
Media dealing with Angels


A Symbol for Purity and Power (2018)

Bible Answers Live Audio Do you want to know what the Bible has to say about marrying a non-believer ? Have you he...

Angel Messages from Outer Space

New Revelation Video Should we study the book of Revelation? Isn't it a sealed book? And what does the message ...

Angel Messages From Space

Amazing Facts Audio Bible Study Guides Audio The three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 contain solemn warnings for today....

Angel Messages from Space

Bible Study Guides Print The “three angels’ messages” of Revelation 14 contain solemn warnings for today....

Are Lucifer's angels in chains?

Bible Question Archive Audio Are Lucifer's angels in chains right now? For practical purposes they are restricted to th...

Behind the Devil's Hand

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Is there a devil? Is evil a myth? Satan is very real just as God is real. He is a supernat...

Counterfeits of Satan

Bible Answers Live Audio Did you know that the part of a dog's brain that’s devoted to analyzing smell is, proporti...

Crisis in Eden

Rebellion and Redemption Video "Adam and Eve started justifying their sin. What are ways that we seek to do the same? How...

Did God Create a Devil?

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Lucifer was the highest angel in heaven. Because of his pride, he inspired a rebellion aga...

Did God Create the Devil?

Bible Study Guides Print Where did the devil come from? Was he an angel in heaven? How did he fall and become the d...

Invaders From Outer Space

Byron Spears Audio Who are the angels?...

Messengers of Light

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Light travels at incredible speeds, but the Bible speaks of beings that travel much faster...

Origin of Sin

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Is there a devil? Many people do not believe there is a devil. But what does the Bible say...

Resisting Satan's Attacks

Bible Answers Live Audio It’s hard to imagine an average size man killing a full-grown bear with a stick, but it ha...

Slaying the Dragon

Amazing Adventure Video Where did evil come from? If God is good why is the world evil? Join Pastor Doug in this p...

Spirits from Other Worlds

Free Book Library Print What are the major deceptions evil spirits plan to spread?...

Spiritual Warfare, Pt. 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video There is a spiritual battle going on all around us but we do not need to fear. As we near...

Spiritual Warfare, Pt. 2

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Part two of Pastor Doug's series on Spiritual Warfare. There is a spiritual battle going ...

The Dragon’s Egg

Prophecy Code Video How did evil originate? Where did sin come from? Did God create a devil? Who is Lucifer an...

The Invisible World

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The story of Elisha and his servant whose eyes were opened to see God's army all around th...

The Mysterious World of Angels

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Angels are mentioned over 300 times in the Bible. They are God's 'ministering spirits' to...

The Mysterious World of Angels

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Angels are mentioned over 300 times in the Bible. They are God's 'ministering spirits' to...

The Rebellious Prince

Millennium of Prophecy Video What is the origin of sin? Did God create a devil? Where did Satan come from? The story of...

The Rebellious Prince

Storacles of Prophecy Print A prince’s rebellion helps us learn about the origin of evil and the devil....

The Truth About Angels

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Lucifer was perfect—a glorious angel. Yet he became obsessed with himself and rebelled aga...

The Truth About Angels

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Every day we interact with angels - both good and bad angels. What are angels?...

The Truth about Angels Part 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon looks at the story of a Syrian king attempting to capture Elisha the prophet b...

The Truth about Angels Part 2

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the second in a two-part series on angels. The Bible teaches that there are good a...

What are Nephilim and do angels marry?

Bible Question Archive Audio Genesis chapter 6 speaks of the Sons of God marrying the daughters of men. Who are the So...

What do the references to stars in the Bible mean?

Bible Question Archive Audio What do the references to stars in the Bible mean? The reference in Numbers speaks of Jesu...

What You Don't Know Will Hurt You

New Revelation Video Who is the devil? Where did he come from? Is ignorance bliss on this subject? There is a b...

When and With Whom Did Sin Originate?

Byron Spears Audio Where did sin come from?...

Who Are the Sons of God?

Free Book Library Print Who are the sons of God in Genesis 6? Are they aliens, angels, or even ... our ancestors?!...

Who Is Michael The Archangel?

Free Book Library Print Who is the Archangel Michael? What does He do? What does His name mean? And why do we need...