The Book of Matthew |
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"Whatever our physical struggles, even in the worst-case scenario they will always and onl... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
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This is the fourth in a series on dealing with some common misunderstandings about the Sev... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
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The Bible provides answers to the healthcare crisis in America by providing simple lifesty... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
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God has provided us natural means to stay in optimal health. In this second of two sermons... |
Landmarks of Prophecy |
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We worship God with both our mind and our body. When our mind is clear and our body is he... |
Revelation Now |
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Babylon's Buffet... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
Aren't all foods clean now? So according to the Bible, Christians can eat anything that th... |
Health & Healing |
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Our bodies need exercise to remain healthy, but so does our faith.... |
Free Book Library |
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Millions of Americans are digging their own grave with a fork. But did you know God has al... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
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We live in a time when medical science has made amazing advances in healing. Yet there are... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
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Why is there so much sickness in an age of such great advances in medical science? One is ... |
Bible Question Archive |
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Does anointing people with oil mentioned in James 5 who are sick still apply today? Sure i... |
Bible Question Archive |
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There are some who teach that we should not eat certain kinds of meat but doesn't the Bibl... |
Bible Question Archive |
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Was the prohibition against eating fat and blood a part the Old Covenant and only applicab... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
Millions are suffering the side effects of wrong living habits and harmful eating and drin... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
Most Americans follow their appetites when it comes to eating and drinking instead of usin... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
Explain dietary guidelines on clean and unclean meats. The Bible does talk about clean and... |
Health & Healing |
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The condition of the mind has unquestionable effects on the body's health, so a proper und... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
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God’s original plan was that we would live forever. But because of sin, sickness and deat... |
Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions |
Video |
The Bible says everyone is a slave, either to sin or to righteousness. Many substances and... |
Free Book Library |
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Are you succumbing to the perils of stress? Find the biblical secret to joy through the in... |
Bible Study Guides |
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Are you depressed, fatigued, constantly sick? The Bible has the solution to your medical b... |
Amazing Facts Audio Bible Study Guides |
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Great medical care is priceless—but wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t need doctors anymore... |
Bible Answers Live |
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Hulda Crooks was born in a log cabin in Saskatchewan Canada in 1896. One of 18 children Hu... |
Time is Ticking Away |
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Is health part of true Bible religion? In 3 John verse 2 it says, "Beloved, I wish above ... |
Prophecy Code |
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Does the Bible talk about health? Is it something important for Christians to consider? Th... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
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Does God really care about what we eat or drink or our health in general? Does the Bible s... |
Amazing Adventure |
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Does God care about what we put into our bodies? This Bible study series for kids takes a ... |
Bible Answers Live |
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For decades, futurists have talked about the day that computers would become as powerful a... |
Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions |
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Since our thoughts are the root of our behaviors, it is important to follow God's advice a... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
God says we are to treat our bodies as a temple of the Holy Spirit and to not defile our b... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
God says we are to treat our bodies as a temple of the Holy Spirit and to not defile our b... |
Byron Spears |
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God wants us to be healthy. If that is true why doesn't He just heal everybody? Why does... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
Is health part of true Bible teachings? In 3 John verse 2 it says, "Beloved, I wish above... |
Free Book Library |
Print |
A concise explanation of the four Bible texts that seem, at first glance, to advocate the ... |
Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions |
Video |
Depression is a serious medical condition and should be treated as such. The Lord offers a... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
How does Romans 14 fit with biblical direction to avoid unclean meat? The issue of clean a... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
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Pastor Doug talks about how to live a long and healthy life. He goes thru a list of thing... |
Joe Crews Video Sermons |
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You watch people go into a grocery store. Watch them go down the aisle, plucking things of... |
Joe Crews Video Sermons |
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Would you consider putting a deadly poison into your body? Would you put arsenic or strych... |
Ministry Projects |
Video |
How to REVERSE Diabetes & Hypertension with 100 Year Old Dr. John Scharffenberg & Doug Bat... |
Bible Question Archive |
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Could a slow death still be considered suicide? If my meds are all that are keeping me al... |
Amazing Facts Health Summit |
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Improving the Emotional Health of Children and Adolescents... |
Bible Question Archive |
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Is it unhealthy to eat pork? Pork takes the longest to digest, it has a high salt content,... |
Bible Question Archive |
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Is stopping dialysis considered suicide? This is a difficult question. You need to pray an... |
Bible Question Archive |
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Genesis chapter 1 seems to speak of primarily a diet of fruits, nuts, and grains. Is this... |
Creeping Compromise |
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When so many diseases in animals can be transmitted to humans, and cannot be detected in e... |
Here We Stand |
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The focus of this talk is the wonderful message of health God provides us in the Bible.... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
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There is a lot of sickness in the world despite the advances in medical knowledge. We sho... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
There is a lot of sickness in the world despite the advances in medical knowledge. We sh... |
Revelation's Final Warning |
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My Body, His Glory... |
Health & Healing |
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Though our lives are more than just the food we eat, this food nourishes and sustains our ... |
Health & Healing |
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Many of life's problems can be better handled by keeping a positive attitude and remaining... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
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Cancer is a deadly disease attacking many people. Stopping smoking would eradicate much of... |
Creeping Compromise |
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In many cases, potlucks have become synonymous with over-indulgence.... |
The Book of James |
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"More important than the healing of the body is the healing of the soul. Our purpose is n... |
Bible Answers Live |
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Westminster Abbey in London is one of Great Britain's most famous churches. English monarc... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
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Was the Prohibition amendment in the United States a failure. This broadcast discusses the... |
Amazing Facts Health Summit |
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Amazing Health Summit Panel Discussion... |
Joe Crews Radio Sermons |
Audio |
The vast majority of people today suffer poor health. Is this God's plan for mankind? The ... |
Health & Healing |
Video |
Rest is such an important part of human health that God designed the daily and weekly cycl... |
Ministry Projects |
Video |
John Scharffenberg, M.D. is a physician, nutritionist and Professor of Nutrition at Loma L... |
Amazing Facts Health Summit |
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Seven Secrets to Postpone Your Funeral... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Video |
Millions today, maybe even you, are at risk of going to an early grave—often due to a lack... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
Millions today, maybe even you, are at risk of going to an early grave—often due to a lack... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
Millions today, maybe even you, are at risk of going to an early grave—often due to a lack... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
Should drunkards be held responsible for crimes when they blackout and don't recall what t... |
Health & Healing |
Video |
People were created to be social beings, and an adequate social network of love and suppor... |
Ministry Projects |
Video |
After nearly forty years of living openly as a gay man, Jesus convicted Wayne that he had ... |
Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions |
Video |
Mental and physical stress can negatively affect your health and attitude toward life. The... |
Health & Healing |
Video |
The Bible strongly endorses temperance, which mean the total avoidance of harmful things a... |
Millennium of Prophecy |
Video |
What does the Bible say about health? What was the original diet of mankind? Are there cle... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
This sermon discusses what the Bible says about health. What was the original diet of mank... |
Storacles of Prophecy |
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The Bible’s health principles can help you live longer and healthier.... |
Health & Healing |
Video |
Humans can only survive a few minutes without air. Because oxygen travels to every organ i... |
Amazing Facts Health Summit |
Video |
The Bible's Health and Healing Lessons... |
Free Book Library |
Print |
Christians and alcohol—two words that you'd never expect to find together. And yet the oxy... |
Ministry Projects |
Video |
Our culture is deep into the high-speed internet revolution, the massively intensifying st... |
Amazing Facts Health Summit |
Video |
The Five Diets of the Bible... |
Holding The Line |
Video |
Risë Rafferty presents: The Hal Thing - A comprehensive, holistic, innovative, evidence-ba... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Video |
One of the most crippling tools in the devil's workshop is depression. This sermon looks a... |
Amazing Facts Health Summit |
Video |
The Power of "What If" and "Could Have" in Prevention... |
Most Amazing Prophecies |
Video |
This sermon speaks about the tree of life in both Revelation and Genesis. We once had acce... |
Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor |
Video |
God's wants us to be in good health, he has provide for us principles in His Word that wil... |
Amazing Facts Health Summit |
Video |
The Ultimate Secret to Health and Happiness... |
Health & Healing |
Video |
Water is essential to all living organisms on Earth, but it is beneficial also to maintain... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
Was Jesus a vegetarian? There are references to Jesus eating meat. He at the Passover lamb... |
Bible Question Archive |
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Was the law about clean and unclean meat ended with the old covenant? There are certain la... |
Most Important Questions (MIQ) |
Video |
What About My Body?... |
Bible Question Archive |
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What did Peter's vision with the sheet of unclean animals mean? This is not a passage wher... |
Bible Question Archive |
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What does the Bible say about alcohol and marijuana? I believe Christians should not do ei... |
Bible Question Archive |
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What does the Bible say about eating meat? The original plan by God for man was to be vege... |
Bible Question Archive |
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What is the original diet? Do we need vegetables? The original diet in the Garden of Eden... |
Bible Question Archive |
Audio |
What was God's original diet in the Garden of Eden? Genesis speaks of a diet of fruits, gr... |
Family Seasons |
Video |
"This week we will look at the question of companionship and loneliness at the various tim... |
Amazing Facts Health Summit |
Video |
Whole-Body Synergy for Optimal Health... |
Bible Answers Live |
Audio |
Long before the initials XP were chosen as the name of a Microsoft operating system, XP wa... |
New Revelation |
Video |
What does the Bible teach about health? The Lord wants us to be in good health as a way to... |
Pastor Doug's Weekly Message |
Video |
This message looks at the health laws given by God through Moses and asks, "Were these onl... |