
Media dealing with Law | Commandments


A Day to Remember

Ten Commandments Video The fourth commandment is about the Sabbath. Keeping the seventh day of the week as a Sab...

A Greedy Heart

Ten Commandments Video The tenth commandment forbids "coveting". You are not to have an illicit desire for someo...

A Greedy Heart

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video God placed in our hearts a desire to have a home, a spouse, a strong relationship with Him...

A Nation of Kings

Here We Stand Video Why are there so many denominations? How do you know which is the right church? What does ...

Adultery, Loyalty and Love

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video God's church should show the world what holiness looks like, and that includes our homes, ...

Adultery, Loyalty, and Love

Ten Commandments Video The seventh commandment about adultery forbids not only acts of impurity, but also thought...

Advindication Part 1: Is Obedience Legalism?

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the beginning of a sermon series titled "Advindication" which is a play on words b...

America and the Ten Commandments

Free Book Library Print From prayer in schools to God's Law displayed in courthouses, the cultural battle is soon ...

Are Christians who take the Lord's name in vain a danger to the church?

Bible Question Archive Audio Is one of the greatest dangers to the church people who take the name of Christ but live l...

Are the Commandments still valid today?

Bible Question Archive Audio Has the law been done away with? Since we are under grace do we still need to obey it?...

Can someone be saved if they don't keep the Ten Commandments?

Bible Question Archive Audio Will a person be lost if they don't keep all ten of the Ten Commandments? If so, how is th...

Christ and the Law in the Sermon on the Mount

Christ and His Law Video This lesson covers the third section of the Sermon on the Mount to see what it teaches abo...

Christ and the Law of Moses

Christ and His Law Video "The Biblical feast days were done away with long ago when they met their fulfillment in C...

Christ and the Sabbath

Christ and His Law Video "The issue of an alternative day of worship was not introduced into Christianity unitl mor...

Christ, the End of the Law

Christ and His Law Video This lesson explores the law and grace....

Christ, the Law and the Covenants

Christ and His Law Video "God's eternal decision to save humanity has been revealed to us through the ages by the c...

Christ, the Law and the Gospel

Christ and His Law Video "Grace not only frees us from the condemnation of the law, but it enables us to keep the l...

Christ's Church and the Law

Christ and His Law Video "Why can't we really be keeping the commandments if we don't show love?"...

Christ's Death and the Law

Christ and His Law Video This lesson looks at the death of Jesus and what it means in relation to the law....

Christ's Kingdom and the Law

Christ and His Law Video "This week we'll look at the question of God's eternal kingdom and the role of the law in ...

Crumbling Authority

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio How should we relate to God's law? Has it been set aside? Do we have a responsibility to b...

Did Israelites have moral standards before the Ten Commandments?

Bible Question Archive Audio Did the Israelites have moral standards before the Ten Commandments were given from Mt. Si...

Do the Old Testament laws still apply today?

Bible Question Archive Audio Non-believers sometimes point to Old Testament laws, like stoning adulterers, as evidence ...

Does God's Grace Blot out His Law?

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video What does it mean to be under the law? What does it mean to be under grace? To be under th...

Does God's Grace Blot Out the Law?

Free Book Library Print Shows that God's law and His grace do not work in competition with each other, but in perf...

Eighteen Reasons - Part 1

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Were the Ten Commandments abolished? Some feel there are Bible texts which provide God's l...

Fire Escape Religion

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio What is the truth about God's law? Was it done away with? Do we need to seek to be obedien...

Fulfilling the Law

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Many interpret Jesus words in Matthew 5 that the law was set aside. But this is not consis...

God the Lawgiver

Glimpses of Our God Video "God's law is an inseparable part of the Old and New Testaments. It is also an expression ...

Hidden Eyes and Closed Ears

Free Book Library Print Avoid the spiritual delusions that will cause so many religious people to be lost. An impo...

His Holy Name, Our Reverent Life

Ten Commandments Video Why is it wrong to use God's name in vain? Why does He care about that?...

Honor Within the Family

Ten Commandments Video The fifth commandment is about honoring, respecting, and caring for parents. It is the fi...

Honor Within the Family

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The fifth commandment is the foundation to the health and success of any culture because t...

Inside the Lost Ark

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video The greatest treasure inside the ark was God’s word, which we have today in the Bible. We ...

Inside the Lost Ark

Time is Ticking Away Video What was really inside the Ark of the Covenant? Just rocks? Or a message from God?...

Justice and Mercy

Doctrines That Divide Video Because there is mercy does that mean we do not have to obey the law?...

Keeping Power

Ten Commandments Video The commandments of God represent a perfect expression of God's will for our lives. The f...

Laws in Christ's Day

Christ and His Law Video "This week's lesson investigates the various laws that functioned in the community during ...

Laws of Love and Liberty

Ten Commandments Video God's laws do not take away our freedom, they are there to protect our liberties. It is i...

Laws of Love and Liberty

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Our lives are regulated every day by law. The laws are there to protect your liberty and ...

Liberty to Serve

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video How much do you value your liberty, how precious is it to you? Throughout the Bible one of...

Matter of Life and Death

Ten Commandments Video The sixth commandment is "Do not murder". Do not take another person's life in a pre-medi...

Obeying God or Man

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video God gave us the 10 commandments as a covenant between Him and His people. He wrote these c...

Passport to Heaven

Byron Spears Audio Is there a passport into heaven? If so how can you secure yours?...

Pending - Your Case in Court

Free Book Library Print Describes the end-time courtroom scenes of Daniel and Revelation and why you can look forw...

Respecting Life

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon focuses on the 6th commandment, "Thou shalt not kill." This command, like all ...

Respecting Ownership

Ten Commandments Video The eighth commandment about stealing is not only about never taking something that does n...

Sowing and Reaping

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Sometimes laws have been enacted in our country without a penalty. But the Bible teaches t...

Speaking Truth in Love

Ten Commandments Video The ninth commandment forbids lying about people, or withholding truth or any other action...

Ten Commandments

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio We live in a lawless age with permissive psychology. What is the basic cause of the moral ...

The “Change” of the Law

Preparation for the End Time Video "God’s law, the Ten Commandments, is still binding, and that law includes the seventh-day ...

The Apostles and the Law

Christ and His Law Video "With so much evidence for the continued validity of God's law, why do so many Christians ...

The Code of the King

Amazing Adventure Video Does God care whether or not we obey Him? Join Pastor Doug in this program from the Amazin...

The Everlasting Gospel - 2014

The Book of James Video "How can we, as people who believe in the importance of keeping the law, protect ourselves...

The Final Verdict

Free Book Library Print Discover the remarkable history of our world. Then make the choice that will determine you...

The Glorious Mount

Heroes Of Faith Video Jesus led the apostles Peter, James and John up a remote mountain to pray and they watched...

The Image of God

Ten Commandments Video The second commandment forbids worshiping an image of God. Attempting to represent God by...

The Law and the Gospel

Growing In Christ Video "God's entire moral law is what reveals our sin and, thus, our need for a Savior. The law...

The Law of God

The Teachings of Jesus Video "One would be hard pressed to find in the life and teachings of Jesus anything implying th...

The Law of God and the Law of Christ

Christ and His Law Video "Jesus and His Father are united in purpose as they urge the people of God's creation to l...

The Law of the King

Millennium of Prophecy Video Are the Ten Commandments important and relevant today? What is the purpose of God's law? W...

The Law of the King

Storacles of Prophecy Print God’s law is eternal, offering blessings to those who live by its precepts....

The Law of the King, Pt. 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video What does God have a law and are Christians still required to keep it?...

The Law of the King, Pt. 2

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video This sermon speaks about the law and the 10 commandments. Are they important and relevant ...

The Law of the Lamb, Pt. 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video How do Christians relate to the Ten Commandments without being legalists? Is obedience leg...

The Law of the Lamb, Pt. 2

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video How do Christians relate to the Ten Commandments without being legalists? Is obedience 'le...

The Many Faces of Idolatry

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This sermon focuses on the second commandment on worshiping idols. Idolatry covers anythin...

The Road to Faith - 2011

The Gospel in Galatians Video A discussion about the law of God and its relationship to grace, the gospel and the New Te...

The Ten Commandments, Pt. 1

Bible Talk Audio Does God have a remedy for today's lawless society? What does the Bible say about this law...

The Ten Commandments, Pt. 2

Bible Talk Audio What is the purpose of God's law? Should we obey God's law? Isn't this legalism? Are we un...

The Ten Commandments, Pt. 3

Bible Talk Audio If we are saved by grace, is there a need for the law? Was it not done away with? What doe...

The Ten Commandments, Pt. 4

Bible Talk Audio If we love God, we ought to obey His commandments. But Is it possible to keep God's Comman...

The Ten Commandments, Pt. 5

Bible Talk Audio What does the Bible say about keeping the law? Are we not under grace? Is the law valid? T...

The Unchangeable Law

Revelation Now Video The Unchangeable Law...

The Unchangeable Law

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video The most important words are the words of God that He engraved in stone. The Ten Commandme...

They Found the Book

Streams of Light Video This is from a revival series called "Streams of Light". This sermon is entitled "They Fou...

Treasure from the Golden Ark

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video The most valuable rocks in the world are the Ten Commandments written on stone by God's ow...

Truth About God's Law

Video Shorts Video Meet Leo the Lion, he has a voracious appetite. The problem is, he's not a vegetarian. Tha...

Walking in the Light: Keeping His Commandments

Loved and Loving: John's Epistles Video John defines what it is to know and love Jesus: keeping His commandments....

Were the Ten Commandments Nailed to the Cross?

Byron Spears Audio There are three primary types of laws in the Bible. Find out what these are and which one...

What moral laws beside the 10 commandments do we still need to keep?

Bible Question Archive Audio What moral laws beside the 10 commandments do we still need to keep? There were civil laws...

When Protestantism Follows the Beast

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video The mirror doesn't remove any spot on our face, it will show you that spot and show you th...

Why the Old Covenant Failed

Free Book Library Print A powerful argument to support Sabbath observance by New Testament Christians....

Worship Him Alone

Ten Commandments Video Is it possible to be worshipping other gods and not know it?...

Worship Him Alone

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video God did everything He could to emphasize that His law was for everyone. He didn't give the...

Written in Stone!

Amazing Facts Audio Bible Study Guides Audio As crime and violence overrun our cities and homes, doesn’t it make sense that to secure p...

Written in Stone!

Bible Study Guides Print Why are the ten commandments written on stone? Have the commandments been changed? Are w...

You Are Responsible!

New Revelation Video This lesson focuses on the law of God. What is it? Are the ten commandments still binding?...