet may be fo...

The Seen and the Unseen War

The Book of Matthew Video "What things, even in secular life, remain mysteries to us? Do we stop believing, for inst...

The Sign of Jonah

Bible Answers Live Audio Back in 1982, the Almeida family lost a beloved pet. The red-footed tortoise named Manuela...

The Sign of the Prophet

Bible Answers Live Audio It's difficult to let go of ourselves and cling to Him. Our worries assail us and we quest...

The Silence Is Telling

Bible Answers Live Audio As the disciples gathered to pray, "they were weighted with the burden of the salvation of...

The SR-71 Blackbird Aircraft

Bible Answers Live Audio One of the most magnificent aircraft ever built was the supersonic reconnaissance plane, b...

The Storm of Jonah

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Have you ever considered that your decision to serve God or run from God not only affects ...

The Stranger in Your Gates

Present Truth in Deuteronomy Video Loving your neighbor as yourself is the highest expression of God’s law....

The Temple of God

Bible Answers Live Audio The Angkor Temple Complex in Cambodia is the largest religious monument in the world. Cove...

The Three Gorges Dam

Bible Answers Live Audio It is a virtual definition of a monumental project. A dam more than one and one half miles...

The Thynnid Wasp

Bible Answers Live Audio Most plants and flowers must pollinate to survive. So the Lord has devised many ingenious ...

The Treasure Map

Amazing Adventure Video What is the purpose of the Bible and can it be trusted? Join Pastor Doug in this program f...

The Tree of Death

Bible Answers Live Audio Hidden among the tropical beaches in the Gulf of Mexico in the Caribbean, you can find a h...

The Triumph of Faith

Beginnings and Belongings Video Abraham is called to the ultimate test of faith: the sacrifice of his son Isaac....

The Triumph of God’s Love

The Great Controversy Video In this quarter’s final lesson, we will see Christ’s steadfast love during the most exciti...

The Two Witnesses

The Great Controversy Video This week, we explore one of the most vicious attacks on the Scriptures and the Christian ...

The Two Witnesses

Prophecy Code Video Who are the two witnesses in Revelation? There are lots of interpretations. Which is right...

The Two Witnesses

Free Book Library Print There are lots of interpretations of the two witnesses of Revelation 11. Which one is righ...

The Ultimate Resource

Free Book Library Print In a time of so many distractions from television, to the internet, movies, and more Bible...

The Unified Body of Christ

Ephesians (2023) Video Paul’s picture of a healthy, unified body helps us understand God’s goal for us: to be par...

The Uniqueness of the Bible

How to Interpret Scripture Video 'So many different writers, in so many different contexts, and yet the same God is reveale...

The Unity of the Gospel - 2017

The Gospel in Galatians (2017) Video "What issues are more important than unity itself? How do we learn to distinguish between ...

The Unsinkable Ship

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video You might be wondering what’s the most important direction for your life. The single most...

The Voice From Heaven

Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Video Since the fall of humanity, God has been communicating to us in various ways....

The Wait and the Hurting

Bible Answers Live Audio You must carry the cross before you wear the crown and learn to leave the time of the bles...

The Way of the Wind

The Book of Ecclesiastes Video Solomon turns again to the mystery of God. He tells us to enjoy our lives, but warns again...

The Wisdom of the Spirit

Bible Answers Live Audio Loneliness, frustration, adultery and divorce ; judgment, prophecy, Heaven and the Trinity...

The Woman of Truth

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Is there one absolute truth about God? How do we know what is truth, and what is God's tru...

The Word in Our Lives

Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Video Millions of people throughout time can testify to the Bible's transforming power in their ...

The Word of God Endures

Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Video Despite the advancement of time, knowledge and technology, the Bible remains just as relev...

The World's Tallest Building

Bible Answers Live Audio The race is heating up among the world's major cities for bragging rights to the tallest b...

Their Stumbling Stone, Your Precious Rock (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio "For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." If you're struggling to do wha...

They Found the Book

The New Heart Video How can we rediscover the Bible?...

Things New and Old

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The message is on things old and new. Jesus said of Scribes that they may bring out of the...

Think Again

Bible Answers Live Audio The subject of life after death is always an intriguing matter. Tune in to this edition o...

Thinking Makes it So (2019)

Bible Answers Live Audio Discouragement and disheartenment are always just around the corner, but have you consider...

Thirsting for Life

Bible Answers Live Audio Join us in this brand new edition of Bible Answers Live ! You'll learn about why God coul...

Thomas Parr - The 152 Year Old Man

Bible Answers Live Audio Let me tell you a little bit about Thomas Parr. He’s a farmer that was buried in Westminst...

Thought for the Lilies

Bible Answers Live Audio All who choose God's path are to rest in His care (HLv). As the world continues to slow an...

Three Angel's Messages

Bible Answers Live Audio Superman could supposedly travel faster than a speeding bullet, but now there's a missile ...

Three Thousand Years Ahead

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Many people who have attacked the Bible have thought it would sink into oblivion under the...

To Love the Lord Your God

Present Truth in Deuteronomy Video Loving God with all the heart and soul and strength means that our love for Him should be ...

Today Is Enough for Today (2019)

Bible Answers Live Audio As the Lord continually extends His hand toward us, we must accept and have a reason for o...

Trading Eternity (2019)

Bible Answers Live Audio As we live our day-to-day, we must keep in mind what we are living for... are we honoring ...

Transforming Love

Bible Answers Live Audio A 42-year old South African surfer, Chris Bertish, has just accomplished what many thought...

Traveling at the Speed of Thought

Bible Answers Live Audio The world record for the fastest that a human being has ever run is held by a Usain Bolt, ...

Trials & God's Providence

Bible Answers Live Audio Jason and Jenny Laurence from Midlands, England, decided to spend their holiday in New Yor...

Trust Him

Bible Answers Live Audio He is our Rock and our salvation, our foundation... why then do we find it so difficult to...

Trusting God (2019)

Bible Answers Live Audio Another week brings more callers and more questions ! In this installment of Bible Answers...

Truth and Choice or Poison Devils

Bible Answers Live Audio Murdering a weed ?... Killing in war, slaying your brother or God's demands for death pena...


Bible Answers Live Audio Tsunamis are among the most destructive of natural disasters. This is due, in part, to the...

Turn Their Hearts

Present Truth in Deuteronomy Video Because we are sinful, repentance should be a central part of our Christian existence. And...

Twins in the Bible

Bible Answers Live Audio I think we have all heard stories about twins. And how they might have been separated at b...

Typhoid Mary

Bible Answers Live Audio Mary Mallon also known as Typhoid Mary was an Irish immigrant who the first who was known ...

Unsinkable Ships

Bible Answers Live Audio This week will mark the 100<sup>th </sup>anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, one of...

Vegetarian Animals in Heaven

Bible Answers Live Audio Little Tyke, a female African lion born and raised in America, lived her entire life witho...

Victory over Sin

Bible Answers Live Audio Bible Answers Live is a live radio call-in program where listeners can have their question...

Victory Over the Carnal Nature

Bible Answers Live Audio A family in Virginia was devastated when their beloved dog, a three year-old terrier named...

Viruses and Plagues and Theories and Faith

Bible Answers Live Audio "... There shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places," and so it...

Visions of Hope (Zechariah)

Major Lessons from Minor Prophets Video "Though Israel had been punished for its sins, it was time for its people to live again in...


Bible Answers Live Audio The word "volcano" comes from the little island of Vulcano in the Mediterranean off Sicily...

Wait on the Lord

The Book of Psalms Video If there is a final word that we can draw from the Psalms, it should be “wait on the Lord....

Waiting Without Waiting

Bible Answers Live Audio “When the Spirit of God takes possession of the heart, it transforms the life. The blessi...

War, Death, Hell and the End of the World

Bible Answers Live Audio ... and Hope. Whether hope is your first option or whether hope is resignation, never l...

Washing away Sins

Bible Answers Live Audio Back in the 1950s, Bette Nesmith had a good secretarial job at a Dallas bank. This is when...

Watching You Without Me

Bible Answers Live Audio "I will give them a heart to know Me... they will return to Me with their whole heart." Ou...

We All Have Reasons for Moving

Bible Answers Live Audio Some of us move to keep things whole. Some of us walk and it seems the air just moves in t...

We Have To Make It

Bible Answers Live Audio Heaven begins here, do you believe it ? If we walk with Him in this life, His love fills a...

Weapons in the Church

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What weapons can we have in church? We trust the Lord but we must also be practical and p...

Welcome to the Club

Bible Answers Live Audio Another week brings another batch of questions from listeners all over the country ! Join...

What day was the Pentecost?

Bible Question Archive Audio The Pentecost took place on Sunday. The disciples began their work of spreading the gospel...

What does it mean to fear the one who destroys body and soul mean?

Bible Question Archive Audio What does it mean to fear the one who destroys body and soul mean? This talks about persec...

What God Has Done

Ephesians - The Gospel of Relationships Video A look at the "mystery" of predestination....

What happened to the tribe of Dan?

Bible Question Archive Audio What happened to the tribe of Dan? In Revelation 7 Dan and Ephraim are not listed. There a...

What Is the Abomination of Desolation?

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What Is the Abomination of Desolation?...

What Is the Abomination of Desolation?

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video What Is the Abomination of Desolation?...

What is the most important verse in the Bible?

Bible Question Archive Audio What is the most important verse in the Bible? If you ask 10 people you will get 11 answer...

What Is Truth?

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Nothing is more important than knowing the truth, but what is the truth? Is there more th...

What Is Truth?

Ultimate Purpose Video What is truth? How did we get here? Why is there evil? And where am I going? Get the answe...

Whatever Your Hand Finds to Do

The Book of Ecclesiastes Video Solomon encourages us to do everything to the best of our abilities, because the grave hol...

When the Rocks Cry Out

Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet: The Bible for Today Video Archaeological discoveries over the last 200 years have lent great credibility to the Bibl...

When the Rubber Meets the Road

Bible Answers Live Audio "Don't worry about Hell if you're planning on going to Heaven," but how do we even get to ...

Where is the ark of the covenant and Noah's ark? Will they be found again?

Bible Question Archive Audio Where is the ark of the covenant and Noah's ark? Will they be found again? The Bible indic...

Where Is Your Faith ?

Bible Answers Live Audio "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.....

Where Your Treasure Is ...

Bible Answers Live Audio Luxury took on a new dimension this month as Saudi billionaire, Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal...

Who Are the 144,000?

Bible Answers Live Audio Back in the 1980s, Herman and Donna O’steen bought a farm about a half a mile outside of R...

Who are the giants mentioned in Genesis chapter 6?

Bible Question Archive Audio Were the giants mentioned in Genesis chapter 6 unnatural offspring? What made them giants?...

Who are the people whom God will pour His Spirit upon?

Bible Question Archive Audio According to Joel chapter 2 is it all believers in the end-time that will have God's Spiri...

Who Is the Man of Romans 7?

Salvation by Faith Alone: The Book of Romans Video "Left to ourselves, without Christ, we are helpless against sin. With Christ we have a new...

Who was the first author of the Bible?

Bible Question Archive Audio Who was the first author of the Bible? The first was Moses that we know of. He probably th...

Why do people try to discredit the writings of the Apostle Paul?

Bible Question Archive Audio There are lots of disputes about the writings of Paul. In second Peter chapter 3 it mentio...

Why doesn't the day for a year principle apply to every prophecy in the Bible?

Bible Question Archive Audio Why doesn't the day for a year principle apply to every prophecy in the Bible? If the prop...

Why Is Interpretation Needed?

How to Interpret Scripture Video 'If we approach and interpret the Bible wrongly, we will likely come to false conclusions,...

Why the Bible Stands Forever!

The Big Bible Summit Video Is the Bible actually divinely inspired, or just random thoughts from a good guy? Can we t...

Wisdom for Righteous Living

The Book of Psalms Video Wisdom for righteous living is gained through the dynamics of life with God amid temptatio...

With His Strength

Bible Answers Live Audio "In our own strength it is impossible... God reaches for the hand of faith in us to direct...

Witness the Beauty

Bible Answers Live Audio "The more closely believers have walked with God, the more powerfully have they testified ...

Wolverines - Living to Eat

Bible Answers Live Audio Wolverines are found from Alaska to Siberia primarily in isolated forests and mountains of...

Women in the Ministry of Jesus

The Book of Luke Video "Luke's Gospel is sometimes called "the Gospel of Women" because, more than any other one,...

Wonders of God's Creation (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio When you open your Bible, you're going to almost immediately have a heap of questions and ...

Wood rats

Bible Answers Live Audio Wood rats are nocturnal rodents that are native throughout North America. These social cre...

Words Are Powerful

Bible Answers Live Audio There’s an island in the north Arctic sea called Kaldai which contains perhaps the most cu...

Worship and Dedication

People on the Move: The Book of Numbers Video God ordained the sanctuary to teach the Israelites about Himself, the coming Messiah and p...

Worship That Never Ends

The Book of Psalms Video The Lord’s people are identified with the righteous, who worship the Lord and whose hope i...

Your Bible Questions Answered, Pt. 1

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video Your Bible Questions Answered...

Your Bible Questions Answered, Pt. 2

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video Joe Crews answers commonly asked Bible Questions...

Your Mercy Reaches Unto the Heavens

The Book of Psalms Video God’s people take comfort in the fact that the Lord is faithful to His covenant....

You're Alive That You're Dead

Bible Answers Live Audio "He must increase, but I must decrease," for "those who are true to their calling as messe...

Zsolt and Geza Peladi

Bible Answers Live Audio Talk about a reversal of fortune, on December 1st, 2009, two homeless brothers--so poor th...