
Media dealing with Sin | Repentance



Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Is there a right and a wrong way to confess? Is confession even necessary? What does the B...

A Fatal Mistake - Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio How do we handle ignorance about truth? If we do not know a certain Bible truth does God h...

A Matter of Life and Death

The Book of Proverbs Video "How can we be serious about the gravity of sin without falling into the trap of fanaticis...

All Have Sinned

Redemption in Romans Video Paul makes the point that Jews and Gentiles alike are guilty of sin and require Christ's r...

Are sins passed down in families?

Bible Question Archive Audio Can the sins of parents be passed down from generation to generation? Exodus 20 speaks of ...

Assurance - Justification Made Simple

Free Audio Book Library Audio Grace is for everyone. No matter where you have been or how much doubt about God's love fi...

Assurance - Justification Made Simple

Free Book Library Print Grace is for everyone. No matter where you have been or how much doubt about God's love fi...

Beyond Mercy

Free Book Library Print The unpardonable sin is lurking like a deadly shark preying on its next unsuspecting meal....

Can a Saved Man Choose to be Lost?

Free Book Library Print Proof that eternal life does not hinge on a single moment of decision. A great book for sh...

Can we sin in our thoughts?

Bible Question Archive Audio Can we sin in our thoughts if we don't put them into action? Jesus says in Matthew 5 that ...

Christ, Our Sacrifice

The Sanctuary Video "How do the concepts of death, sacrifice, and blood help to show us just how serious sin a...

Confession and Repentance: The Conditions of Revival

Revival and Reformation Video "Throughout Scripture, both repentance and confession have prepared the way for spiritual ...

Cosmic Crisis: The Disruption of God's Established Order

Atonement and the Cross of Christ Video We need an atonement because of the existence of sin. This study explores the origin of si...

Cost of Obedience

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Though sin has created a difficult predicament for people, Jesus is coming soon and will s...

Creation and the Fall

Origins Video "Satan is a defeated foe, he is here on the earth, and he is determined to wreak as much h...

Dead End Roads

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio God created us to live forever in happiness and joy. But because of sin we got side tracke...

Dealing With Fights

The Book of Proverbs Video "Think about a time you messed up badly and you were forgiven, ministered to, and comforte...

Defeating Demons, Devils and Evil Spirits

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video The Bible has a lot to say about how to defeat the devil and evil spirits. ...

Deliverance From Temptation and Evil

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Pastor Doug explains the Lord's prayer and how prayer separates us from evil and brings us...

Did God Create a Devil?

Revelation Now Video Did God Create a Devil?...

Did God Create the Devil?

Amazing Facts Audio Bible Study Guides Audio Who is Satan? Many believe he’s merely a mythical figure, but the Bible says he is very re...

Empty Garden

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Two important gardens are mentioned in Scripture. The first is our parents first home, the...

Enduring Temptation

The Book of James Video "Temptations are real, sin is real, and the battle against self is very real. But God is ...

Fig Leaves and Pharisees

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video When Adam and Eve sinned, they tried to cover up their sin by sewing fig leaves and coveri...

From Exalted to Cast Down

Garments of Grace: Clothing Imagery In The Bible Video Lucifer fell from his high and exalted position among Heaven's angels to become Satan, the...

Global Rebellion and the Patriarchs

Rebellion and Redemption Video "What can be done for the people in your congregation who feel that they are alone in the ...

Home from a Far Country

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Some Christians have become distracted in their relationship with the Lord. Many people ge...

Horns and Halos

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Sin is like a spell that dazes our minds and takes away reason. Sin clouds our will power....

How do you renew your mind when you've fallen away from God?

Bible Question Archive Audio How do you renew your mind when you've fallen away from God? If you come to God the way yo...

I Have Sinned - Vignettes of True and False Repentance

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon looks at vignettes in the Bible portraying true and false portraits of repenta...

Is It a Sin to be Tempted?

Free Book Library Print Find the power to be victorious when faced with temptation....

Is it a sin to worry?

Bible Question Archive Audio Is it a sin to worry? It can be. The Bible tells us to not be anxious for anything. Jesus ...

Is It Possible to Live Without Sinning?

Free Book Library Print Provides assurance that it is possible, through Christ, to achieve total victory over sin....

Is there any sin that is not committed willfully?

Bible Question Archive Audio Is there any sin that is not committed willfully? We can have attitudes of sin that we may...

Justification by Faith Alone - 2011

The Gospel in Galatians Video Exploring the concept of justification by faith helps us understand who God is and why the...

Living by the Spirit - 2011

The Gospel in Galatians Video Though everyone struggles with moral conflict, the converted Christian faces an internal w...

Moving Mountains

04 Revival Video What does it mean to have a faith that can move mountains? We'll examine the Old Testamen...

No Turning Back

Bible Study Guides Print How do you know when you've gone too far? Discover the signs that the Holy Spirit has left...

Overcoming Sin

Salvation by Faith Alone: The Book of Romans Video "How have you experienced the reality of a new life in Christ? What tangible evidence can ...


Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Our society is mixed up and full of confusion, apostasy, and degrading morals. Is religion...

Personal Power

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio There is an inner struggle in the heart of every person, conflicting voices that call one ...

Real Repentance

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video What is real repentance?...

Rebellion in a Perfect Universe

Life Everlasting Video Christ speaks of God’s unconditional love for all human beings as the pattern for all our ...

Receiving and Sharing Forgiveness

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video How do we receive forgiveness? How do we forgive others?...

Reformation: Healing Broken Relationships

Revival and Reformation Video "What is forgiveness? Does forgiveness justify the behavior of someone who has horribly w...

Remember Lot's Wife

Free Book Library Print Who was Lot's wife and did she really turn into a pillar of salt? Why did she look back to...


Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video One of the most important issues of salvation is being aware of our sin, regretting it and...

Repentance - Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio One of the hardest confessions for the average human being to make is to say, "I'm sorry."...

Riches of Grace

Free Book Library Print Does God judge us in the same way that we judge each other?...

Satan's Confusing Counterfeits

Free Book Library Print Outlines the two main strategies Satan uses to cause even the most religious people to sin...

Satan's Confusing Counterfeits, Pt. 1

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video Satan's Confusing Counterfeits - Pt. 1...

Satan's Confusing Counterfeits, Pt. 2

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video Satan's Confusing Counterfeits...


The Christian Life Video Sin affects everyone on Earth, but Jesus provided a mean to escape for everyone....

Sin Nobody Admits - Part 1

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio What is the sin nobody wants to admit? We can think of big sins that many have admitted to...

Sincere Confession

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video What is the purpose of confession? How do we sincerely confess?...

Sincere Confession

The New Heart Video What is the purpose of confession? How do we sincerely confess?...

Speeding and Grace

Video Shorts Video Meet Derek. He has a lead foot just like his father Henry. One day, Derek overslept when h...

Temptation - Part 1

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Many Christians battle temptation. It is a problem in the lives of many. How do we deal wi...

Temptation - Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio This is the second of a two part broadcast on dealing with temptation. Everyone faces temp...

The "Restoration of All Things"

The Role of the Church in the Community Video "Who are people in need of your help right now, help that you are especially equipped to g...

The Dragon and The Woman, Pt. 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Did God make the devil? Where did the devil come from? If God is more powerful than the ...

The Dragon’s Egg

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video How did evil originate? Where did sin come from? Did God create a devil? The Bible explain...

The Fall Into Sin

Atonement and the Cross of Christ Video Our world is full of sin and death because of a single act of rebellion that occurred a lo...

The Flesh and the Spirit

Free Book Library Print An oxymoron is a phrase in which words of contradictory meanings are used together for spe...

The Great Controversy: The Foundation

Growing In Christ Video "The great-controversy motif is the overarching concept that gives cohesion to Seventh-day...

The Human Condition

Salvation by Faith Alone: The Book of Romans Video "How often do you, even if only in your own mind, condemn others for things that you, your...

The Liberty Bell

Bible Answers Live Audio The Liberty Bell, sometimes called the Bell of the Revolution or Independence, has been a ...

The Man of Romans 7

Redemption in Romans Video A discussion of Romans 7 explores the law's relationship to sin and grace....

The Sin Problem

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Some people can resist anything except temptation. This broadcast looks at the three cardi...

The Spirit and The Flesh

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The sermon focuses on Romans 7 and the battle between the spirit and the flesh. There are ...

The Storm of Jonah

Heroes Of Faith Video What happens when God's servants run from the will of the Lord? And what happens when they...

The Thief on the Cross

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video How are we saved from sin?...

Tips for Resisting Temptation

Bible Answers Live Audio When you were growing up, did you ever hear your parents ask, "Well if your friends told y...

When a Christian Falls

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video The devil attacks stragglers, those who are on the edge of living a Christian life....

Why Is There Evil?

Ultimate Purpose Video Why is there so much evil in our world today?...

Why Is There Evil?

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video If God is good, and if God is love, then why is there evil? Did God make a devil? Why wo...