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    News and Features | News

5 Reasons You Can Know 'The Rich Man and Lazarus' Is Not Literal

Posted on Jan 09, 2017  | 
The story of the rich man and Lazarus is often cited as proof that people go to either heaven or hell when they die. But is that accurate?

AFTV Now Streaming HD on Roku

Posted on Dec 15, 2016  | 
If you enjoy watching full HD video—we have great news for you!

Verse of the Day: New at

Posted on Oct 26, 2016  | 
Amazing Facts introduces Verse of the Day, a new feature that will help you feast on God’s Word every single day.

Country Living with Doug Batchelor

Posted on Sep 19, 2016  | 
Enjoy Pastor Doug’s new video on country living filmed on location at his country home!

Hell — A Personal Testimony

Posted on Jul 07, 2016  | 
As a child, Shemeka was terrified of burning for all eternity. But when she learned the truth about hell, she was changed forever. Here is her testimony.

Amazing Facts of Faith — Nelson Mandela

Posted on Jun 30, 2016  | 
Enjoy our latest video in the inspirational Amazing Facts of Faith YouTube series!

Scared? 10 Bible verses to help banish your fear …

Posted on Jun 16, 2016  | 
God desires that we conquer our fears by trusting in Him!

Are Your Burdens Heavy? 10 Bible Verses to Lighten the Load

Posted on Apr 06, 2016  | 
Do you have a burden too heavy to bear? Are you being crushed under its weight? You're not alone. Here are 10 encouraging Bible verses to lighten your load.

Are you grieving? Here are 9 Bible verses to comfort you …

Posted on Feb 29, 2016  | 
Have you lost a loved one? It's one of life’s most painful challenges. But you are not alone. Here are 9 Bible texts that will make a difference today.

9 Bible Verses to Help When You’re Struggling with Guilt

Posted on Jan 26, 2016  | 
We've all suffered from it. What does the Bible say about guilt? These 9 simple verses will help you to know God's solution for the guilt you are carrying.

10 Bible Verses That Show Your True Value

Posted on Dec 14, 2015  | 
Ever feel unimportant or worthless? 10 Bible verses that show what you really mean to God …

Amazing Facts Bible Reading Plan

Posted on Nov 22, 2015  | 
Don't wait until next year to start a Bible reading plan! Switch on the world’s most powerful light, the Bible, and see for yourself the difference it will make in your journey toward heaven.

Does God seem distant? 10 Bible verses that can help …

Posted on Nov 17, 2015  | 
Probably all of us have had days when God seems especially far away. Absorb these reassurances from His Word …

Angry? 10 Bible Verses That Can Help …

Posted on Oct 19, 2015  | 
It’s one of the most common human emotions, and sometimes there’s good reason for it. Yet, if uncontrolled, anger can be very damaging to your mental and spiritual well-being ... and even your physical health.

8 Powerful Bible Verses to Ease Your Anxiety

Posted on Sep 15, 2015  | 
Worry and anxiety are all-too common to our hurried, stressful, unpredictable lives. But God wants something better for us.

Spring of Truth: The FREE Book Library

Posted on Sep 08, 2015  | 
More than 75 books on vital Bible teachings are free to read in the Amazing Facts Free Book Library!

9 Bible Promises for When You're Feeling Lonely

Posted on Aug 24, 2015  | 
If you're feeling lonely, we pray that you'll let God comfort you ...

Amazing Facts Internet Radio

Posted on Aug 13, 2015  | 
AF Radio is now broadcasting 24/7. Listen now!

Need a boost of HOPE? 9 Promises from God

Posted on Aug 11, 2015  | 
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by life, absorb these promises from the Father, precious reminders of His deep, never-ending love and concern for you!

Breaking! Deadly Wound Healed?

Posted on Jun 09, 2015  | 
Pastor Doug examines a recent message from the pope in light of Revelation 13.

Who is the Antichrist?

Posted on Feb 01, 2015  | 
Do you know who the Antichrist is? Are you sure? Don't miss this eye-opening revelation!

A Christian Without a Church?

Posted on Jul 16, 2014  | 
Why would a person say they love God and His truth, but not wish to fellowship in love with His people?

The Bible Timeline

Posted on Jul 15, 2014  | 
The Bible Timeline is the history of God's Word at your fingertips! Explore hundreds of characters and events and better understand the BIble's full message.

A Love That Transforms

Posted on Apr 29, 2014  | 
Discover a love like no other ...

What Does It Mean That God Is Jealous?

Posted on Apr 28, 2014  | 
The Bible says God is "jealous." Doesn't that mean something is wrong with Him?

Free books for your blog or church website!

Posted on Nov 19, 2013  | 
UPDATE: New languages added!!! We've got great news if you want to witness more effectively on your blog or website!

Right on Time! Prophetic Appointments Revealed

Posted on Nov 04, 2013  | 
Learn about one of the most extraordinary prophecies in the Bible!

Can a thought be a sin?

Posted on Nov 04, 2013  | 
Are our thoughts actually sin? Get the truth straight from the Word of God, and study it out for yourself—because what you think could change your life.

Scripture Pictures

Posted on Sep 24, 2013  | 
Make your day brighter with our beautiful catalogue of Scripture images, full of inspiring verses and vibrant photography, easy to download, free to share.

What is the unpardonable sin?

Posted on Aug 05, 2013  | 
What have you been told about the unpardonable sin? Have you committed it? Find out the extraordinary facts of this life-and-death matter before it's too late.