
Media dealing with Health & Healing


"Get up and Walk!" Faith and Healing

The Book of Matthew Video "Whatever our physical struggles, even in the worst-case scenario they will always and onl...

Advindication Part 4: Healing the Health Message

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This is the fourth in a series on dealing with some common misunderstandings about the Sev...

Amazing Health Secrets: Eight Bible Principles for a Longer Life, Pt. 1

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video The Bible provides answers to the healthcare crisis in America by providing simple lifesty...

Amazing Health Secrets: Eight Bible Principles for a Longer Life, Pt. 2

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video God has provided us natural means to stay in optimal health. In this second of two sermons...

Babylon's Buffet

Landmarks of Prophecy Video We worship God with both our mind and our body. When our mind is clear and our body is he...

Babylon's Buffet

Revelation Now Video Babylon's Buffet...

Babylon's Buffet

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Aren't all foods clean now? So according to the Bible, Christians can eat anything that th...

Celebrating Spiritual and Physical Fitness

Health & Healing Video Our bodies need exercise to remain healthy, but so does our faith....

Death in the Kitchen

Free Book Library Print Millions of Americans are digging their own grave with a fork. But did you know God has al...

Divine Healing

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio We live in a time when medical science has made amazing advances in healing. Yet there are...

Divine Prescription

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Why is there so much sickness in an age of such great advances in medical science? One is ...

Does the anointing of oil on the sick for healing still apply today?

Bible Question Archive Audio Does anointing people with oil mentioned in James 5 who are sick still apply today? Sure i...

Does the Bible say that its ok to eat meat?

Bible Question Archive Audio There are some who teach that we should not eat certain kinds of meat but doesn't the Bibl...

Does the reference to fat and blood in Leviticus 8 apply to us today?

Bible Question Archive Audio Was the prohibition against eating fat and blood a part the Old Covenant and only applicab...

Drugs, Diet, and Death - Part 1

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Millions are suffering the side effects of wrong living habits and harmful eating and drin...

Drugs, Diet, and Death - Part 2

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Most Americans follow their appetites when it comes to eating and drinking instead of usin...

Explain dietary guidelines on clean and unclean meats.

Bible Question Archive Audio Explain dietary guidelines on clean and unclean meats. The Bible does talk about clean and...

Faith and Healing

Health & Healing Video The condition of the mind has unquestionable effects on the body's health, so a proper und...

Five Principles for Biblical Healing

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video God’s original plan was that we would live forever. But because of sin, sickness and deat...

Freedom From Addictions

Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions Video The Bible says everyone is a slave, either to sin or to righteousness. Many substances and...

From Stress to Joy

Free Book Library Print Are you succumbing to the perils of stress? Find the biblical secret to joy through the in...

God's Free Health Plan

Bible Study Guides Print Are you depressed, fatigued, constantly sick? The Bible has the solution to your medical b...

God's Free Health Plan

Amazing Facts Audio Bible Study Guides Audio Great medical care is priceless—but wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t need doctors anymore...

God's Health Plan

Bible Answers Live Audio Hulda Crooks was born in a log cabin in Saskatchewan Canada in 1896. One of 18 children Hu...

God's Health Plan

Time is Ticking Away Video Is health part of true Bible religion? In 3 John verse 2 it says, "Beloved, I wish above ...

God's Health Plan

Prophecy Code Video Does the Bible talk about health? Is it something important for Christians to consider? Th...

God's Health Plan

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Does God really care about what we eat or drink or our health in general? Does the Bible s...

God's Super Food

Amazing Adventure Video Does God care about what we put into our bodies? This Bible study series for kids takes a ...

God's Super-Computer

Bible Answers Live Audio For decades, futurists have talked about the day that computers would become as powerful a...

Good Thinking

Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions Video Since our thoughts are the root of our behaviors, it is important to follow God's advice a...

Healing, Health and Holiness, Pt. 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video God says we are to treat our bodies as a temple of the Holy Spirit and to not defile our b...

Healing, Health and Holiness, Pt. 2

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video God says we are to treat our bodies as a temple of the Holy Spirit and to not defile our b...

Healthful Living

Byron Spears Audio God wants us to be healthy. If that is true why doesn't He just heal everybody? Why does...

Healthy Living

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Is health part of true Bible teachings? In 3 John verse 2 it says, "Beloved, I wish above...

Hogs and Other Hazards

Free Book Library Print A concise explanation of the four Bible texts that seem, at first glance, to advocate the ...

Hope Against Depression

Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions Video Depression is a serious medical condition and should be treated as such. The Lord offers a...

How does Romans 14 fit with biblical direction to avoid unclean meat?

Bible Question Archive Audio How does Romans 14 fit with biblical direction to avoid unclean meat? The issue of clean a...

How to Live a Long Life

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Pastor Doug talks about how to live a long and healthy life. He goes thru a list of thing...

How to Postpone Your Funeral, Pt. 1

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video You watch people go into a grocery store. Watch them go down the aisle, plucking things of...

How to Postpone Your Funeral, Pt. 2

Joe Crews Video Sermons Video Would you consider putting a deadly poison into your body? Would you put arsenic or strych...

How to REVERSE Diabetes and Hypertension with 100 Year Old Dr. John Scharffenberg and Doug Batchelor

Ministry Projects Video How to REVERSE Diabetes & Hypertension with 100 Year Old Dr. John Scharffenberg & Doug Bat...

If I stop taking my medicine is that suicide?

Bible Question Archive Audio Could a slow death still be considered suicide? If my meds are all that are keeping me al...

Improving the Emotional Health of Children and Adolescents

Amazing Facts Health Summit Video Improving the Emotional Health of Children and Adolescents...

Is it unhealthy to eat pork?

Bible Question Archive Audio Is it unhealthy to eat pork? Pork takes the longest to digest, it has a high salt content,...

Is stopping dialysis considered suicide?

Bible Question Archive Audio Is stopping dialysis considered suicide? This is a difficult question. You need to pray an...

Is the diet mentioned in Genesis chapter 1 sufficient for today?

Bible Question Archive Audio Genesis chapter 1 seems to speak of primarily a diet of fruits, nuts, and grains. Is this...

Meat or Unmeat

Creeping Compromise Audio When so many diseases in animals can be transmitted to humans, and cannot be detected in e...

Miraculous Medicine

Here We Stand Video The focus of this talk is the wonderful message of health God provides us in the Bible....

Miraculous Medicine, Part 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video There is a lot of sickness in the world despite the advances in medical knowledge. We sho...

Miraculous Medicine, Part 2

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video There is a lot of sickness in the world despite the advances in medical knowledge. We sh...

My Body, His Glory

Revelation's Final Warning Video My Body, His Glory...

Nutrition in the Bible

Health & Healing Video Though our lives are more than just the food we eat, this food nourishes and sustains our ...

Optimism: Happiness and Healing

Health & Healing Video Many of life's problems can be better handled by keeping a positive attitude and remaining...

Pains and Pills

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Cancer is a deadly disease attacking many people. Stopping smoking would eradicate much of...

Potlucks and Principles

Creeping Compromise Audio In many cases, potlucks have become synonymous with over-indulgence....

Prayer, Healing and Restoration

The Book of James Video "More important than the healing of the body is the healing of the soul. Our purpose is n...

Principles for Healthy Living

Bible Answers Live Audio Westminster Abbey in London is one of Great Britain's most famous churches. English monarc...


Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio Was the Prohibition amendment in the United States a failure. This broadcast discusses the...

Q and A Panel

Amazing Facts Health Summit Video Amazing Health Summit Panel Discussion...

Radiant Health

Joe Crews Radio Sermons Audio The vast majority of people today suffer poor health. Is this God's plan for mankind? The ...

Rest and Restoration

Health & Healing Video Rest is such an important part of human health that God designed the daily and weekly cycl...

Seven Keys to Long Life with 100 Year Old Dr. John Scharffenberg & Doug Batchelor

Ministry Projects Video John Scharffenberg, M.D. is a physician, nutritionist and Professor of Nutrition at Loma L...

Seven Secrets to Postpone Your Funeral

Amazing Facts Health Summit Video Seven Secrets to Postpone Your Funeral...

Seven Secrets To Postpone Your Funeral

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video Millions today, maybe even you, are at risk of going to an early grave—often due to a lack...

Seven Secrets To Postpone Your Funeral, Pt 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Millions today, maybe even you, are at risk of going to an early grave—often due to a lack...

Seven Secrets To Postpone Your Funeral, Pt 2

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video Millions today, maybe even you, are at risk of going to an early grave—often due to a lack...

Should drunkards be held responsible for crimes?

Bible Question Archive Audio Should drunkards be held responsible for crimes when they blackout and don't recall what t...

Social Support: The Tie That Binds

Health & Healing Video People were created to be social beings, and an adequate social network of love and suppor...

Spotlight Interview: Know His Love with Wayne Blakely (Part 3)

Ministry Projects Video After nearly forty years of living openly as a gay man, Jesus convicted Wayne that he had ...


Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions Video Mental and physical stress can negatively affect your health and attitude toward life. The...


Health & Healing Video The Bible strongly endorses temperance, which mean the total avoidance of harmful things a...

Ten Times Wiser

Millennium of Prophecy Video What does the Bible say about health? What was the original diet of mankind? Are there cle...

Ten Times Wiser

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video This sermon discusses what the Bible says about health. What was the original diet of mank...

Ten Times Wiser

Storacles of Prophecy Print The Bible’s health principles can help you live longer and healthier....

The Atmosphere of Praise

Health & Healing Video Humans can only survive a few minutes without air. Because oxygen travels to every organ i...

The Bible's Health and Healing Lessons

Amazing Facts Health Summit Video The Bible's Health and Healing Lessons...

The Christian and Alcohol

Free Book Library Print Christians and alcohol—two words that you'd never expect to find together. And yet the oxy...

The Cure for Media Mania: Healing the Human Soul from the Digital Pandemic

Ministry Projects Video Our culture is deep into the high-speed internet revolution, the massively intensifying st...

The Five Diets of the Bible

Amazing Facts Health Summit Video The Five Diets of the Bible...

The Hal Thing: A comprehensive, holistic, innovative, evidence-based, cutting edge health message

Holding The Line Video Risë Rafferty presents: The Hal Thing - A comprehensive, holistic, innovative, evidence-ba...

The Paralysis of Depression

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video One of the most crippling tools in the devil's workshop is depression. This sermon looks a...

The Power of "What If" and "Could Have" in Prevention

Amazing Facts Health Summit Video The Power of "What If" and "Could Have" in Prevention...

The Tree of Life

Most Amazing Prophecies Video This sermon speaks about the tree of life in both Revelation and Genesis. We once had acce...

The Tree of Life

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor Video God's wants us to be in good health, he has provide for us principles in His Word that wil...

The Ultimate Secret to Health and Happiness

Amazing Facts Health Summit Video The Ultimate Secret to Health and Happiness...

The Water of Life

Health & Healing Video Water is essential to all living organisms on Earth, but it is beneficial also to maintain...

Was Jesus a vegetarian?

Bible Question Archive Audio Was Jesus a vegetarian? There are references to Jesus eating meat. He at the Passover lamb...

Was the law about clean and unclean meat ended with the old covenant?

Bible Question Archive Audio Was the law about clean and unclean meat ended with the old covenant? There are certain la...

What About My Body?

Most Important Questions (MIQ) Video What About My Body?...

What did Peter's vision with the sheet of unclean animals mean?

Bible Question Archive Audio What did Peter's vision with the sheet of unclean animals mean? This is not a passage wher...

What does the Bible say about alcohol and marijuana?

Bible Question Archive Audio What does the Bible say about alcohol and marijuana? I believe Christians should not do ei...

What does the Bible say about eating meat?

Bible Question Archive Audio What does the Bible say about eating meat? The original plan by God for man was to be vege...

What is the original diet? Do we need vegetables?

Bible Question Archive Audio What is the original diet? Do we need vegetables? The original diet in the Garden of Eden...

What was God's original diet in the Garden of Eden?

Bible Question Archive Audio What was God's original diet in the Garden of Eden? Genesis speaks of a diet of fruits, gr...

When Alone

Family Seasons Video "This week we will look at the question of companionship and loneliness at the various tim...

Whole-Body Synergy for Optimal Health

Amazing Facts Health Summit Video Whole-Body Synergy for Optimal Health...

Xeroderma Pigmentosum

Bible Answers Live Audio Long before the initials XP were chosen as the name of a Microsoft operating system, XP wa...

You Wouldn't Do This

New Revelation Video What does the Bible teach about health? The Lord wants us to be in good health as a way to...

Your Body, God's Temple

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message Video This message looks at the health laws given by God through Moses and asks, "Were these onl...