Ten Commandments |
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The fourth commandment is about the Sabbath. Keeping the seventh day of the week as a Sab... |
Ten Commandments |
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The tenth commandment forbids "coveting". You are not to have an illicit desire for someo... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
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God placed in our hearts a desire to have a home, a spouse, a strong relationship with Him... |
Here We Stand |
Video |
Why are there so many denominations? How do you know which is the right church? What does ... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
God's church should show the world what holiness looks like, and that includes our homes, ... |
Ten Commandments |
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The seventh commandment about adultery forbids not only acts of impurity, but also thought... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Video |
This is the beginning of a sermon series titled "Advindication" which is a play on words b... |
Free Book Library |
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From prayer in schools to God's Law displayed in courthouses, the cultural battle is soon ... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
Is one of the greatest dangers to the church people who take the name of Christ but live l... |
Bible Question Archive |
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Has the law been done away with? Since we are under grace do we still need to obey it?... |
Bible Question Archive |
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Will a person be lost if they don't keep all ten of the Ten Commandments? If so, how is th... |
Christ and His Law |
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This lesson covers the third section of the Sermon on the Mount to see what it teaches abo... |
Christ and His Law |
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"The Biblical feast days were done away with long ago when they met their fulfillment in C... |
Christ and His Law |
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"The issue of an alternative day of worship was not introduced into Christianity unitl mor... |
Christ and His Law |
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This lesson explores the law and grace.... |
Christ and His Law |
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"God's eternal decision to save humanity has been revealed to us through the ages by the c... |
Christ and His Law |
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"Grace not only frees us from the condemnation of the law, but it enables us to keep the l... |
Christ and His Law |
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"Why can't we really be keeping the commandments if we don't show love?"... |
Christ and His Law |
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This lesson looks at the death of Jesus and what it means in relation to the law.... |
Christ and His Law |
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"This week we'll look at the question of God's eternal kingdom and the role of the law in ... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
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How should we relate to God's law? Has it been set aside? Do we have a responsibility to b... |
Bible Question Archive |
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Did the Israelites have moral standards before the Ten Commandments were given from Mt. Si... |
Bible Question Archive |
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Non-believers sometimes point to Old Testament laws, like stoning adulterers, as evidence ... |
Joe Crews Video Sermons |
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What does it mean to be under the law? What does it mean to be under grace? To be under th... |
Free Book Library |
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Shows that God's law and His grace do not work in competition with each other, but in perf... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
Were the Ten Commandments abolished? Some feel there are Bible texts which provide God's l... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
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What is the truth about God's law? Was it done away with? Do we need to seek to be obedien... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Video |
Many interpret Jesus words in Matthew 5 that the law was set aside. But this is not consis... |
Glimpses of Our God |
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"God's law is an inseparable part of the Old and New Testaments. It is also an expression ... |
Free Book Library |
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Avoid the spiritual delusions that will cause so many religious people to be lost. An impo... |
Ten Commandments |
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Why is it wrong to use God's name in vain? Why does He care about that?... |
Ten Commandments |
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The fifth commandment is about honoring, respecting, and caring for parents. It is the fi... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Video |
The fifth commandment is the foundation to the health and success of any culture because t... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
The greatest treasure inside the ark was God’s word, which we have today in the Bible. We ... |
Time is Ticking Away |
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What was really inside the Ark of the Covenant? Just rocks? Or a message from God?... |
Doctrines That Divide |
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Because there is mercy does that mean we do not have to obey the law?... |
Ten Commandments |
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The commandments of God represent a perfect expression of God's will for our lives. The f... |
Christ and His Law |
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"This week's lesson investigates the various laws that functioned in the community during ... |
Ten Commandments |
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God's laws do not take away our freedom, they are there to protect our liberties. It is i... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
Our lives are regulated every day by law. The laws are there to protect your liberty and ... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
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How much do you value your liberty, how precious is it to you? Throughout the Bible one of... |
Ten Commandments |
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The sixth commandment is "Do not murder". Do not take another person's life in a pre-medi... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
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God gave us the 10 commandments as a covenant between Him and His people. He wrote these c... |
Byron Spears |
Audio |
Is there a passport into heaven? If so how can you secure yours?... |
Free Book Library |
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Describes the end-time courtroom scenes of Daniel and Revelation and why you can look forw... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
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This sermon focuses on the 6th commandment, "Thou shalt not kill." This command, like all ... |
Ten Commandments |
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The eighth commandment about stealing is not only about never taking something that does n... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
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Sometimes laws have been enacted in our country without a penalty. But the Bible teaches t... |
Ten Commandments |
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The ninth commandment forbids lying about people, or withholding truth or any other action... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
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We live in a lawless age with permissive psychology. What is the basic cause of the moral ... |
Preparation for the End Time |
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"God’s law, the Ten Commandments, is still binding, and that law includes the seventh-day ... |
Christ and His Law |
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"With so much evidence for the continued validity of God's law, why do so many Christians ... |
Amazing Adventure |
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Does God care whether or not we obey Him? Join Pastor Doug in this program from the Amazin... |
The Book of James |
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"How can we, as people who believe in the importance of keeping the law, protect ourselves... |
Free Book Library |
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Discover the remarkable history of our world. Then make the choice that will determine you... |
Heroes Of Faith |
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Jesus led the apostles Peter, James and John up a remote mountain to pray and they watched... |
Ten Commandments |
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The second commandment forbids worshiping an image of God. Attempting to represent God by... |
Growing In Christ |
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"God's entire moral law is what reveals our sin and, thus, our need for a Savior. The law... |
The Teachings of Jesus |
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"One would be hard pressed to find in the life and teachings of Jesus anything implying th... |
Christ and His Law |
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"Jesus and His Father are united in purpose as they urge the people of God's creation to l... |
Millennium of Prophecy |
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Are the Ten Commandments important and relevant today? What is the purpose of God's law? W... |
Storacles of Prophecy |
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God’s law is eternal, offering blessings to those who live by its precepts.... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
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What does God have a law and are Christians still required to keep it?... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
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This sermon speaks about the law and the 10 commandments. Are they important and relevant ... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
How do Christians relate to the Ten Commandments without being legalists? Is obedience leg... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
How do Christians relate to the Ten Commandments without being legalists? Is obedience 'le... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Video |
This sermon focuses on the second commandment on worshiping idols. Idolatry covers anythin... |
The Gospel in Galatians |
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A discussion about the law of God and its relationship to grace, the gospel and the New Te... |
Bible Talk |
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Does God have a remedy for today's lawless society? What does the Bible say about this law... |
Bible Talk |
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What is the purpose of God's law? Should we obey God's law? Isn't this legalism? Are we un... |
Bible Talk |
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If we are saved by grace, is there a need for the law? Was it not done away with? What doe... |
Bible Talk |
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If we love God, we ought to obey His commandments. But Is it possible to keep God's Comman... |
Bible Talk |
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What does the Bible say about keeping the law? Are we not under grace? Is the law valid? T... |
Revelation Now |
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The Unchangeable Law... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
The most important words are the words of God that He engraved in stone. The Ten Commandme... |
Streams of Light |
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This is from a revival series called "Streams of Light". This sermon is entitled "They Fou... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
The most valuable rocks in the world are the Ten Commandments written on stone by God's ow... |
Video Shorts |
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Meet Leo the Lion, he has a voracious appetite. The problem is, he's not a vegetarian. Tha... |
Loved and Loving: John's Epistles |
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John defines what it is to know and love Jesus: keeping His commandments.... |
Byron Spears |
Audio |
There are three primary types of laws in the Bible. Find out what these are and which one... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
What moral laws beside the 10 commandments do we still need to keep? There were civil laws... |
Joe Crews Video Sermons |
Video |
The mirror doesn't remove any spot on our face, it will show you that spot and show you th... |
Free Book Library |
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A powerful argument to support Sabbath observance by New Testament Christians.... |
Ten Commandments |
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Is it possible to be worshipping other gods and not know it?... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Video |
God did everything He could to emphasize that His law was for everyone. He didn't give the... |
Amazing Facts Audio Bible Study Guides |
Audio |
As crime and violence overrun our cities and homes, doesn’t it make sense that to secure p... |
Bible Study Guides |
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Why are the ten commandments written on stone? Have the commandments been changed? Are w... |
New Revelation |
Video |
This lesson focuses on the law of God. What is it? Are the ten commandments still binding?... |