
Media dealing with Judgment | End of Days


2012 Doomsday Myths

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Is the Mayan calendar a reliable prophetic source? Rampant hype about the last days of ear...

Advindication Part 5: Justifying the Judgment

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the fifth in a series on dealing with objections people have toward certain teachi...

America and Babylon

Preparation for the End Time Video "This week we will focus mostly on Revelation 13 and the events and powers portrayed in it...


Free Book Library Print Learn how earth's final battle will bring victory to spiritual Israel and the mysterious "...

Armageddon Countdown

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video What is Armageddon? Many people think that Armageddon is an ominous battle that is destru...

At the end times, what happens to those not part of the 144,000?

Bible Question Archive Audio At the end of time what will happen to those who are not part of the 144,000? Will they be...

Coming: One World Church

Free Book Library Print Move aside Elvis. There is a one world church coming. Get the inside scoop in this tell-al...

Does God judge governments?

Bible Question Archive Audio Does God judge governments, and if so on what basis? The Bible says God does judge governm...

End-Time Deceptions - 2018

Preparation for the End Time Video "This week, we will look at some of the devil’s most effective deceptions and how we can b...

End-Time Deceptions - 2022

Life Everlasting Video During this week we will consider some end-time deceptions. These are dangerous subjects t...

Facing God - Part 1

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio When the world comes to an end, when there is a judgment that we will all face, will we be...

Facing God - Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio What is the judgment day at the end of time all about? Will everyone face their life's rec...

Facing the Judge

New Revelation Video What does the Bible teach about a coming judgment? There are three phases of judgment. The...

Famine Coming

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio The Bible predicts that someday seven terrible plagues will fall upon our earth. When will...

How can a Christian be secure in the judgment?

Bible Question Archive Audio How can a Christian be secure in the judgment? Christians around the world struggle in the...

How Much Time Do We Have?

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon focuses on time and how we relate to it as a Christian. It speaks of the time ...

How Shall We Escape?

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Nothing will be hidden from God. Someday at the final judgment all things will be revealed...

How will the Lord provide in the last days when we can neither buy nor sell?

Bible Question Archive Audio How will the Lord provide in the last days when we can neither buy nor sell? Like the Isra...

Judgment - Part 1

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio This broadcast discusses Daniel 8 & 9 and the Great Judgment Day. No one can escape the ju...

Judgment - Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio In this second part of two broadcast on the longest time prophecy in the Bible (Daniel 8:1...

Judgment on Babylon

The Book of Revelation Video "In the very end, as today, and as has always been the case, the masses of the people get ...

Judgment Scene

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio One of the most solemn scenes spoken of in all the Bible is the final judgment. Everyone i...

Last Chance - Part 1

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Signs of the times are all around us that we are living at the end of world's history. Sig...

Last Chance - Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Is the book of Revelation a closed book? Is it sealed and full of mysterious symbols that ...

Lord of All Nations (Amos)

Major Lessons from Minor Prophets Video "Acts of inhumanity are sins against God and will be judged accordingly."...

Marching off the Map

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio The things we see taking place in the world today have never been witnessed by any previou...

Matthew 24 and 25

Preparation for the End Time Video 'What is it about obedience to what God tells us to do that strengthens our faith? That is...

Merging Churches

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio The ecumenical movement to combine all churches into one is being pushed by many in the na...

Minutes to Midnight

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio People may be alarmed by mankind being destroyed by weapons of mass destruction, but not m...

One Lawgiver and Judge

The Book of James Video "God alone, who gave the law, is the Judge. He alone has the power to save or to destroy....

Pending - Your Case in Court

Free Book Library Print Describes the end-time courtroom scenes of Daniel and Revelation and why you can look forw...

Plagues, Pestilence and Prophecy - Signs of the Times

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video As Christians we need to have both a practical and a biblical perspective on what is going...


Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio What is the close of probation? God calls us to seek Him while there is hope. Will there e...

Satan, a Defeated Enemy

The Book of Revelation Video "Revelation 12 is intended to provide God’s people with an assurance that Satan will not s...

Seven Last Plagues - Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio The book of Revelation speaks of a close of probation, a time when all decisions will have...

SHOCKING Truths About The Great Tribulation, Pt. 1

Prophecy Alerts Video SHOCKING Truths About The Great Tribulation, Part 1...

SHOCKING Truths about The Great Tribulation, Pt. 2

Prophecy Alerts Video SHOCKING Truths about The Great Tribulation, Part 2...

SHOCKING Truths About The Great Tribulation, Pt. 3

Prophecy Alerts Video SHOCKING Truths About The Great Tribulation, Pt. 3...

Signs - Part 1

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Just as a sign was given to Belshazzar, king of Babylon, that the end of his empire was so...

Signs - Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio The accumulation of wealth seems to be happening more and more these days. What does this ...

Suicide of a Planet

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Many say that our materialistic society is failing fast. Major issues in our culture are s...

Surviving the Great Tribulation

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video How can you get through difficult times?...

Surviving the Great Tribulation

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Jesus said there will be a time of great trouble before He comes again. Do not worry abou...

The Battle of Armageddon

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video The battle of Armageddon spoken of in Revelation 16, is often understood as a local battle...

The Battle of Armageddon, Pt. 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Armageddon. This scary word from the book of Revelation is an enigma for most Bible schola...

The Battle of Armageddon, Pt. 2

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video What exactly is this mysterious battle of Armageddon? And what’s involved in it? What’s a...

The Battle of Armageddon, Pt. 3

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Can we choose sides in the battle of Armageddon? If so how can we know what side we're on ...

The Big Radar Has Caught You

New Revelation Video This sermon speaks about complete surrender to God and following Jesus in obedience. A Chr...

The Close of Probation

Byron Spears Audio What is probation and what does it mean for it to close?...

The Cosmic Controversy

Preparation for the End Time Video "The cosmic controversy, sometimes called “the great controversy,” is the biblical worldvi...

The Day of the Lord (Zephaniah)

Major Lessons from Minor Prophets Video "Judgment is coming, but grace and mercy are still available for those who earnestly seek ...

The Day the World Ends

Byron Spears Audio The day the world ends is the day that Jesus returns. Are you preparing for His coming?...

The Days of Lot and Noah

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The Bible tells us that just before the coming of the Lord it will be like the days of Lot...

The Final Judgment

Bible Study Guides Print Are you terrified of the final judgment in the Bible? Or do you think it's just a hoax? Fi...

The Final Judgment

Amazing Facts Audio Bible Study Guides Audio Are you terrified of the final judgment in the Bible? Or do you think it's just a hoax? Fi...

The Final Verdict

Free Book Library Print Discover the remarkable history of our world. Then make the choice that will determine you...

The Gospel and the Judgment

Holding The Line Video Clifford Goldstein presents: The Gospel and the Judgment...

The Great Final Judgment Day

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The focus of this sermon is on the great judgment day. It is coming. We all will face the ...

The Great Judgment Day

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video The Great Judgement Day...

The Great Judgment Day

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video One day we will all stand before God and give an account of everything we have done in our...

The Great Judgment Day

Byron Spears Audio One day we will have to face God in the judgement. Whether you believe in Him or not the ...

The Great Judgment Day, Pt. 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video What will happen when Jesus comes again? Part 1 of 2...

The Great Judgment Day, Pt. 2

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video What happens when Jesus comes again? What is the truth about Hell? Part 2 of 2...

The Handwriting on the Wall in Babylon

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon covers the story of Belshazzar's feast and the handwriting on the wall spoken ...

The Hour of His Judgment

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video The first angel of Revelation 14 proclaims a judgment that occurs before Jesus comes in gl...

The Hour of His Judgment

Three Cosmic Messages Video At the cross, Christ was judged as a condemned sinner so that we could be judged as righte...

The Hour of His Judgment

Revelation's Final Warning Video The Hour of His Judgment...

The Judging Process

Life Everlasting Video During this week we will consider the end-time judgment process with its three main phases...

The Last Night

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio The story of Pompeii being covered by a volcano teaches us about being ready for another d...

The Last Night on Earth

Free Book Library Print Imagine tonight is the last night on earth. What would you do? This compelling booklet pul...

The Last Night on Earth, Pt. 1

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video Apparently some of those people heard the initial explosion. They had time to look up and ...

The Last Night on Earth, Pt. 2

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video Now I want to try to answer the question today as to why so few people will be saved. Why ...

The Only Safe Shelter in the Last Days

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video God is our safe shelter in the last days. We don't have to be afraid. God loves us and He ...

The Principles of Prophecy

Time is Ticking Away Video Prophecy is fast-fulfilling right before our eyes. Current events are confirming and esta...

The Seven Last Plagues

The Book of Revelation Video "How can we maintain so close a walk with the Lord that, if tragedy strikes, we know enoug...

The Seven Trumpets

The Book of Revelation Video 'The seventh trumpet signals the conclusion of this earth’s history. The time has come for...

The Unsinkable Ship

Heroes Of Faith Video The remarkable story of some of the passengers on the ill-fated Titanic and how their live...

Time Running Out, Pt. 1

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video A recent issue of TIME magazine spotlighted the flock of new young Americans who have beco...

Time Running Out, Pt. 2

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video Now let's review just briefly what we discovered here. We found that there are signs that ...

Voices From Heaven

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio When will the end of the world come? The Bible tells us that the gospel will be preached t...

What are the seven last plagues and when will they occur?

Bible Question Archive Audio What are the seven last plagues and when will they occur? Revelation 15 and 16 tells us ab...

What does the Bible mean when it says judgment begins at the house of God?

Bible Question Archive Audio In first Peter chapter 4 it speaks about the judgment beginning with believers. What does...

Where Am I Going?

Ultimate Purpose Video How can I know God's will for my life? How do I know if I'm following His plan for me?...

Who Will be Left Standing?

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video What lasts? Who will be left standing at the end? The Bible tells us not everyone will be ...