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    News and Features | News

Amazing Facts Latino Website Set to Share Three Angels’ Messages

Posted on Aug 04, 2020  | 
Amazing Facts will soon debut a new website for Spanish-language speakers in its mission to share God’s message around the world in these last days.

Amazing Facts and PPP

Posted on Jul 22, 2020  | 
Pastor Doug Batchelor addresses a rumor intended to distract from and harm the last-day work. Read it now!

Earnestly Praying for Peace and Justice in Our Country

Posted on Jun 02, 2020  | 
Amazing Facts International joins with other Christians around the country in praying for peace and justice to prevail during this tumultuous time.

Amid Lockdown, Amazing Facts Bible School Records Explosive Growth

Posted on May 13, 2020  | 
With more spare time on their hands, thousands of seekers are discovering God’s Word in a new and meaningful way through the Amazing Facts Bible School!

AFCOE Online Relaunches This Summer with Special Deals

Posted on May 11, 2020  | 
AFCOE Online returns on June 1, 2020! Receive a rock-solid understanding of your faith, learn to share it powerfully and convincingly, and get equipped with amazing witnessing resources

New Heart Revival Draws 2.5 Million Households

Posted on Apr 27, 2020  | 
Not even a pandemic could stop Amazing Facts from sharing a timely message of revival and reformation. And viewers around the globe responded by the MILLIONS!

4 Easy Ways to Share Your Faith During the Coronavirus Lockdown

Posted on Apr 25, 2020  | 
With the ongoing coronavirus pandemic lockdown still ongoing, many believers are struggling to keep their witnessing efforts alive and kicking. Here are four tips from our webmaster that can get you started!

A Sudden Shift: How COVID-19 Changed the World

Posted on Apr 23, 2020  | 
Join us for a 90-minute discussion with Pastor Doug Batchelor and Pastor Jëan Ross on how COVID-19 has changed the world.

Coronavirus and the Last Days

Posted on Apr 21, 2020  | 
Guest writer Gary Gibbs examines how a global pandemic could trigger the last-day events depicted in Revelation—and whether the coronavirus crisis has pushed the fast-forward button.

Amazing Facts Reaches Hearts in India

Posted on Apr 15, 2020  | 
Thanks to committed supporters, the everlasting gospel is being shared in a nation of 1.4 billion—and where there are 34 times as many Hindus as Christians!

An Amazing Facts Revival Series

Posted on Apr 07, 2020  | 
Pastor Doug Batchelor invites you to join your Amazing Facts team for revival and reformation during these challenging times caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Amazing Facts Streaming Hits Record Highs

Posted on Mar 30, 2020  | 
Livestream broadcasts with Pastor Doug Batchelor on Amazing Facts websites and social media pages reached new viewership highs this weekend in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.

Coronavirus Crisis Statement from Amazing Facts

Posted on Mar 20, 2020  | 
While Amazing Facts is adhering to local, state, and national recommendations and ordinances, we are still actively spreading the gospel!

17 Tips for Fighting a Virus!

Posted on Mar 18, 2020  | 
What can you do if you’re unfortunate enough to catch a cold or flu this season?

Things About Saint Patrick You Never Knew

Posted on Mar 17, 2020  | 
The real saint of Ireland was more than you've been told!

Amazing Facts Outreach Training Empowers Church Community Outreach

Posted on Mar 05, 2020  | 
Believers in Minnesota’s third-largest city received intensive AFCOE training on how to reach their community for Jesus.

Amazing Facts Proclaims the Everlasting Gospel in Australia

Posted on Feb 25, 2020  | 
Church leaders in Australia rejoice! Dozens baptized and hundreds more sign up for Bible studies as Pastor Doug Batchelor preaches about the world’s final events.

Amazing Facts Workers Flee Coronavirus in China

Posted on Feb 05, 2020  | 
We praise God that Amazing Facts workers in mainland China were able to leave the country soon after the outbreak of Coronavirus was reported. Learn more about their miraculous escape as the disease began to ravage the nation.

New Kingdoms in Time Sharing Magazine Now Available!

Posted on Jan 28, 2020  | 
Discover a treasure trove of solid truth, historical facts, and stunning visuals in Kingdoms in Time, a full-color magazine made for sharing. Now available!

AFCOE Returns This Summer—Apply Now!

Posted on Jan 21, 2020  | 
Do you desire to be a better witness for Jesus Christ? Then we’ve got great news! The renowned Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism will resume on-site classes this summer.

Eight New Amazing Facts Sharing Tracts Just Released!

Posted on Jan 06, 2020  | 
Are you looking for new ways to share your faith? Is your church seeking to energize its community evangelism? Then you will love these eight new, exciting, and life-changing tracts now available from Amazing Facts International!

Are California’s Wildfires a Sign of the Last Days?

Posted on Oct 30, 2019  | 
For the third straight year, residents of the Golden State confront fires being described by the media as “apocalyptic.” Is this really the beginning of the end?

Watch Pastor Doug’s Viral Video Analyzing Pope’s Latest Message

Posted on Sep 25, 2019  | 
A call by Pope Francis for world leaders to sign a global compact aimed at saving the environment may have prophetic significance, Pastor Doug says in a new video.

God’s Last-day Message Joyfully Received in Taiwan, Malaysia, and Singapore

Posted on Sep 23, 2019  | 
Discover how your support is making it possible to share the three angels' messages in places where few people have had the chance to hear about Jesus!

New Chinese-language Amazing Facts Website Debuts!

Posted on Sep 02, 2019  | 
A new website featuring Amazing Facts videos, articles, and other resources in the Chinese language is now ready!

We're Moving!

Posted on Aug 20, 2019  | 
Amazing Facts International is moving to our new headquarters this week!

The Amazing Facts Bookstore Just Got a Whole Lot Better!

Posted on Aug 08, 2019  | 
This exclusively Christian bookstore is open 24/7—online. Have a field day on our updated site. Get the materials you need to study, share, and live the gospel!

Amazing Adventure Ship Sets Sail

Posted on Jun 19, 2019  | 
Pastor Doug says, "This world wants to stop kids from finding faith, but the 'Amazing Adventure' program shows how much God cares about them!" Learn more!

History to Air “Kingdoms in Time”

Posted on May 21, 2019  | 
One of America’s top television networks will be broadcasting "Kingdoms in Time: History’s Greatest Bible Prophecies"—the new Amazing Facts-produced documentary!

W.O.R.D. Center Nearing Completion

Posted on May 06, 2019  | 
With the first four months of a busy 2019 having come to a close, we wanted to update our ministry friends on the construction progress of the W.O.R.D. Center—the new headquarters for Amazing Facts International!